
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs


"Now that I've revealed how things work, do you have any other questions related to the topic, Master?"

WNot for now, Clarion. I need to process all of this. But why are the other system functions blocked?"I replied, feeling intrigue growing within me.

"Excellent question! I personally blocked them, as once they're integrated with your soul, they will be impossible to change. But something tells me that with our next hunt, they might be upgradable. It's a risk we must take, as once Kang starts his destiny, it will be too late." Clarion smiled with a mysterious gleam in her eyes.

"So, do we have to steal his destiny? Do we have to... kill him?" I nervously asked, uncertain of where this would all lead.

"It's an option, yes. But if we're lucky, we won't have to resort to that. After all, there won't be an apocalypse, and there are still laws in this world. And your grandfather can only help you in Japan."

"I breathed a sigh of relief at that response; it was to be expected that she knew about my grandfather.

My mom comes from an affluent and politically powerful family in Japan. During a vacation trip to Mexico, she fell in love with a Son of a B*tch who got her pregnant and then abandoned her. Typical Latin America, right? Anyway, my mom had to return to Japan and apologize to my grandfather for such an offense to his family, according to him.

After some time, my grandfather calmed down due to my grandmother's insistence, and now everything is fine.

My mom inherited my grandfather's business, and my grandfather keeps trying to involve me in politics" it's quite boring, and I sometimes escape... I drifted off again.

Knowing that I had finished my thoughts, Clarion continued.

"To prepare ourselves, we just need luck. With the amount of energy I've just stolen, that's easy now, hehe" Clarion smiled with a sinister twinkle.

"What's next? A beginner's package?" I sarcastically remarked.

"Precisely, dear Master. Your beginner's package consists of doing 10 spins of the Gacha with a guaranteed SSR. The Gacha, an ability that defies the laws of destiny, will give you the chance to obtain any ability, object, or talent you desire.

Right now, it's configured to give us things that will allow us to quickly steal Kang's destiny and strengthen you at the same time. I even added 30% of the destiny energy I stole from this world. I don't even know what it will give us, but it's safe to say it will be useful. Are you ready, Master?"

"Yeah"After saying so, a huge roulette appeared before my eyes.

"You can think about spinning it or do it manually, Master."

Out of excitement, I chose to do it manually. As the wheel began to spin, I nervously watched. I was never good at gacha games, hoping that the system would indeed change my luck.

While lost in thought, the roulette started to slow down, until finally...

*Ding* Congratulations! You have unlocked an unparalleled treasure:

1. *Thief's Contract* (SSR)

Description: "Even a thief must be honorable. So... sign here and give me everything you have!"

This contract grants you the power to steal anything you desire from a person, be it physical or conceptual. The agreement can be sealed with a signature or simply a handshake. Its effect is permanent and for a single use, making you the master of the art of theft.

2. *Library in Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea*

Description: You are now the owner of the national library of Korea, a treasure trove of knowledge and ancient secrets.

3. *Universal Tongue* (S)

Description: Japanese, English, Elvish, Language of the Gods! No matter, you'll be able to understand and speak any language perfectly. An unparalleled linguistic ability.

4. *Charisma* (A)

Description: Who are you? Well... doesn't matter, you seem trustworthy! With this ability, you'll gain the trust of others with just a few words. People will feel a strange attraction toward you and won't be able to resist your charm. Even those who speak ill of you will be discredited.

5. *All-seeing eye* (B)

Description: "Privacy is a privilege that only the strong have."

You can see all the statistics, mood and character of people weaker than you.

6. *Immortal Soul* (SSR)

Description: The user's soul has expanded immensely! As an immortal, your soul can now create and store life. The power of your soul will resemble the glow of a sun in the vast universe.

7. *World Tree* (SR)

Description: The tree that began with the world's life. It's a sacred link between nature and you, an inexhaustible source of energy and wisdom.

8. *The First Man* (SSR+)

Description: "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'" With this ability, you will be endowed with divine strength, beauty, speed, reflexes, durability, and resilience. Your will shall be indomitable, and your instincts sharp as a beast's. You shall be the pinnacle of creation.

9. *Limit Breaker* (EX)

Description: Chains, rules, concepts, and destiny exist to be broken. The user will know no bounds or bottlenecks. You'll challenge established limits and achieve power beyond conception.

<Notice: The Limit Breaker ability is resonating with The First Man ability. The First Man ability is evolving into the *First God* (-) ability. You will walk your own path, ascend to the summit, and grasp all concepts on the first try.

<Notice: It's recommended for the user to meet other gods to copy their concepts and save themselves work.> <Notice: The user's soul has been upgraded to a immortal emperor level.>

<Notice: Limit Breaker ability and First God are resonating with All Seeing Eye ability. The All-Seeing Eye skill is evolving into the *Heavenly Eyes* (SSR) skill. Above your eyes there is no secret, illusion, deceit or destiny that you cannot see. Seeing the threads of fate and souls are daily bread for you. all the information of a person is just a blink of an eye away from you, the plans of fate and the gods are a mere spoiler in front of your eyes.>

*NOTICE! 90% of the destiny energy has been used to create a new title:*

*The Beginning of Everything and the End of Nothing*

Description: The user will be the concepts themselves, needing nothing but themselves. You'll be a being of transcendent existence, defying the laws of the universe and mastering the cosmos at will. Feelings are just a hindrance when you are the beginning of everything and rule over everything.

<The user's abilities have been updated to concepts>

*Notice: The user's "Will" concept has negated the side effects of the "The Beginning of Everything and the End of Nothing" title. The user refuses to forget everything just for power.

<A "System" concept has formed. Now the user has complete control over the system, being able to create and deliver systems, as well as control other users' systems.

The user uses the system to seal the secondary effects of the title>

10. *Protagonist* (EX) (Title)

Description: "I am the true protagonist! Destiny, the world's will, and the world itself will support the user to achieve their goals. You will become the center of all stories, a legendary hero in the epic of life."

I don't feel anything, I'm afraid of not feeling anything, a fear I can't even feel. At first, I was ecstatic about the rewards, but it quickly escalated at a dizzying pace.

I felt like I could encompass the entire universe, but that magnitude almost made me collapse. The World Tree managed to heal me, but the next reward pushed me to my limit.

It took away all my emotions, turning my mind into a cold calculator, comprehending everything in cold numbers and data.

I was on the verge of losing myself in that abyss.

I refuse to lose myself because of a fucking title.

I haven't even been able to enjoy having power.

I want to be a fucking protagonist.

I want to go on vacation with Ako.

I want to give my mom a better life.

I want to eat my grandmother's food again.

Damn, I want to have a fucking harem full of beautiful women!!.



I wasn't going to make it so powerful just yet; I was going to wait until he became the librarian. But I always thought that gacha is the most broken thing in a system if you have luck and plot power, so I wanted to give it a try.

If you could suggest powerful items or abilities for future gachas and the system store, I would appreciate it.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!