
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

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102 Chs

Omniscience in Marvel 26

Title - Setting off and Sister's Reunion.



A few days passed since my visit to the savage lands and finally, I have all the Metals necessary to build a spaceship capable of traveling at light speed and over a few million light years in distance.

It wasn't easy getting any of the metals. Hell, I didn't even get some of the Metals necessary for that but I didn't let it get to me.

Those metals were the ones Aspect thought would be capable of making a well functional FTL machine, however it didn't mean it couldn't be replaced.

Metals like Uru, Promethium, Plandarium and Carbonadium weren't something I could get even if I had all the time in the world.

Carbonadium is known for its malleability and energy-absorption capabilities. While its exact molecular makeup was not explicitly defined, Aspect did describe it as a cousin to adamantium, possessing similar properties but with some differences in terms of durability and flexibility.

Plandarium is also noted for its unique properties that allow for the manipulation of subspace. Similarly, its specific molecular composition was not detailed. However, it is depicted as a rare and powerful substance capable of facilitating interdimensional travel and other advanced technological applications.

"Books don't lie. Especially ones written by old elder gods." Was all Leucadius could say as he activated his Absolute Intelligence to its limit just to be able to create these four metals.

A metal Capable of Magical Energy absorption and manipulation, receptive to enhancements, durable and resilient enough to withstand at least 10 tons of force while also being light. Basically capable of weight manipulation.

A metal not originally of this Universe but of a neighboring one. Capable of energy absorption and storage, biocompatibility, durable enough to withstand high temperatures, impacts and energy-based attacks. Ah. It could also be used for Cybernetic enhancements.

Leucadius made a note to use it in advancing his Motherbox should he be able to create it.


Creating these metals was no easy task, even for someone as powerful as Leucadius. It required a deep understanding of molecular manipulation and an immense amount of cosmic energy.

With his Absolute Intelligence activated to its fullest extent, Leucadius delved into the intricate details of each metal's molecular structure, meticulously crafting them from raw energy.

For Uru, he focused on imbuing various metals with its innate magical properties, ensuring that it would be receptive to enchantments and capable of channeling Cosmic energy.

Leucadius shaped the metal into a resilient and versatile material, perfect for crafting powerful artifacts.

Promethium posed its own challenges, requiring Leucadius to balance its durability with its biocompatibility and energy absorption capabilities.

Through precise molecular manipulation, he infused the metal with the ability to withstand extreme conditions while also integrating it seamlessly with biological systems.

Plandarium presented perhaps the greatest challenge, as its properties were derived from another dimension entirely.

Drawing upon his vast Spatial knowledge as a God, Leucadius managed to create a material capable of traversing interdimensional boundaries.

(A/N: Don't expect me to explain how this is possible. Just read it and go with the flow.)

Carbonadium, while similar to adamantium in many respects, required a delicate balance of malleability and energy-absorption capabilities.

Leucadius carefully adjusted the molecular structure of the metal, ensuring that it would possess the necessary flexibility to adapt to various situations while still retaining its strength and resilience.

With each metal forged and refined, Leucadius felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

As he gazed upon the shimmering creations before him, Leucadius knew that he hadn't been wrong to pick the skill, absolute intelligence when entering this world.

The only downside to all this was...

{Cerebral Shut down in 3 seconds sir.}

"Hmm. Continue as planned. I expect a full and functional space ship upon my awakening." Leucadius said and without waiting for ASPECTS reply, he went unconscious.


Normal POV.

As soon as Leucadius fell unconscious, ASPECT controlled the Motherbox he was lying on to create a pod which covered him entirely while also supplying him with Cosmic energies to absorb.

With that done, the Motherbox seemingly spat out a box which transformed into a little human-robot as soon as it touched the ground.

{Commencing Project Deep Space.} The robot said before it began moving.

With the molecular structure of the metals stored in his Motherbox and the raw materials at his disposal, he began the process of construction.

First, he forged a framework using a combination of Adamantium and Vibranium, blending their unique properties to create a sturdy yet flexible structure capable of withstanding the rigors of FTL travel.

The hull integrity system was reinforced with layers of Uru, imbuing it with magical strength and resilience.

Next, he integrated the propulsion system, utilizing the quantum singularity reactor and graviton manipulation technology to generate the spatial distortion field necessary for FTL travel.

The warp field generator, powered by Plandarium, created a stable warp bubble around the spacecraft, allowing it to traverse subspace safely.

