
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

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99 Chs

32 - Assemble


Batman stared at the monitor of the supercomputer, the words of Zion playing in his mind.

He had gone through the process of preparing gadgets to fight the invasion, but even he knew that he could not fight this war alone. He would need more soldiers to fight this war. So, he began his search to find many others like him, both with powers and not.

But his search was being delayed with his investigation about the new gang that had taken root in Gotham. Their influence had grown large during the past week, recruiting crooks from Crime Alley and absorbing small-time gangs.

He has yet to catch the mastermind behind.

"You should have your meals on time, sir."

The venerable butler entered from the shadows of the Batcave, in his hands holding a tray with a bowl of soup.

"Not hungry, Alfred," Batman responded.

"Grumpier than usual, Master Bruce," The familiar tone of his trusted butler relaxed his nerves.

"Might I suggest some trolling on the internet to let out your frustration? The argument about Bruce Wayne being Superman is still burning on the worldwide web."

Batman turned to his venerable butler, his eyebrows raised. "You seem to be enjoying it."

Alfred placed the soup he brought on the side table. "Well, it has grown on me, if I say so myself. It is really fascinating to watch the chaos unfold."

"You should stop surfing the internet so much, Alfred," Batman advised.

"Maybe, sir," Alfred responded, "But seeing as some strongly believe that Lex Luthor is Green Arrow, and with them both so attached to the color green, the theory might be proven true."

Batman showed a rare smile. "If Luthor is Green Arrow, then Bruce Wayne is Batman."

"Cracking a joke, I see," Alfred commented, "Should you try harder, I would chuckle."

"You seem extremely energetic today, Alfred," Batman stated.

"After all, it's that time of the month," Alfred replied, "We should talk about Master Dick's future."

Batman raised an eyebrow.

Alfred pulled a letter from his breast pocket and presented it to Batman. "I received it this morning."

Batman took the letter and read the few words carefully.

[Robin is not Batman; Dick Grayson is not Bruce Wayne. It is time you acknowledge it!

By your truly, Zion (⌐■_■)]

Batman looked up at his butler, his eyes reflecting his trouble.

"We both know that Master Dick has grown out of your shadow, Master Bruce. I think it's time you accept that," Alfred advised.

"He still needs training and more experience before he could fight crimes on his own," Batman stated, returning to his search.

"I know that you fear losing your son, Bruce," Alfred placed a hand on Bruce's shoulders. "You keep him where you can see him in worry of him getting hurt, but Robin being in your shadow will only limit his growth. For both Robin and Dick."


Alfred sighed at Batman's silence. "Please eat before it gets cold, Master Bruce." With that, Alfred left Batman to his thoughts.

Batman, with his hands gliding over his computer, just stared at the screen before him. He had realized that he was limiting Robin's growth by keeping him under his shadow. Robin, unlike him, always moved forward toward the future.

But he feared the worst. It was his work habit to prepare for the worst, and losing his son, his family, would hurt him beyond words, and the self-blame of not being there to protect him would eat him alive. He was not ready for that. Batman was not ready to lose another of his family.

At the same time, Alfred was right; he should let Dick grow. He could not keep him under his shadow forever. Dick was meant to be more than him, more than the Dark Knight.

"You seem to be troubled," A mechanical voice interrupted.

Batman looked at the screen, now black with golden lines forming an outline of a face. The anime-style chibi art was waving at him, looking identical to a certain fellow. "What is it, Zion?" Batman asked in his deep voice.


No, not Zion," The small chibi shook his head.

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Then who are you?"

"Well, let me introduce myself," The chibi spun; his dress changed into a suit with a top hat. He removed his hat and pressed it against his chest, introducing himself like a gentleman, "I am Z.A.I, an artificial intelligence created with Zion's memories, to take his place when needed.

My friend, you are troubled, and I am here to help."

"Would you look at that, you got your first friend, Master Bruce!" Alfred's comment came through the comms.

"Stop listening all the time, Alfred," Batman said.

"Can't do, sir. A butler's job is to be always ready," Alfred countered.

"Neat butler you got there," Z.A.I commented from his digital residence.

"Thank you," Alfred acknowledged.

"Hey Alfred, wanna come work for me? It will be less stressful than your current occupation," Z.A.I offered.

"I would have to politely decline your offer. If I am not here, both of my masters would die of starvation before they find the keys to their vehicle other than the Batmobile." Alfred quipped from the other side.

"Man, you got it hard," Z.A.I replied.

"It is true," Alfred replied, his tone mimicking tiredness.

"I feel ya, man," Z.A.I resonated.

Batman at this point, annoyed by both behaving like he didn't exist, "What do you want, Z.A.I?"

Z.A.I and Alfred stopped messing with Batman in union. Alfred understanding that the conversation was getting serious, "I shall return to my duty," quietly took his leave.

Z.A.I now focused, "*ahem* Sorry got distracted."

Batman still frowning. "Why are you here?"

"Help, like I said. You seem to be searching for comrades, Batman." Zion waved, pulling up the files that Batman had gathered. The files opened themselves, showing the cam pic of Meta-humans beings.

A pic of a woman wearing swimsuit armor.

A man in golden armor, with a trident in hand.

A green humanoid fighting criminals.

And many more.

"At least you understand that you need comrades for this fight," Z.A.I praised. "But you are stupid enough that you refuse to use help that was given to you."

Batman raised a brow.

