
omniverse travel : pirate at start


dewon07 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

chapter 3

marine headquarters


Sengoku is sitting with a gloomy face. around him. Garp, Tsuru, and three admirals are sitting with confused faces.

" Why do you call us this late. Sengoku " Garp with his sleepy face, yawning.

"some time ago, the holy land is attacked. and all slaves escape with dozens of noble got killed."

hearing the news all admirals got shocked even Garp who is sleepy got up awake.

" haha, even they had times. at least now they should understand, put away arrogant and proud face." Garp got excited and slap his thigh.

"GARP!! shut up. before any world spy hears you."

Garp immediately closes his mouth. even if they are marine work world government, they still put a spy in them.

" as I am saying this time, they are mainly two criminals, who did this. Although they covered themselves in black. but we can guess one person is 16 to 20 yrs by seeing his slim and low height. gion and others are after them, we should put our attention to escape slaves."

all of them noded.


next day,

Two bounty lists were spread throughout the sea through newspaper birds.

"Hey, what are you kidding, those guys are also bullied?" Doflamingo's pupils shrank.

Goblet in hand, red wine spilled.

The corners of his mouth showed an unsure whether it was a cheerful or a mocking smile.

Glancing at the reward list.


"Hero, he is a hero."

"Finally someone stood up, and finally someone dared to oppose that group of people."

"Woooo my daughter will come back."

Cheers came from many islands.

Above the sea, the people that everyone hates are not the pirates, but the Celestial Dragons who call themselves the nobles of the world.

Among the pirates.

Admiration, envy, disdain, both.

"A hundred million… Four hundred and forty million Baileys."

"The world is blown up, the amount of the reward, is it intentional?"

"The first reward of 400 million is broken. It should be the first time, right? It's a pity that it won't last long after they find their identity."

"If I knew about the invasion of the Holy Land, if I could become famous, I would go too."

"Idiot, are you sure you can come back from the Holy Land alive and escape Marine's siege? it's finding death."

Marine, some pirates dare to provoke them.

World government no one dares to provoke.

It's creepy to think about.


redhead pirates leaving the grand line

shanks holding a newspaper. his breath got rapid.

Benn backman who sees it also got a surprise" what news. who are these guys? they did what people in history can't. and successfully escape. "

" it's not easy. from the picture which got from the air, you can tell how many nobles and their officers got killed with the type of explosion." shanks shook his head. " world government will not let this matter go. That's why they put prize whoever tell who is criminal will get hundreds of millions they accurate proof. "

" if this guy got to live in the future will be limitless. how many days do we reach goa kingdom ."


the whole world got shocked by this news. after all, whoever tries to attack the holy land will get destroy not to mention someone who dares to bomb it.


" where are going Reighley. whatever you are going to don't go to attract attention. we are already retired." shaky smoking without looking at Reighley who is going outside.

" just helping whoever needs at this time."


Reighley who is standing at bay look at the upcoming boat.

his face got unnatural surprised. seeing who is on the boat. a man has four navies around talking to him behind them three cute girls in 14 to 16 yrs old.

' looks like I found the main culprits. they will not escape from the world easily. without an upbringing, their identities' Reighley eyes flash a little.

as the boat got to shore. all people got landed.

" welcome great people. now, who is the main lead here."

" Reighley, can you stop for now. we will tell you. if you keep the matter quiet until marine discovers themselves." gion who is in marine, knows about Reighley and his nature.

Reighley nodded and sign them to follow behind.

after we follow he fined him and met shaky and let them to a private room.

" little guy, you are very handsome." shakky started the conversation, which make it a little awkward for Reighley.

" thank you, ms. shakky. you are also beautiful. how about wanna join our crew. after all, you are an experienced, a crew member in past. "

I take this opportunity to invite shakky, after all, she is one of the top powerhouses in the sea. with a bounty of over 500 million.

Although it does not compare to the strongest female-like linen. but she has more experience and information in the sea.

