
Omnitrix Ascendant

Alan reincarnates into another world with The Omnitrix. Let's see how Alan would lead his second life...... Note: Hey guys I'm writing this fan-fiction as a Fun activity. I'm using AI to write this story. I Admit it. You can give me your suggestions and ideas in the comments. You can also suggest new routes for the story in the comments if I liked the idea I will add it. I usually update on Mondays.

ExplorerVan17 · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 6 : The Village of Buena

Chapter 6: The Village of Buena

Alan followed the caravan and reached the village, trailing behind at a safe distance to avoid detection. His attire was striking—a dark robe and mask that gave him the appearance of an assassin. A long sword was strapped to his back, a trophy he had taken from the Goblin camp. Despite its size, the sword didn't hinder his movements thanks to the enhanced physical attributes he had gained.

As Alan approached the village, he observed the bustling marketplace from a distance. Stalls lined the streets, filled with an array of goods—fresh produce, handmade crafts, and other items. Villagers moved about, engaged in lively bartering and casual conversations. Alan took in the scene, noting the presence of guards but sensing no immediate threat.

Realising that his attire might draw unwanted attention, Alan decided to remove his robe and mask. He found a hollow tree trunk at the edge of the village and stashed his garments there, leaving him in simpler clothes that would help him blend in. The sword remained strapped to his back, a silent reminder of his recent battles.

Alan stepped into the village, moving slowly and deliberately to avoid arousing suspicion. His mind raced with thoughts about his next steps. He wondered how much life essence he might gain if he were to kill a human, but quickly pushed the thought aside, focusing on his immediate goal of gathering information.

As he walked through the village, Alan spotted a normal-looking man tending to a small plot of land. The man was middle-aged, with rough hands and a kind face, clearly a farmer. Alan approached him, careful to keep his demeanor friendly and unthreatening.

"Excuse me," Alan said, his voice calm and measured. "I'm new to this area and looking for some information about the village."

The farmer looked up from his work, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. He studied Alan for a moment before nodding. "Sure, I can help with that. What do you want to know?"

Alan introduced himself as a hunter, explaining that he was passing through and needed to learn more about the village and its surroundings. The farmer, seeming to take Alan at his word, relaxed and began to speak.

"This here is Buena Village," the farmer said. "It's located in the Asula Kingdom. Not a big place, but we get by. Mostly farmers and craftsmen around here. We grow enough to sustain ourselves and trade a bit with the neighboring villages."

Alan listened intently, absorbing the information. "And what about the forest nearby?" he asked, gesturing towards the trees that surrounded the village. "Any dangers I should be aware of?"

The farmer nodded, a serious expression crossing his face. "The forest can be dangerous, especially at night. Goblins, wolves, and other creatures lurk in the shadows. It's not safe to venture too far without protection."

"I see," Alan replied thoughtfully. "Thank you for the warning. I'll make sure to stay cautious."

The farmer's gaze shifted to the sword on Alan's back. "You seem well-prepared, though. Are you hunting for something specific?"

Alan considered his response carefully. He didn't want to reveal too much about his true intentions. "Just looking to make a living," he said. "Hunting and gathering what I can."

The farmer nodded in understanding. "Well, if you're looking to trade, the market here is open every day. You might find some useful supplies or a place to sell your catches."

"That's good to know," Alan said with a nod. "Thank you for the information."

The farmer smiled, a warm and genuine expression. "No problem. If you need anything else, just ask around. We're a friendly bunch here in Buena Village."

Alan thanked the farmer once more and decided to leave the village before attracting any further attention. He walked back towards the forest, his mind focused on his next objective. He knew he needed money for his stay in villages and towns, and the treasure in the Goblin camp would provide just that.

As he entered the forest, Alan's thoughts drifted back to the Goblin camp. He had left behind a considerable amount of gold and other valuables, hidden in the depths of the cave. With his Omnitrix recharged and his enhanced abilities, it won't be hard to deal with some unwanted monsters on the way.

And retrieving the treasure would be a relatively straightforward task.

He moved through the forest with purpose, his senses heightened by his recent experiences. The path to the Goblin camp was familiar, and he navigated it with ease. As he walked, he couldn't help but reflect on the conversation with the farmer. The villagers of Buena seemed kind and welcoming, a stark contrast to the dangers that lurked in the forest.

Arriving at the edge of the Goblin camp, Alan paused to survey the area. The camp was quiet, the goblins he had killed were still lying where they had fallen. He felt a pang of unease as he approached the bodies, but quickly pushed it aside. He needed the treasure to survive and thrive in this world.

Alan moved cautiously through the camp, his eyes scanning for any signs of traps or hidden dangers. He reached the cave entrance and took a deep breath before stepping inside. The darkness enveloped him, but his enhanced vision allowed him to see clearly.

As he ventured deeper into the cave, Alan's mind remained focused on his goal. He reached the chamber where the treasure was stored, a glint of gold catching his eye. He approached the chest and carefully opened it, revealing a trove of gold coins, jewels, and other valuable items.

Alan couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as he filled a small bag with as much treasure as he could carry. The weight of the gold was substantial, but his enhanced strength made it manageable.

He secured the bag and began to make his way back to the village. His main goal was to collect more information about the world he was in.

The journey back was uneventful, and Alan felt a growing sense of anticipation as he neared Buena Village. He knew that the treasure would provide him with the resources he needed to establish himself and continue his quest for power and knowledge.

Reaching the edge of the village, Alan paused to consider his next steps. He needed to find a safe place to store the treasure and plan his next move. He decided to seek out an inn or a tavern where he could rest and gather more information about the surrounding area.

Entering the village once more, Alan kept his movements slow and deliberate, blending in with the crowd. He made his way to the marketplace, where he saw a sign for a modest-looking inn. He approached the building and stepped inside, the warm atmosphere a welcome contrast to the chill of the forest.

The innkeeper, a stout woman with a friendly smile, greeted him as he entered. "Welcome, traveler. Looking for a room?"

Alan nodded. "Yes, please. And some information, if you have it."

The innkeeper's smile widened. "Of course. We have a few rooms available. And as for information, well, you'll find plenty of that here. The villagers love to talk."

Alan paid for a room and settled in, storing the bag of treasure securely before heading back to the common area. He ordered a meal and sat at a table, listening to the conversations around him. The villagers spoke of various topics—local news, rumors of distant lands, and the challenges of daily life.

As he ate, Alan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

It was not as good as the food he ate in his previous life but he could deal with it.

He had found a place to rest and regroup, and he had the resources he needed to continue his journey. The future was uncertain, but he felt more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the days that followed, Alan spent his time gathering information and planning his next moves. He learned more about the Asula Kingdom and its various regions, and he began to form a clearer picture of his goals. The village of Buena became a temporary home, a place where he could rest and strategize.

With each passing day, Alan's resolve grew stronger. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was ready to face whatever came his way. The Omnitrix on his wrist was a constant reminder of his potential, and he was determined to unlock its full power.

As he prepared to leave Buena Village and continue his quest, Alan felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to walk it with determination and purpose. His journey had only just begun, and he was eager to see where it would lead.

With a final look at the village that had given him a moment of respite, Alan stepped into the forest once more, his sights set on the future. The world was vast and filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on. His journey continued, driven by a thirst for power, knowledge, and the promise of a destiny yet to be fulfilled.

Hey guys hope you liked the story.