
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

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Omniscience in Marvel 29

Title - I might have Created an Overpowered Species


Following Leucadius' word, everyone prepared for the impending battle with the Kree Empire, however , there was a lack of tension within the command chamber. The Hosts stood at attention, their expressions calm and collected.

The reason was obvious. Leucadius exuded an aura of quiet confidence, and as their father, what greater sin is there than doubting the will of he who made them.

As the moments passed, the ship's sensors detected the first signs of the approaching Kree fleet. ASPECT relayed the information to Leucadius, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Prepare for defensive maneuvers," Leucadius commanded, his voice steady. "Deploy the energy shields and activate the weapon systems. Show them the power of this vessel."

With swift efficiency, ASPECT initiated the defensive protocols, and the ship hummed with energy as the protective barriers sprang into action. The hosts were all paying attention, their eyes focused on the holographic displays that showed the approaching enemy ships.

Outside the viewport, the first wave of Kree vessels emerged from hyperspace, their sleek designs bristling with weapons and shields. They formed a formidable formation, ready to engage in combat.

(A/N: The hyperspace in this scenario is a dimension beyond the conventional three-dimensional space that allows for faster-than-light travel between distant points in the universe. Yes. I came up with that one. After this arc, you may not have to see it again.)

As the Kree ships closed in, they unleashed their first volley of energy blasts, testing the defenses of Leucadius' vessel. The energy shields shimmered as they absorbed the incoming attacks, holding strong against the onslaught.

"How is it looking?+ Leucadius asked.

As Leucadius awaited Aspect's report, his attention turned to the performance of the ship's defenses against the Kree assault. The energy shields held firm, their vibranium alloy and other advanced metals absorbing the brunt of the enemy's energy blasts.

He could already make out the details on how the ship was faring, but habit, especially the good kind, died hard.

As the Kree continued their assault, Leucadius monitored the feedback from Aspect, who provided real-time analysis of the ship's structural integrity and defensive capabilities.

{The shields are holding steady,}Aspect reported, his voice calm and composed. {The vibranium alloy is proving highly effective in absorbing the energy blasts, and our other defensive systems are operating at optimal levels.}

Leucadius nodded in satisfaction. The meticulous design and construction of the ship had paid off, ensuring that it could withstand even the most determined enemy onslaught.

"Maintain the defensive shields," Leucadius ordered, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "We'll withstand their attacks and wait for the opportune moment to strike back."

ASPECT worked tirelessly to keep the ship's defenses operational, adjusting the shield frequencies to counter the varied energy signatures of the Kree weapons.

Despite the intensity of the enemy assault, Leucadius' vessel held firm, weathering each successive wave of attacks with resilience and determination.

As the tenth and final attack from the Kree fleet thundered against the ship's shields, Leucadius nodded to ASPECT, signaling that it was time to retaliate.

"Return fire!" he commanded, his voice echoing with authority. "Target their weak points and disable their ships. Let's show them the consequences of making us an enemy."

With precise coordination, the ship's weapon systems sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts that tore through the ranks of the Kree vessels. Explosions blossomed in the void of space as enemy ships were crippled and destroyed, their once-imposing formations reduced to chaos.

"Prepare to deploy." Leucadius said, addressing the Hosts behind him. "The wings will ensure your maneuverability in the Void. Don't worry. It'll come as second nature."

The Angels all flexed their Energy as their wings sprouted out of the backs, making them look imposing for a moment. The ones in the front all had armor created to be similar to that of the Eternals armor.

"I look forward to your first battle." He said with a smirk and closed his eyes. It was a weird feeling. From a certain point of view, he was living a sad life with beings created out of him.

It was weird in so many ways, that was why he didn't even know how to interact with them. It could be characterized as the angelic host being too filial and serious at all times, yet it could also be interpreted as Leucadius having no social skills.

{Sir, we're ready to deploy.}

"Hmm. Go ahead." Leucadius said and opened up his eyes to spectate the battle.

Leucadius POV

While the Kree soldiers all had energy guns, The Angels all had Energy blades I specially crafted using a metal I had specially created, Divinium.

A while back I thought. 'If the humans could Create new Metals in their labs in the future, why can I do the same?'

Most of the Metals in the Universe are just results of different molecular reconstruction coupled with their habitat. And so, with that in mind, I merely extracted unique qualities from the Metals I could come across, soak them in my Cosmic Energy and then fuse them back together.

Low and behold, a new metal was born. One which I decided to call Divinium.

The Divinium boasted unparalleled durability, rivaling even the strength of vibranium. Its molecular structure had been meticulously designed to withstand the most extreme conditions of space combat, rendering it virtually indestructible against conventional weaponry.

But what truly set Divinium apart was its ability to harness and manipulate energy. Infused with my cosmic energy during its creation, the metal had become a conduit for any form of energy.

When charged with energy, Divinium could amplify and channel it with incredible precision, unleashing devastating blasts or forming protective barriers at will.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, Divinium also possessed remarkable versatility. Its molecular composition could be manipulated to imbue it with a variety of properties, from enhanced conductivity to heightened resilience.