Z.A.I facepalmed, "The other supercomputer, details you need are stored in it." Z.A.I snapped his fingers, pulling up multiple files onto the screen. Batman narrowed his gaze at the files; many names on the files felt familiar.

Batman used the trackpad to click on the files bringing them forward one by one. The first file was the most familiar.


Name: Kal-El / Clark Kent

Alias: Superman

Race: Kryptonian

Occupation: Journalist

Skills and Abilities:

Super Strength: Capable of lifting massive weights up to the whole Earth.

Flight: Mastery of controlled flight at incredible speed.

Super Speed: Swift movements, allowing for rapid response and efficient multitasking.

Invulnerability: Near immunity to conventional weaponry and extreme environmental conditions.

Heat Vision: Ability to emit intense heat beams from his eyes at 6000° Celsius.

X-ray Vision: Penetrating vision to see through solid objects.

Zoom Vision: Telescopic vision.

Super Hearing: Enhanced auditory senses, capable of picking up faint sounds over great distances.

Freeze Breath: Ability to exhale powerful gusts of freezing air.


Glowing Green Exotic Rock: Self-explanatory

Red Ancient Fireball: Red Giant if you didn't understand

Magic: He doesn't know how to do the trick.


Launched out into space as an infant, before his planet went Kaboom!!! Raised by good parents who taught him about truth, justice, and not to run around at night scaring people.


Has a high sense of justice, will always try to do what's right in any situation.

Will try to talk before he punches you.

Developing trust with Metropolis law enforcement for collaborative efforts.

Limited international recognition; interactions primarily localized in Metropolis.



Name: Diana Prince

Alias: Wonder Woman

Race: Amazonian (demi-god)

Skills and Abilities:

Superhuman Strength: Enhanced strength surpassing ordinary humans.

Combat Proficiency: Mastery in various forms of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry.

Immortality: Will not die even after you turn to dust.

Flight: Capable of controlled flight


Bracelets of Submission: Made from parts Aegis shield and virtually indestructible. Provides enhanced defenses.

Godkiller Sword: Self-explanatory

Aegis Shield: Again self-explanatory

Lasso of truth: Golden lasso that will force you to tell the truth. Also used in combat.


An Amazonian princess who left home after being scammed by a white American man.


Amazonian princess, trained in the ways of a warrior since birth.

Worships the Greek gods.

Still adjusting to modern culture. (Greek gods are not the best of examples.)

Emphasis on diplomacy as well as physical prowess in conflict.



Name: Barry Allen

Alias: The Flash

Race: Human

Occupation: Forensic scientist working for CCPD


Super Speed: Can move at extraordinary velocities, allowing for rapid travel and reaction.

Background: Got his powers because lightning struck him. Trying to prove his father didn't murk his mother. (He didn't)


Uses super speed for crime-fighting.

Mainly focused on Central city.

Can run faster than light speed, but be warned, it just makes things worse.



Name: Arthur Curry

Alias: Aquaman

Race: Atlantean


Atlantean Physiology: Enhanced strength, durability, and aquatic adaptation.

Telepathic Communication: Can communicate with marine life.

Trident Proficiency: Masterful use of Atlantean weaponry.


Trident of Atlan: Indestructible trident forged with magic.

Background: Half human, half royal human-fish. Heir to the massive golden sea throne.


Limited involvement in surface world affairs.

Trying to make a balance with both his inheritance.



Name: Hal Jordan

Alias: Green Lantern

Race: Human

Occupation: Test pilot for Ferris Aircraft, Green Lantern of the Green Lantern Corp


Power Ring: Green Ring that grants the user the ability to create green, light constructs.

Flight: With the ring.


Protector of the sector.

Trying to balance his duties.

Narcissistic. (Insecure)



Name: Dinah Lance

Alias: Black Canary

Race: Human (Meta-human)

Occupation: Runs a judo in the crime alley, Gotham

Skills and Abilities:

Canary Cry: Powerful sonic scream capable of stunning or incapacitating foes. More, and you are dead.

Martial Arts Mastery: Expert in various hand-to-hand combat styles. Will kick your butt.

Acrobatics: Agile and skilled in acrobatic maneuvers.

Background: Took the name of Black Canary to combat crime and injustice.


Strong advocate for street-level justice and protection of the innocent

Balancing her roles as a vigilante and her personal life. (She doesn't even wear a mask!)



Name: Oliver Queen

Alias: Green Arrow

Race: Human

Occupation: Playboy billionaire (sound familiar)

Skills and Equipment:

Master Archer: Exceptional skill with both a bow and various arrow types.

Martial Art Proficiency: Trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Strategic Mind: Tactical planning and resourceful in the field.

Background: Became a vigilante after a humbling experience on a deserted island.


Wealth and resources contribute to advanced archery equipment.

Personal sense of justice involves targeting white-collar crime and societal issues.

Navigating the challenges of maintaining a dual identity.



Name: J'onn J'onzz

Alias: Martian Manhunter


Shape-Shifting: Can alter his appearance to mimic any form.

Super Strength: Possesses enhanced strength.

Telepathy: Reads minds and communicates mentally.

Telekinesis: Can lift up to 100 tons.

Flight: Capable of sustained flight.

Intangibility: Ability to phase through solid objects.

Background: Came to Earth to stop White Martians who defected after the Martian civil war. Stayed on earth as Mars only reminded him of the sacrifices made, his wife, and child.


Struggling with the loss of family and seeks to find a sense of belonging on Earth.

Cool guy to hang out with.


The files above are short versions.