
Omniverse : Fiction Holder

[ Don't drop until ch10 plz then you can do whatever ] Walk.... Void...... Power...... Strongest..... Beyond..... Omnipotent... Beyond that..... God of Imaginary, Fiction, Fantasy, etc Adventure Traveler ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ??? | ??? | ??? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| the picture not mine its on google, this is a fanfic so it doesn't belong to me the anime, etc. this is for fun. Mc is the 2nd strongest as the 1st being ... Also search the superpower/ability/power to know more info on google/safari/chrome/firefox/etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Anime, Multiverse, overpowered, op, wishes but later.

chunibyotaken · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Vigilante and Day of U.A


Nezu : Well it's like yours Aizawa but better. From the test of his quirk, he almost deleted or negate the existence of another person's quirk but he is able to bring back the persons quirk by negating his mistake. Also, this is a top-class secret. Please do not talk about this or else ....


Midnight : Of course, we wouldn't talk/tell about this again.



After the battle exam, I go back home quickly. Looks like Rem and Ram are awake. I then clean up and wear my home clothes. I go downstairs to the dining room and eat my lunch, the type of food is Indian food. Its obv good especially the sauce.


I then go back to my bedroom to have an afternoon sleep.

| Timeskip |

I then woke up, seeing the ceiling and also feeling four things from the 2 innocent maids next to me.


I cleaned up and decided to spend my time as a vigilante as I am not a hero at the current moment although I can fix it beyond instantly.


As for the name of my vigilante persona, it will be the face of Yu from The Boxer

(A/N : you don't need to read it but it's pretty good just know the face). As his face is pretty uh menacing. The costume will be Jotaro Kujo with s3 clothes.


The name will be "Vengeance" and the quirk of it will be [ Omni Fire Manipulation] that allows me to use/create any kind of fire with no limitations. (For more info go to superpower.wiki)


Now let's begin, but first lemme *kiss* *kiss* Rem and Ram in the lip-cheeks of course .... cheeks from their face not .....


Now [ Matter Manipulation] *Vwoosh* Let's go!!...[ Meta Space-Time Manipulation ]


In the nights of the streets, there was a 'man' walking. He is wearing a black hoodie with a golden dragon. He is just walking or patrolling around, seeing if he got his subject or I guess villains.


Finally, he finally found them, villains. Looking by it, their crimes are trying to rape, human trafficking, kidnap, etc a girl. Unexpectedly, I know the girl. It's pretty obvious who is the girl.


VC1 : Hehehe, look at this pretty girl. Bet we can sell her for a lot.


VC2 : Obviously, well let's try to get a taste of the girl. Kekekeke


VC3 : Yeah....Oi wait a minute, isn't this the daughter of ??? the ??? family. HUAHAHAHA, BOIS LOOKS LIKE WE JUST WON THE LOTTERY.


VC1 + VC2 : LESS GO!


*Batman theme song (good part)*


VC2 : Oi, whats this sound. F*ck this creepy af.


*walking noise*




Vengeance : I am...Vengeance and now you will get burned to death. Sayanora.


VC1 : Haah? Oi what the fuck you're on about. F*ck off.


Vengeance : [ Hell Flare ] (a blue flame that is from Tensura)


VC1 : what the-arghhhhh. IT HURTS, HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP GUYS.


VC2 : OIII, *fwoosh* *ashes*. BASTARD, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!! [Quirk : Laser Beam] (able to shoot laser in his eyes but overusing will damage the eyes).



Vengeance : [ Incineration Cannon ] (Genos, OPM) *BWUUUUUU*




VC3 : F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CKING YOU BASTARD. YOU KILLED BOTH OF MY BROTHERS, I'LL KILL YOU! [Quirk : Tele-Man] (able to have weak telekinesis and looks like a pink alien) (able to lift multiple rocks and at maximum power able to lift multiple walls but stamina drain fast)

*feww feww feww feww-*


Vengeance : [ Black Fire Fist ] (Amaterasu and Hiken from Naruto and OP)

(bbang fwoosh)


VC3 : D-Dammit....*turns to nothing*


Vengeance : *step-step-step-* Are you okay, miss?


