
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

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77 Chs

52 - God Killer

Zion looked at The Mad God, The Evil God, The Dark God, The Sly God, The Gray God, The God of "I Am Too Ugly," The God of Anger Issues, The God of Furries, The God of Backstabbing, The God of "I Can't Stay Still," and so on.

The opponents stood still, their exchange yet to begin as Zion had an important question to ask. "So, how do you want to brawl? May I suggest a game of chess?"

To Zion's innocent question, Darkseid responded with an Omega Beam. Zion evaded the attack by creating a clone and teleporting away from the resulting explosion. He watched as the purple magicules burst into a shower of fireworks.

"I take that as a 'No'?" Zion stated as he turned to the dark god.

"Stop wasting my time, insect," Darkseid responded, his patience running low.

The only reason he had let Zion waste his time was due to his confidence in conquering this planet and due confidence in Zion's voice when he issued a challenge. As the ruler of Apokolips , he had no equals who could give him an enjoyable fight. So, he liked it when an ant challenged a god; he liked crushing them. It was his pastime.

"Okay, okay," Zion stated as he tugged at as much magic as he could before casting his spell, "éᾂϸἽὄšìôṅ!!!"

Hundreds of magic circles formed around Darkseid and his furies before a blinding light exploded, sending massive shockwaves that decimated all the buildings around before a magical barrier put a halt to the destruction.

What stood in the middle of the explosion was a massive ball of inferno. The glowing purple orb expanded while emitting high amounts of heat before it shrunk back and exploded with even more power. The magical barriers around the city fluctuated, straining at the power of the explosion. The sheer amount of magical fluctuations left traces for centuries to come, and the magic users around the world felt the ripples that shook them to their core.

The explosion extinguished from the middle, and there stood Darkseid, unharmed and alone. His eyes glowed with Omega effect and his disappointment. He was not moved by the insignificant display of power. The nuclear payload of magical energy was insignificant compared to his Omega effect. {This is what Darksieds powers comes from}

"Is that your greatest power? Insignificant," Darkseid commented as he blasted another Omega Beam at Zion. Zion jumped back and sacrificed his clone to the attack.

"No, I was just buying myself some time," Zion stated as a comet blitzed past Darkseid and halted next to Zion. The comet was a black metallic orb, and it split itself to reveal what it contained. The item brought a smile to Magik's lips. Inside that orb was a brass spear tip covered in dried blood, but the energy that was being released from it was uncanny. This was the Spear of Destiny, or the Spearhead of Destiny. The wooden shaft of the old spear was gone, leaving only the powered spearhead.

Zion pulled the spearhead out of the orb and held it in his hand. He could feel the influence of the spear and its power coursing through him. The power to alter reality was in his hands. He felt like he could do anything now; even the heroes of his world couldn't stop him. This was the spear that killed the Son of God who came down to cleanse people's sins. It was his purpose to die on the cross so the sinners could be forgiven for their sins and go to heaven. This is your, and mine, reminder to follow him. Jesus is God. 

He smiled as his magic started to suppress the spear's dark influence. He had changed form due to countering the dark influence of the spear. Unlike Burning Martian who thrived in negative emotions, Magik's was mild, and his magicule body would counter the dark force's control. He would not fall to the dark side.

He then took out the expandable shaft made of Nth metal that he had prepared and attached it to the spear, completing it. He was in a hurry, if not, he would have made a Radion nuke just for Darksied. But he had to do with the God Killer for now. The shaft extended, forming a full spear, and its magical glow was unmistakable.

Zion spun the spear in his hand, performing slashes, stabs, thrusts, and counters. The spear fit perfectly in his hands, and he spun it one last time before he stabbed the foot of the spear next to him, solidifying the space around him as another Omega Beam collided and exploded.

"Getting impatient, are we?" Zion turned to Darkseid, displaying a cocky smile. "Your death will not miss you for this Christmas, Darkside."

"An insignificant weapon will not save you from your end, from Darkseid!" Darkseid stated as he charged his hands with Omega effect.

"Stop saying your name, man, it is very cringe," Zion stated as he slashed with the God Killer, sending a wave of cosmic force toward Darkseid. Darkseid staked no more as he flew towards Zion and slapped the cosmic slash with his Omega fists. The forces collided, canceling each other, but Darkseid had two hands as he punched his other in Zion's direction, churning space and time as it traveled toward his challenger. Zion jumped back while performing another slash, sending another projectile and meeting the Omega force. The collision of energies shook the oceans and churned the tides.

Zion landed, spear to his back, and taunted, "Is that all you got?" But the taunted was nowhere.

Zion moved immediately as his senses flared of danger and swung the spear like a bat towards his right, meeting Darkseid's Omega smash. The two cosmic forces collided with full strength, and the world stood at a standstill. Shockwaves spread, red lightning struck, and the ocean boiled, and the wind raged, an earthquake shook the whole planet. This was no normal fight; this was a fight between cosmic beings, and the planet was of no consequence.

The resulting explosion of the clash pushed the opponents away from each other. Darkseid flew toward space while Zion dug through the earth before coming to a halt. He gritted his teeth and shook his head to dispel the dark hold and jumped towards Darkseid. Darkseid, halting his flight, flew towards Zion.

