
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

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26. Day off.

- Metropolis -

As the title suggests, it's a day off. Zion found himself back in Metropolis, seeking some much-needed downtime. He had toiled tirelessly in the Batcave for the past seven days, and a break was imperative before activating the potentially explosive device. Currently, he yearned to unwind, contemplating life at a café, sipping coffee, and indulging in pastries.

[Breaking News!]

[Wayne Enterprises Revolutionizes Gotham's Energy Future!]

[In today's announcement, Wayne Enterprises, spearheaded by the enigmatic billionaire and philanthropist Bruce Wayne, unveiled a groundbreaking breakthrough in Energy Technology!]

[Bruce Wayne, Wayne Enterprises' CEO, showcased the company's cutting-edge technology at a press conference held today!]

[Bruce Wayne revealed that this innovative energy system held the potential to transform Gotham's power supply.]

["This technology signifies a significant leap in clean and sustainable energy," Wayne declared with unwavering confidence. "Our new energy system will not only power Gotham for years to come but will do so with minimal environmental impact. We stand on the brink of a genuine revolution in the energy industry."]

"Looks like Wayne's are taking over the energy industry," remarked a feminine voice from across the table.

"Good morning, Miss Lane," Zion greeted, recognizing the woman before him.

"Good morning, Zion," Lois greeted back as she settled opposite him. She had come for her morning coffee, not expecting to find Zion there. Deciding to greet him, she noticed he appeared drained and lost in thought, much like when they first met.

"Not scooping for stories, Miss Lois? Wayne's seem poised to revolutionize the energy industry, judging by the look of it," Zion commented.

Zion knew Lois wouldn't pass up a good scoop. She could sniff out a story from a mile away, possessing excellent detective skills but notably lacking in self-preservation instincts.

Lois shook her head. "Not interested, and Clark will take care of it."

But Zion could see the gears turning in her head. "Clark, huh? The investigative journalist who put that big boss in jail? Sorry, I'm bad with names I don't want to remember," Zion scratched his head sheepishly.

"Yes, it's him," Lois chuckled. "So, what brings you back to Metropolis? You vanished after your meeting with Superman," Lois inquired.

"Been busy with work," Zion replied, his tired expression bearing witness. "Building a fancy generator for someone."

"A generator?" Lois looked at him, then turned to the news, then back at him, "Can you tell me about this fancy 'Generator' of yours?"

Zion could see Lois connecting the dots—from his alien form to the news of a new energy source. It wasn't difficult, given he was openly revealing his involvement in this new energy tech.

"An advanced nuclear reactor that runs on nuclear waste but produces energy without any waste material or radiation," Zion explained.

Lois squinted her eyes and asked, "Did you build it for someone named Bruce Wayne?"

"Yes! How did you know?" Zion asked, feigning surprise.

Lois just smiled, clearly seeing through his act. "You're not fooling anyone with your acting skills, you know that, right?"

"Well, I did build it for him, and the big man paid me a huge sum of money," Zion admitted.

Seizing the opportunity to boast about his accomplishments, Zion had already called Mark in the morning to share the news. He ranted on for hours, asserting his superiority over Mark, who, predictably, didn't acknowledge it.

Lois leaned forward and whispered, "Does he know about your powers?"

"Yes, he does," Zion reassured Lois. "Don't worry; he's trustworthy, and he can't build it even if he wanted to. I never gave him the correct blueprint."

"That's okay, but what about your watch?" Lois pointed at his wrist.

Her question was clear—does Bruce Wayne know what your watch does and its applications? Does he know about your watch's function, both as an ark and a weapon?

Zion shook his head. "NO, he only knows that I can change forms."

"Okay, does 'He' know about this?" Lois asked after some thought.

"No, I don't think he knows. I haven't really had a talk with 'Him.' But I am here in Metropolis to meet with Kara," Zion responded.

He hadn't met Superman after obtaining the Kryptonian Bio-Matrix; he didn't have the need to, having done nothing to warrant the Big Blue's attention. However, he was in Metropolis to meet Kara, seeking assistance with some heavy lifting.

"Can I ask why?" Lois queried, an understanding smile forming on her lips.

"For the second date," Zion replied with a grin.

"So, planning to become a super couple?" Lois asked, enthusiasm oozing from her.

"Maybe," Zion shrugged. "She was the first woman I felt attracted to, if that even explains anything. And I am all in for a strong woman, no need for cheesy romance," Zion answered without much thought.

"Hmm," Lois nodded in understanding but teased, "But be careful not to get your heart broken. She seems like a strong girl, and winning her heart would be harder than any Earth woman."

"Well, I hope to impress," Zion smiled.

Lois smiled but got up to leave. "Good luck, but I've got to go. See you later, Zion."

"It was nice to see you too, and remember, if you want a fast taxi, you can call me!" Zion said.

"Thanks, Zion," Lois left the cafe.

Zion sat there for a few more moments, keeping an eye on the news for some fool to do something and attract Kara's attention. And someone did! Zion quickly got up from his chair and rushed out of the shop, beelining toward the nearest alley. With a flash of light, a blur exited the alley, quickly taking flight.


Kara frowned as she looked at the man wearing body armor, pointing a rifle at a woman tied next to him. After taking over patrolling duties in Metropolis, this marked the second time she had to deal with a hostage situation. It puzzled her; she couldn't fathom how someone thought they could escape a super-powered being capable of dispatching them with a mere flick.

Yes, she was perplexed. How did these criminals conceive the imprudent idea of robbing a diamond processing factory and taking people hostage in Metropolis, where Superman resided? Even if Superman wasn't famous yet, it was sheer stupidity.