??? : I am. Thank you for saving me, uhm...


Vengeance : The name's Vengeance


??? : Uhh, I see. Thank you, sir Vengeance.


Vengeance : Ok, well what's your name.


??? : Its....Momo. Momo Yaoyorozu.


Vengeance : "Ok well Momo-san, be well" while activating [ Absolute Beauty ]


Momo : "*blushes* Hn, Thank you...." (fell in love)


Vengeance : "Do you need me to get you back to your home?" I questioned with a curious tone although...


Momo : "Well...I guess if you could"


Vengeance : "Well then, let's get moving shall we" I said as giving my hand to her


Momo : "Hm, let's go" She said as trying to grab my hand


I then just grabbed her hand, making her blush intensely. We continue to walk to her house as she's giving directions. We then finally got to her home and its bigger than what it looks like in the anime.


Vengeance : "Looks like we're here"


Momo : "...yeah" She said while being sad


Vengeance : "Well, I guess goodbye, Momo" I said as I walk away


Momo : "Will I see you again?"


Vengeance : "See you tomorrow, okay" while smiling


Momo : "I see, you better promise me that okay" while being happy


Vengeance : "I promise, bye" while waving my hand at her


Momo : "Okay, bye" while waving her hand back at me


I then run using [ Devil's Footprints] (Fire Force) releasing fire from my foot. Then her parents came outside and "where have you been" "are you okay".


I then go back home after defeating or killing them villains 2 more times after the 'Momo Incident'. I go clean up, wear my super pyjamas.


A butler which is Sebastian gives me a letter from U.A. I then grabbed it and said thank you, go to my room. I opened it and there lies All Might giving me info on my scores. I got first in score and the top scorer in history of U.A. I put the thing's in my inventory and asked my 'teachers' if they want to go to sleep with me. They were a bit surprised but accepted because ....... I didn't force them and we had gone to many dates in this world ofc [MHA] to know each other better. The date was like any normal date also I didn't change my face as what's the point, people were also looking at us.


(A/N : its just sleeping not 'that' and cuddling but not 'that' level. Yet)


Also although I don't need a teacher, I want to try learning things. The things I learn were martial art, fighting, weapon, things. There are two teachers that I have currently and they are Erza and Scáthach. I did the same with Rem and Ram, I summoned them and changed their memory a 'bit', that their loyal, etc.

\||-||/ Timeskip

I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows-in the morning, feeling the same thing. A nice feeling of softness and niceness hugging all my parts of my body. I sleep again for 5min and it happens. I'm late for school by a minute but who cares....I stopped time, do things to my teachers beside me for a bit then clean up, wear my U.A uniform and backpack, and teleport to school immediately because I don't need to eat breakfast.


I then teleported to the sit that has yet not to be sit and unstopped time. Fortunately, Aizawa hasn't gone here yet and is still sleeping. When I teleported to my sit, the classmates were looking at me because I suddenly appeared there. Since there are 20 students each class, I replaced somebody ofc and it is Mineta, the grape ball hair. Not surprising huh. Well since I replaced Mineta, I replaced his chair as well. I am in the right side, my person in my back is Momo, the person in front of me is Deku, and my right side is Tokoyami.


Also since I promised Momo that I will meet her again today, I activated [ Absolute Beauty] and turn back, the results eyy....she was frozen and started remembering about Vengeance, that Vengeance and I have the same thing because we are the same, etc. She blushed and I smiled then she smiled to me back. I then turn back to the front while everyone started introducing themselves to me because I am suddenly here and I am the last one here.


Lida : "Hello, my name is Lida, Tenya Lida. Nice to meet you, what's your name?" he said while being polite


Kenji : "Kenji Hayate. Nice to meet you too."


Deku : I" am Izuku Midori- bla-bla-bla...."