The navigation system, equipped with a quantum navigation computer and celestial beacons, plotted precise trajectories through space, ensuring accurate and efficient travel to distant destinations.

Meanwhile, the shield system, fortified with Promethium, provided formidable defense against external threats.

As ASPECT worked tirelessly, channeling its cosmic energy to shape and manipulate the metals, the FTL machine took form before his eyes. Each component is carefully crafted and assembled, merging science and magic in perfect harmony.

Finally, with the last piece in place, ASPECT activated the FTL machine, igniting the quantum singularity reactor and engaging the warp field generator.

With a brilliant flash of light, the spacecraft vanished from sight, leaving behind only a faint echo of its departure.

ASPECT smiled, satisfied with his creation. The FTL machine was ready, poised to explore the vast reaches of the cosmos. Shortly after, the spacecraft appeared again.

{Mission Objective Completed.}

It said before hovering over to the Motherbox and submerging itself within it.

For all it was worth. Everything took a total of 6 months. All it had to do was create the required materials according to the specific frame it was designed for thereby minimizing wastage of both energy and materials.

If it was drained, all he needed to do was wait for the Motherbox's energy to be refilled and it'll continue.

This process took it more time than he had initially thought due to the absence of Leucadius.

The spacecraft was a marvel of Magi-Tech, stretching hundreds of meters in length with sleek, aerodynamic curves that spoke to its advanced capabilities.

ASPECT had designed it to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, with streamlined features and integrated systems that would ensure smooth operation during long journeys through the cosmos.

Inside, ASPECT had spared no expense in outfitting the vessel with state-of-the-art technology, from advanced propulsion systems to cutting-edge navigation equipment.

And so, years passed and Leucadius stirred from his slumber, he found himself surrounded by the familiar confines of the pod, his senses slowly returning to him.

With a sense of anticipation, he pushed open the pod's hatch and stepped out into the main chamber of the spacecraft.

ASPECT had thought it wise to relocate him inside the Spacecraft upon completion.

"Welcome back, Sir," ASPECT's voice echoed through the chamber, its tone tinged with satisfaction. "The FTL machine is operational and ready for departure."

Leucadius surveyed the spacecraft with a sense of pride, marveling at the culmination of his efforts. "Excellent work, ASPECT, and... Prepare for launch.."

He had no one to tell goodbye to on Earth, Gaea already knew of his intentions and it wasn't like he wouldn't be coming back. At most he'd spend a couple centuries out there before returning.

As for his presence on Earth, he wasn't worried about it. ASPECT was created for a reason. Should he need to communicate with Adam or Eve or even their children, he could always project his presence through it.

And so, with a series of commands, ASPECT initiated the final sequence, activating the spacecraft's engines and engaging the warp field generator.

{5 seconds to take off sir.}

The countdown slowly passed and as soon as it turned Zero, Leucadius could swear that what greeted his view was far from what he'd ever expected.

With a low rumble, the vessel surged forward, hurtling through space at unimaginable speeds.

It was as though space itself was shrunk down to its smallest bit, allowing him and his spacecraft to Traverse an unimaginable distance in less than a second.

"This... is Good." Was Leucadius only praise as he relaxed on his chair in the control room with an accomplished smile.


"That little kid is finally gone." A soft alluring voice echoed through the realm causing a sleeping Gaea to stir awake.

"Sister." She acknowledged without opening her eyes. "I see you finally thought to visit me after so long."

"Don't be like that sister, there's no such thing as distance between us." The voice came again as a golden portal opened with a spark as a woman no less beautiful and alluring than Gaea stepped out. "You look well... considering everything that's happened."

"Hmm." Was all Gaea said.

"C'mon sis, you know that compared to those space gods, not even us Elder Gods stand a chance. Cut us some slack here."

"You and your group of Vishants or something could've at least shown up."

"It's Vishanti, and it's complicated." The woman said as she conjured up a seat to sit down beside her sister. "Anyways, thanks for taking care of the kid."

"I don't need your thanks. I just took a liking to him." Gaea snorted and replied.

"His white hair and sky blue eyes already qualifies him as one of mine." The woman said with a smile not minding her sister's attitude. "And have you seen his Magical potential? It's absurd!"

"I know that. I lived with him for more than a century." Gaea replied tiredly.

"How I wish I could've made contact earlier. However he's been tampered with by those Celestials."

"Oshtur... perhaps he can contend against them in the future...I can see his fate at all."