The two cosmic-powered beings collided at the middle, creating another volley of explosions with their moves. The slashes and punches collided, space and time cried. The sheer light effect blinded many. The world shook, and the higher beings turned their gaze to Earth. They had never cared for the backwater planet, but the astronomical cosmic forces were like the sun, very attractive.

The Wrath of God, Spectre, felt the cosmic forces shift. {and he is going to make this Fanfic go on a month long break}

"Are you getting tired, Darkseid?" Zion asked as the Spear charged with another eldritch blast and collided with the Omega fists. The opponents recoiled from the exchange and looked at each other. Darkseid moved his hands to the side and noticed the blood drip from a cut which healed quickly. This was his first time in eons that he was harmed, and a mortal had drawn blood.

"Your bravery is commendable, but this ends now," Darkseid spoke as his powers increased with his Omega effect.

Darkseid vanished from his place and appeared next to Zion and punched down. Zion, with his cosmic awareness, saw the move coming from a mile away and deflected the punch to the side before he thrust his spear into Darkseid's shoulder. The spear dug through and sent a jolt of pain through Darkseid.

Darkseid, enraged, swung his fist out, slapping Zion away from him like a cannonball. Zion summersaulted a few times before he landed on his feet. He then immediately spun the spear to create a shield around him to block the Overcharged Omega beam. Darkseid looked at Zion, enraged, with his eyes glowing red as the Omega effect leaked and attacked everything around him. The destructive force tore through space and created many cracks. The rubble around him turned to dust and the winds cried.

Zion looked at Darkseid undeterred. He had seen SoulBound's fights with scarier beings than this god of Darkness, and he also had another trick up his sleeve if he were to be ever defeated. The trick was dangerous, of course, and would put some cosmic beings on his tail.

But who cares about that? Darkseid was coming!

Zion dodged to the side and slashed the Omega beam away and sent an eldritch blast at Darkseid. Darkseid, taking a running start, slapped the eldritch blast away and slammed the ground, sending a shockwave towards Zion. Zion slammed the spear to the ground, sending a counterforce and nullifying the shockwave. Darkseid, using the moment to cover the distance, punched Zion. Zion leaned back unnaturally with the support of the spear, avoiding the fist by a hairs breath, but his suit was torn by the Omega effect.

Zion rolled back and looked at his torn tuxedo, and he couldn't look more devastated. He commanded the cosmic force and mended his torn tuxedo. He only felt relieved after the suit was mended. He then tapped the side of the helmet, making it retract back into his suit, revealing his dark purple skin and his flowing purple hair.

"You have done it, Darkseid," Zion commented as he started running. Zion drew more power from the spear, but the corruptive force also increased. Zion vanished and appeared at a distance away, avoiding the Omega beam before vanishing from reality. Zion was hopping back and forth through the planes, hiding from Darkseid's cosmic awareness as he appeared above him and heavily slammed the spear on Darkseid.

Darkseid, a master tactician and combat expert, moved in nick of time as he crossed his arms coated with Omega effect to block the attack. The forces ate each other, creating a crater as it pushed Darkseid down. Darkseid and Zion locked eyes as their forces battled it out for supremacy.

"You will lose yourself in this fight, Mortal," Darkseid stated as he could tell Zion's condition was deteriorating. The moment the God Killer appeared, Darkseid already noted its corruptive nature. He could tell the weapon was strong, so was its Dark nature. He wanted a fight, and he knew he would win in the end when the dark force took over his opponent.

"Sorry to disappoint then," Zion replied.

The forced collision resulted in an explosion, pushing both the opponents back. Zion stabbed the spear into the ground to slow his momentum and looked at Darkseid who halted after creating a crevasse of 100 meters. The opponents were not yet out of the fight. Zion stood up, slamming the spear heel on the ground, sending a small shockwave of his own.

Darkseid cracked his neck as he started running, which turned into a full-blown sprint. Zion followed Darkseid and sprinted. The opponents met again at the center. Darkseid took a wide swing, and Zion jumped up using Darksied's arm and slashed at Darkseid's neck. But Darkseid expecting the attack and caught the Spear with his hand, which drew blood as it dug into his had.

Now Zion's weapon was caught, and his naked body couldn't block his power. Darkseid delivered his Omega punch to Zion's chest, sending him rocketing and colliding with the rubble, creating a cloud of dust with a height of 200 meters.

Darkseid looked at his hand, where the cut was made and his blood dripped. The cut was not closing; his healing had halted. Even the wound on his shoulder was not healed. The God Killing spear was showing its effect, and even his Omega effect couldn't do much to it. Darkseid smiled, "A worthy opponent."

Batman, who had climbed out of the rubble and looked at the devastating effects of the exchange, wanted to quit his job and go back to being a billionaire. He was just fighting street thugs yesterday, and now he watched god fight, and without the armor Zion provided, he would have been killed in the resulting explosions.

But he will not quit because he is Batman.{This part is a joke}


Was the fight scene good? Did you like how I wrote the fight?