Everyone started to introduce themselves and I also walked towards them. Some didn't introduce themselves first but they want to introduces themselves so I had gone to each classmate to introduce each other. Bakugou was mean being him, but he introduced himself sooo mission accomplished. We (the classmates) then started to talk to each other.


Mina : "Ne-ne, how are you able to come here suddenly?" she asked cheerfully and blushing a bit


Kenji : "My quirk is...Omni-Negation. It allows me to negate anything and with that I simply negated my presence."


Kirishima : "That's so cool."


Izuku : "What else can you do with your quirk?"


Kenji : "Well I ca-


Aizawa : "If you're going to be hunting for friends, go do it somewhere else. This is the Hero Department!"


Aizawa : "It finally took you lots 8 seconds to quiet down. I am your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota?. Nice meeting you"


*grabs a gym suit*


Aizawa : "Now wear this immediately and go to the P.E grounds. Don't ask questions, got it? Okay".


Uraraka : "But-


Kenji : "Sshhh, let's not ask questions, Uraraka-san" while pointing my finger at her mouth and smiling


Uraraka : "U-Uh Uhm" while blushing


\||-||/ Timeskip

We then all arrived at the P.E grounds while wearing the U.A Gym uniform and we see stuff in the grounds. We also see our teacher. He then explains that we are going to do a Quirk Apprehension Test that includes-


Aizawa : "-Grip Strength Test, Softball pitch, 50 meter dash, Standing Long Jump, etc. Bakugou, how far could you pitch a soft ball in middle school?"


Bakugo : "67m"

(A/N : I'll stop using the . now)

Aizawa : "Try using your quirk this time to throw it. Anything you do to throw it as long as you don't leave the circle is fine. Don't hold back."

Bakugo : "Got it, *pose* DIIIIEE!!!" *Fwoosh*


Aizawa : "One must know what they're capable of, before anything else. 705,2m" (its fact 705,2m)

Mina : "Awesome, that's looks fun!" said happily

Kirishima : "705,2 meters. That's so cool"

Aizawa : "....It looks fun you say? So, you're going to plan your 3 years here having a good time and what about becoming heroes? You know what, the student that places last in total points will be expelled." said seriously and madly

Deku : (Oh no, what am I going to do....*mumbling*)

Uraraka : "The person who ranks last will get expelled? This is our first day here, that's just too unreasonable!"

Aizawa : "There are all kinds of crimes and natural disasters happening. It's our job as heroes to fix it! If you're planning to have fun and become heroes like that then too bad. From now on, there will be hardships one after another! I expect you to climb to the top and overcome the trials"

Kenji : "*clap* *clap* *clap* That's a nice speech, sensei!" I said while smiling

Aizawa : "Now since there's already a demonstration, let's start with the 50 meter dash" he said while ignoring me


Aizawa : "First, Tenya Lida and Kenji Hayat. Step up and you will go to the end as fast as you can"

I go up with Lida and then when Aizawa said "Start", I negated my flaws and boundary making me go to the end by 0. Lida then was shocked thinking that he will win this as he excels in speed but no. Aizawa was also shocked but not that much as he knew my quirk was op, the reason is that he couldn't stop my quirk by using his quirk [ Erasure ]

Then Lida finally reached the end. Me and Lida then go back to our places but I got stopped by Aizawa. He asked me what have I done. I told him that I negated/nullified my flaws or weakness and boundary making me limitless. Aizawa was a bit spectical but I then showed him 'something'

Aizawa then didn't said anything and was just suprised that my quirk can bring this much and scared because I showed him something that made him so scared but he managed to calm down and make a poker face.


Then after all the test, the results were :


1st Kenji Hayate

2nd Momo Yaoyorozu

3rd Shoto Todoroki

4th Katsuki Bakugo

5th Tenya Lida

6th Fumikage Tokoyami

7th Mezo Shoji

8th Mashirao Ojiro

9th Eijiro Kirishima


19th Toru Hagakure

20th Izuku Midoriya