I just need her to follow me. I only need to her follow my boat willingly and it will give me another boost.

" little guy, you should choose another person. after I am quite old. if you invite me 20 years ago. I would join your crew and sail towards the sea."

" what are you talking about. you are still looking young. it's doesn't Matter you can be my crew going to sea. if I will find op-op devil fruit. this age problem will be solved."

" ok, then I will be your crew informant. but I will not follow you for now. I want to take some time to do something before joining you guys." shakky wants to go to sea again and start a new journey.

but she is old and lost her former strength. she wants to take this opportunity to regain her former strength.

"Recruit Shakky as a staff member of the Pirates: combat power +9256. "

with shakky addition, my combat strength again soar. which now became more than 64,000 I can rival admirals. but it's not enough as Charlotte linlin's strongest physical attribute is around 100 limit of the world my status is


race: blank ( _, _, _)


physical: 40


combat power: 79,061 (100+1069+319+317+18000+16000+17000+16500+9256+500)

passive abilities - blank essence lvl1 (0/ 3), null, high comprehension, evolution, adaptability, meta creation, negative absorber, high regeneration, gamer mind, power-sharing

active skills: world travel(locked), six navy style, mixed martial arts, sword art, observation haki lvl max (range 10 km.), armament haki lvl max ( internal destruction ), conquered haki

inventory: wish card, 50 loyalty Crystal, an upgrade card, 100,100,00 system points, summoning card,

I already use custom-designated weapons. and chose judecca without the need of demon king seal only able to use by me. not limited to magic. ability to use all types of energy. and can devour other swords and gain all abilities.

as for customized vehicles, I make a vehicle that can scan other automobiles or vehicles, and ships. and transform into them. the initial form is a sky island of 100,000 km² with natural habitat size that can increase with merging, with other related islands, ships, cars, and submarines. I give only five abilities - reincarnate, teleport per member every day can use points to increase no. of times. invisibility and shield can take any type of attack no. matter how much strong. it also has a spirit form kazami Kazuki ( thanatos). like ship spirit. five ability is cloning or research and upgrade production as I can't thing of name of this ability so simple is better. as fifth ability is attack and support ability. it let clone or research and produce a better automobiles or battleship or spacecraft. and each auto mobile has it's own spirit with connections of main spirit as based on mirror system. they main spirit will give work and distribution to other spirit and report to it back main spirit. so efficiency will increase in great amount and time consumption will be lessen greatly. each spirit have physical body so they can also move around and enjoy life with us.

coming out of the daze, I noticed Reighley looking at me.

" what happened"

" Nothing, why do I feel you got stronger, and why are you in a daze."

" Nothing, I am happy cause shakky joined my crew, maybe that's why I got stronger, as for daze I am thinking if shakky came with us how much adventure we will go through in the future."

" your explanation is weird, but I accept it."

shakky who hears me, put down her head.

" sorry caption"

" Hey, don't worry, whenever you feel you are ready you can join us."


suddenly noises started to come outside.

" all people, who are on the island let us capture escaped slaves. so please cooperate with marine and let us check. " a voice came from outside

" marine hell about to catch slaves to recover."

Reighley sighed thinking about the upcoming turmoil in the sea.

" well, I will go outside for a few minutes. you girls go to the shipyard and wait for me there. I found something interesting." don't get me wrong that I want to help people, no but I see a 7-year-old girl release conquer haki. maybe I should know her.


" girl, do you want to fight our marine. you will not be able live peaceful rest of your life." a marine soldier glaring at the 7-year-old girl who is quite resistant to them.

" why would I follow you marine dogs order, get lost I have to go another place." girl is arrogant and bold to scold the marine in front of others.

" girl, you are courting death" soldier's face got red scolded by a little girl. like a typical master, he takes out his sword and slashes the girl's face.

which surprised the girl, after all, she didn't think the marines will attack her openly.