Shun, a Creator God stumbles across the Marvel Universe in the Over-Void and is quite interested in the Universe Design engineered by The One Above All. In his Curiosity, he makes a deal with TOAA to have a fragment of his Soul Reincarnated into the Marvel Universe in exchange of Reincarnating a fragment of TOAA into his own Universe. Follow Shun, or Leucadius as he would come to be known in his Journey across the Marvel Universe. Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n
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It Watched the Humans, Adam and Eve go about their daily lives in Gaea's Dimension according to Leucadius' instructions. They were truly brilliant works of Creation.
Physically and mentally, they were far superior to those of the other Humans it'd been fortunate to observe and scan. However, they had one alarming trait.
They were easily susceptible to that chaotic component known as Emotion. It feared that this component would be the key to their undoing, but when It brought this to the attention of its master, it only waved its concerns away while saying.
"That chaotic component is balanced by Logical reasoning. However, what truly makes them Human is that chaotic component." Its master had said and looked at its blurry headlight construct. "You'll come to understand that someday."
For the first time since its creation, It doubted its Master. The idea that; 'Perhaps, Master also has that component…' was the seed that was sown to birth the thought; 'Master can be stupid at times.'
The went on to further cement its belief that Humans were destructive in nature.
True to its assumption, Eve fell prey to a little manipulative gesture from an alien serpent, leading to their banishment. It found Adam admirable however, in standing up to Its Creator.
It appreciated how he had said, "It's the woman you gave me that gave me the fruit and I ate."
While its interpretation may be misleading, It saw it as Adam telling its Creator that as someone given to him to support him, anything given to him by her, he would collect.
Its Creator however, wasn't someone who'd go back on his words, and since they'd disobeyed him, he cut them off from him, exposing them to the filth that filled the spiritual world of Earth.
Due to the intense exposure to this filth that its Creator called Sin, Humans began to be driven by that Chaotic component in them.
It found this incredibly ugly. Simulations after simulations showed him that 10 out of 10 times, Humans would move according to their emotions leading to their slow but gradual fall into the depravity of sin.
It saw them as a failed race, but to its master…They were beautiful. It didn't know what made its master think as such, so it classified it as its Master going through 'That' phase.
It termed it Chuunibyo, but it remained a mystery to it what that term was.
ASPECT! That was the name that was given to IT… and yes. Aspect had come to understand what Chuunibyou meant.
It was an artistful and passion-driven way of expressing oneself to elicit certain reactions, most expectedly, Awe towards oneself from a group.
Aspect found it endearing and found it distasteful, how Its master reeled in shame when It talks as such.
Anyways, Master had decided to Leave the earth and visit a Strange Realm, Vanaheim, world of the Vanir. I didn't have any information outside of the one obtained from Lady Oshtur's records.
It was a strange experience. Not knowing Something. Was this why master said nothing is truly perfect? There really was so much to learn.
During our trip, one thing led to another, and that thing to another, and that thing to another…and somehow, Aspect, A Sentient artificial intelligence created to function as its master's brain evolved into a living spiritual life form with Essence.
Following its Evolution Aspect felt a connection to its Creator. It was akin to having two minds in one Body. As long as its master's Mental capability was functional, it would exist and Vice versa.
Following that event, they also interfered in a war between Realms, somehow ended up battling the two realms and coming out victorious, acquiring one of the Realm and establishing themselves.
Following its Master's battle with one of the Realm Kings, he went into a hibernation-like sleep that took years. During this period, Aspect took it upon itself to not waste its master's time.
With all the knowledge acquired from the Universal Stone governing the Mind and all Psychic, Spiritual and Mental Energy, Aspect went on to further improve their newly acquired realm to what it felt would be what its master loved.
True to this thought, its master loved and appreciated it upon awakening. Aspect continued to watch over the humans its Creator cherished while gathering accurate data on human mind, psychology and behavioral patterns.
This led to him seeing the humans as interesting beings, contradictory in times of peace but collaborative in times of hardship.
From Adam, all the way to Methuselah and then Noah. Aspect watched on as humanity and alien divine life made contact. Humanity was tainted. Its master's pride was now defiled.
It beamed with pride watching its master vent his anger on Earth, stood up to Gods and Kings of Gods from other Pantheons and came on victorious.
Years continued to pass and Aspect found the pleasures of messing with the Humans. Of all the humans at the time, only one walked in the ways set by its creator so it chose one Abraham.
Aspect found it endearing how obedient Humans could be at the mention of its master's name. It was to the point of…Faith.
"Perhaps this was what Master required of them." Aspect said to himself as he continued to make random promises to Abraham to run a few tests on this Faith.
He watched on until its Master woke up from his weird state of mental evolution following his long stare into that Blank book. 'I wonder what it is.' he thought to himself as he tried scanning the book on the table only to come out blank.
With him waking up, Aspect brought the Prayer Documents it deemed important enough to Him. His Master surfed through them but was drawn to one in particular.
Sodom and Gomorrah.
…It was a long story, but the City ended up in fire and brimstone.
Its Master's Anger was truly Amazing.