This adaptability made it the ideal material for crafting advanced weaponry and defensive systems, but I wouldn't be doing that. I didn't need them for anything and the ones already provided to me are enough. Just using them as weapons for my army is enough.


The battlefield erupted into chaos as the Kree Empire's energy blasts clashed against the Angels' Divinium weapons. Brilliant streaks of light streaked across the void of space, casting light to the darkness with their fierce intensity.

The Angels, clad in their imposing armor and wielding their energy blades with deadly precision, moved with grace and agility. With a flap of their wings, they danced through the chaos of battle, their movements fluid and calculated as they engaged the Kree forces head-on.

Different from the Angels, the Kree weren't magically attuned. Other than their advanced technologies, they would be as weak as humans. Don't get it wrong though, from ASPECT's scan, we can already conclude that an average Kree human is stronger than a normal human, but that wasn't of concern.

In a world where technology was just as strong as the next knowledgeable person, magic and super powers tend to be at the losing end so there was nothing to be proud about.

However, with each swing of their blades, the Angels tore through the soldiers of enemy ships, their weapons cutting through armor plating with ease.

The energy blades hummed with power, leaving trails of light in their wake as they cleaved through the Kree with unstoppable force.

'Damn...That's a little bit too brutal, is it not?' I thought to myself as the angels slashed through the Kree like a hot knife through butter. To make matters worse, the barrier creation ability of the sword coupled with the high speed movement integrated into their wings... "Have I just created an unstoppable force?"

{It appears so, Sir.}

"So you think so as well...?" Leucadius asked and then glanced at the four Seraphs beside him. Should they enter the battlefield...Nah. I can't even imagine it.

Meanwhile, the Kree soldiers continued unleashing volley after volley of energy blasts, their weapons firing with relentless fury. The space around them crackled with energy as the blasts streaked towards their targets, seeking to overwhelm the Angels with sheer firepower.

But the Angels were not so easily deterred, they deftly evaded the attacks, weaving through the barrage with grace and finesse, their weapons glowed with a radiant energy as they parried the Kree's blasts they couldn't dodge, redirecting the energy back towards their assailants with deadly accuracy.



Normal POV.

"Can someone tell me what the hell I am looking at here!?" Dra-Tor asked, the fury emanating from him palpable as he glared at the screen in front of him.

"Sir, it appears that the enemy ship is that of a foreign species... Perhaps a bird race?" A male Kree seated alongside a few others on the table replied.

"I can see that much. What I'm curious about is how they do what they do! Why is the Great Kree Empire losing to some Bird People?" Dra-Tor asked and glanced at the monitor. "Do you have any idea on what's going on?"

{I'm afraid this race isn't in my database. However, I can tell they possess a much higher technology than we do at the moment.} A green face made of lines popped up and replied.

This was the Worldmind, or a fragment of it. And since they made contact, it had been trying to make heads or tails on what the ship standing against them was made of.

At first, it was unable to get anything, but the moment the birdmen were deployed, it felt a presence similar to his Within the ship. The feeling was fleeting, causing it to raise its guard.

"So? Any countermeasure?" Dra-Tor asked.

{Other than those Seven leading the charge, the rest possess a rather weak energy signature. Not much of a threat.}

"And the leading Seven?" Dra-Tor asked.

{You have a slight chance of Victory.}

Dra-Tor squinted his eyes in displeasure but didn't let it show on his face. The Worldmind was rarely wrong in its predictions, so this could only mean that they were that capable. However...

"Is it in a one on one situation or in a one on seven?" He asked. This was something that mattered. If it was in a one on one situation, he could consider retesting, but if it was in a one on seven situation, he still stood a chance.

{In a one on one situation.} The Worldmind shut him down before his imagination could run wild. {Similar to you Sentinels, they possess some form of Genetic alteration that makes them Inhuman.}

(A/N: Inhuman isn't the term for Humans experimented upon with the Primagen Crystal. It refers to all Humanoid Species experimented upon and gains an ability from the Primagen Crystal. In the Kree society, they were an offshoot of the Kree Eternals. It's Wiki. Read it up.)

"Oh?" Dra-Tor grew intrigued and wary at the announcement. "They're that strong eh? Which species do they fall under? Do we have any records of them?"

{They appear to be Human from the Milky way galaxy. However their wings tell otherwise...Even I am lost on this.} Said the Worldmind.

"Then I guess it's a retreat then." He said with a heavy sigh.

{So it seems.}

However, before he could give the order, a loud noise invaded the Central hub they were in as a White Portal opened up.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that now friends." The voice so soothing and calm that the Kree in the room all failed to realize their predicament until two figures floated out of the Portal.

They were similar in appearance to the Birdmen battling outside, however, they possessed three pairs of wings which gave off the illusion of more power.

As they stepped out of the Portal, they floated out a bit allowing another figure to float out. This figure sat regally on a throne that independently exuded power that made the Worldmind feel fear? for the first time.

One thing of note was that this figure's face was obstructed by the lights pouring out of the first two Bird People that stepped out. And following the one seated on the throne was another two angels.

"Hello, it'd be sad for you all to leave as soon as I arrive, wouldn't it?"


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