But Kara hadn't intervened as she had in the past. She merely observed. The criminals had set up a landmine-like device that would detonate with any shock, using lead to prevent her from melting its components to stop it from exploding. A clever trick, but it wouldn't save them from jail time.

"Supergirl!" someone called.

Kara looked down; it was a police officer in charge of the hostage situation. The man had a stern face, dark skin, black eyes, an imposing build, and his blue uniform clung tightly to his body. He gazed resolutely at Kara.

"What is it, officer?" Kara asked.

Unlike her, who could see through buildings, they could only

 stay outside and observe the situation. They were waiting for the villains to state their demands and rescue the hostages. They had no intention of endangering the lives of the citizens, knowing the Supers would apprehend the criminals before they could.

Kara nodded and scanned the building. "Fifteen criminals, five loading the diamonds, while ten guard the hostages. The thirty hostages are unharmed but bound. They've set up a highly explosive bomb to prevent my intervention and placed plastic explosives near the hostages."

The officer absorbed the details. "We'd like you to keep an eye on the situation inside."

Kara nodded and continued to watch as the criminals loaded all the diamonds into large bags and brought them to the hall where the hostages were kept. They then conversed among themselves, grouping the hostages around the bomb and placing a landmine-like device on a frightened lady's hand, warning that it would explode if she shook too much.

The lady sat frozen in fear, trying her best not to move. Kara noticed the lady's acquaintance attempting to reassure her while tears streamed down her cheeks. Although Kara was already seething with anger, she restrained herself.

The criminals loaded the bags into their armored jeep, and the apparent leader radioed for communication.

[Bzzz] [buzzz]

[Hello, officers]

The police radio crackled to life, and the criminal leader spoke. The officer responded to the radio, "What do you want?"

[We want nothing but your caped hero to stay out of this. If she attacks or follows us when we leave, the hostages go BOOM.]

The officer looked at Kara as he listened to the criminal's demand. Kara nodded her head in understanding and landed next to him.

"Okay, she won't interfere or follow you," the officer replied.

[Thanks, officer] [buzz]

The radio was cut, and the armored jeep reversed out of the building. They had used the jeep to break through the wall just as their small group took hostages. The police officers removed the barricades and let the jeep leave.

The leader whistled and winked at Kara as he passed by. Kara wanted to burn his face but stopped herself. She prioritized protecting the hostages over exacting revenge on the criminal.


While Kara was staring daggers at the departing jeep, a soft voice called her from the distance. Kara searched the crowd, focusing on the voice.

"Kara, this is Zion. I will take care of the bomb," Zion's voice came from inside the factory.

Kara saw a blue creature wearing a blue robe walk into the hall. The hostages were shocked at the appearance of an alien creature, but they remained calm, already tied to bombs.

"I am with Superman," Bigchill said in its chilly voice.

Hearing Superman's mention, the hostages relaxed. If someone Superman knew was involved, they felt secure. Superman was the beacon of justice for those in Metropolis.

Bigchill walked to the lady holding the bomb. The woman's eyes were red from crying, clearly traumatized by the event.

"It's okay, ma'am," Bigchill tried to smile with his frightening face. "I will take care of it."

The lady nodded like a pecker. Bigchill extended his hand toward the bomb, his hands turning ethereal. When his hands touched the bomb, it froze inside and out, locking its activation mechanics. He then removed the bomb from the lady and continued to do the same for the other bombs.

With the bombs removed, the hostages rushed outside. The police quickly moved to check on the hostages and stopped the civilians from barging in. The officer turned to Kara, but she was gone. She had already flown away when Zion removed the bombs.


The criminals, riding in the jeep, laughed and chatted.

"Boss, you really planned this well," one of the goons praised his boss.

"Hmm, those small-timers really boasted about how Metropolis had Superman. Looks like it was all just a ruse," the boss commented.

As you heard, these fellows were not from here. They only decided to rob in Metropolis after a thug from Metropolis bragged about how the city had Superman and how he stopped criminals. These guys thought it was just the guy boasting to intimidate them, so they decided to carry out a heist in Metropolis.

"Yes, bo...[BOOM]

The car's front was crushed by the landing. Kara ripped the car in two, threw the driver to the side, and lifted the leader by the throat.

Her eyes glowed red as she looked into the leader's eyes. "What should I break?"

"Mommy," the leader urinated himself.

The thug had forgotten to explain that Superman held back when fighting, and the new super broke criminals' bones.


[BAM] [Crash]

The abrupt collision echoed through the city, inciting panic among the police. Their hands instinctively went to their weapons, only to relax as they identified the source: Kara. She descended, dropping the criminals at her feet, each incapacitated by the excruciating pain she had dealt them. The officers winced at the sight of twisted bones and broken limbs.

"Can you tone it down?" the officer requested.

"Not for these people," Kara retorted.

"Does Superman approve?" the officer inquired.

Superman's disapproval of her actions was clear, and she did want to hold back until she saw a child trafficker kidnapped a child and punched her to keep her from screaming. Kara moved swiftly to stop it. The trafficker lost his limb in the process, turned to mist before being thrown through walls

Superman's guidance conflicted with Kara's approach. While he advocated for redemption, she believed in punishment as a deterrent. The officer attempted to mediate.

"No, but the crimes have reduced. Did it not?" Kara countered.

The officer, acknowledging the drop in crime, fell silent. Criminals now understood that their actions came with not just imprisonment but also bone-breaking consequences. Only the brave or desperate dared to challenge the new status quo.

"Okay, but I do not approve of it," the officer conceded.

"You don't need to, officer," Kara replied before soaring away.

The officer shook his head.