There were some unique ones but that was all. Following His Master's fulfillment of the promises Aspect made to Abraham, effectively began their descent as God's chosen people.
The entire of Abraham's descendants would have a door linked to his master, in which all Humans would have an unlimited access to the Storehouses of Heaven.
Currently however, he was watching as his master tormented a human prince by the Title of Pharaoh while also provoking the Ennead Gods into fighting it out with him.
To him, Moses just so happened to be one of the interesting ones amongst the Israelites, nothing too interesting tho, but with its master's resting words, it interest was piqued.
"Moses…was it? Lemme see what's so interesting about you." Aspect said as it turned back its attention to Moses leading the people to leave Egypt.
'What is this…? Aspect thought to himself as he saw the Humans trudge through the Sands and rocky terrain following their freedom from shackles. The fervor and strength at which they used to walk was not something humans could accomplish.
Day in day out, without resting, the Israelites walked on, when he was about to document this phenomenon as something of note, It's master's unique energy signature flared up.
'Did he pay attention following his recovery?' Aspect thought to himself in mild worry as he felt that energy begin to dissolve, which meant that whatever power he'd given Moses was about to be depleted.
That was when he remembered his master's last words; 'Treat him well.' He was forced to remember that His master loved leaving his work to others. ''Was this what he meant when he said; I'll make Moses the strongest man to have lived.' I'm the one now doing the work."
As luck would have it, Moses was currently trying to commune with his master concerning their current predicament. Aspect was torn on whether to continue watching and ignoring them to their fate or helping out in the name of his master.
"Raise your hand out to the sea and I'll take care of the rest." Aspect said to Moses who did exactly as asked.
Seeing the blind faith once more, Aspect could only sigh and part the sea before them and turn the land itself into dried land. He was pleased as Ariel's subordinate continued messing with the Egyptian giving chase while the Israelites crossed the sea.
And upon crossing, he had Moses repeat his action, leading to him closing the sea walls and swallowing the Egyptian soldiers along with their Pharaoh.
Aspect found them foolish for just following suit in pursuit. Common sense of warfare should be; if the enemy does something outside of common sense, maintain your Status quo until you understand that phenomena.
Following their uneventful end, Aspect continued watching as Moses led the ungrateful humans towards the land of Canaan. The land he'd promised to them in the first place.
Now, Leucadius was lazy. This laziness allowed him the ability to repress emotions such as anger, hate or any form of negative emotion. This was because he felt that beings such as Humans weren't fit enough to make him angry.
If the cause of that anger didn't have a Divine hand, Leucadius wouldn't be bothered to even feel anything about it. This was why he didn't really care about the Israelites doing until the Ennead messed around.
Similarly, this was why he didn't care about the humans before Noah until the Gods and Divine spirits began messing around.
In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, the magical hand behind the scenes irritated him into taking action.
However, taking it upon itself as an extension of Leucadius, Aspect in his reasonable anger, caused the Israelites to wander around in the wilderness for 40 years.
By reversing the Skill; Space Folding, Aspect made it so no matter how fast they walked, they won't ever be able to make it out of their infinite loop. To make it real enough, he allowed them have interactions with the people around them.
To him, although they'd learnt how to build their own nation while under captivity, they still hadn't learnt how to live properly in the land that would be given them.
This fact was strengthed when he called Moses up to Sinai to give him a set of commandments the Israelites should follow. 400 years of Captivity probably wasn't for enough to teach them patience, and just within 40 days of conversation with Moses, they'd already reverted to worshiping inanimate constructed Animal.
Aspect saw this as a blatant disrespect to Leucadius and made sure to add it to the Laws. He made sure to acknowledge the presence of other Gods, but made sure to emphasize the importance of worshipping Leucadius, and Leucadius alone.
Upon returning, Moses was immensely heartbroken and shattered the tablets upon which his Words were written.
If this was an ordinary tablet, then it was all good, but this was something holding the words of God. Aspect might not be all that, but he was surely of Divine Origin considering his connection to Leucadius.
Upon being destroyed, it caused an earthquake that shook the area the Israelites were located. Those who were in the wrong found themselves being brought to ground due to some pressure while those who were directly involved were directly killed.
Moses didn't bat an eye to this but merely looked on coldly. Compared to Aspect who wasn't entirely bothered, Moses saw the Israelites as a waste of God's time.
However, upon being pleaded with by Miriam and Aaron, they settled with having each and every household write down the commandments themselves.
This way, they would continue to teach it to their young ones while never forgetting them.
This was how it continued. Upon seeing how mistake prone humans were, he had Moses create different bodies of authority to maintain certain jurisdiction over certain laws.
Tribal leaders, Elders, Judges, Priests, Levites and the Seventy Elders.
These seventy elders were different from the normal tribal elders since these elders received Aspect's guidance through his connection to Moses. The helped them better lead the people of Israel.
A/N: Sorry guys, I wanted to post this chapter yesterday night along the last chapter, but I slept off. Had an evening paper yesterday, and while I still have another one today, I thought I should write something.
I didn't even intend to follow Aspect's point of view on the things happening around it but it just kinda happened.