"I know. The fates also said the same. He's not supposed to exist... apparently." Oshtur said in reply. "But since he does, he's one of mine."

"He's mine."

"That's Okay. I don't mind sharing." Oshtur said ambiguously, causing Gaea's eyes to shoot wide open. However, seeing the teasing smile on her sister's face, she sighed and closed it again.

"Let me be, sister. The earth is going through a transformative stage. This might be the period where I'll have the most peace."

"That's no way to speak to your sister. One you haven't seen in a few million years."

"And who's fault is that?" Gaea asked while opening one eye to glare at her sister.

"Hehe. Anyways, tell me more about him. You've been with him the most so I would like to know more about my son."

"First off...he's not your son...or mine for that matter. Second, if you want to know something about him, go find him and ask him yourself." Gaea said and disappeared.

"Hey c'mon. I know you're still here somewhere! I'll just stick around till you're ready to talk." Oshtur screamed before huffing in fake anger. "But still... This place is really as peaceful as it was all those years ago. Hmm?"

Oshtur's figure disappeared and reappeared in front of one of the most precious trees in the garden. "Why does this tree seem to be missing a fruit?"

She wondered to herself but got no answer despite glaring at the tree for so long.

As for Gaea, she could only keep silent so as not to draw her sister's ire towards Leucadius' creations. Adam and Eve


A/N: So... Happy Weekend y'all. I know this might be unbecoming writing it here, but I would appreciate a little bit of support from y'all, either by momentarily upgrading your subscriptions or by visiting...buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

Thanks and Enjoy.

This is all I'll be posting today. I'm in a bit of a pinch today so... Sorry about thatTitle - Setting off and Sister's Reunion.



A few days passed since my visit to the savage lands and finally, I have all the Metals necessary to build a spaceship capable of traveling at light speed and over a few million light years in distance.

It wasn't easy getting any of the metals. Hell, I didn't even get some of the Metals necessary for that but I didn't let it get to me.

Those metals were the ones Aspect thought would be capable of making a well functional FTL machine, however it didn't mean it couldn't be replaced.

Metals like Uru, Promethium, Plandarium and Carbonadium weren't something I could get even if I had all the time in the world.

Carbonadium is known for its malleability and energy-absorption capabilities. While its exact molecular makeup was not explicitly defined, Aspect did describe it as a cousin to adamantium, possessing similar properties but with some differences in terms of durability and flexibility.

Plandarium is also noted for its unique properties that allow for the manipulation of subspace. Similarly, its specific molecular composition was not detailed. However, it is depicted as a rare and powerful substance capable of facilitating interdimensional travel and other advanced technological applications.

"Books don't lie. Especially ones written by old elder gods." Was all Leucadius could say as he activated his Absolute Intelligence to its limit just to be able to create these four metals.

A metal Capable of Magical Energy absorption and manipulation, receptive to enhancements, durable and resilient enough to withstand at least 10 tons of force while also being light. Basically capable of weight manipulation.

A metal not originally of this Universe but of a neighboring one. Capable of energy absorption and storage, biocompatibility, durable enough to withstand high temperatures, impacts and energy-based attacks. Ah. It could also be used for Cybernetic enhancements.

Leucadius made a note to use it in advancing his Motherbox should he be able to create it.


Creating these metals was no easy task, even for someone as powerful as Leucadius. It required a deep understanding of molecular manipulation and an immense amount of cosmic energy.

With his Absolute Intelligence activated to its fullest extent, Leucadius delved into the intricate details of each metal's molecular structure, meticulously crafting them from raw energy.

For Uru, he focused on imbuing various metals with its innate magical properties, ensuring that it would be receptive to enchantments and capable of channeling Cosmic energy.

Leucadius shaped the metal into a resilient and versatile material, perfect for crafting powerful artifacts.

Promethium posed its own challenges, requiring Leucadius to balance its durability with its biocompatibility and energy absorption capabilities.

Through precise molecular manipulation, he infused the metal with the ability to withstand extreme conditions while also integrating it seamlessly with biological systems.

Plandarium presented perhaps the greatest challenge, as its properties were derived from another dimension entirely.

Drawing upon his vast Spatial knowledge as a God, Leucadius managed to create a material capable of traversing interdimensional boundaries.

(A/N: Don't expect me to explain how this is possible. Just read it and go with the flow.)

Carbonadium, while similar to adamantium in many respects, required a delicate balance of malleability and energy-absorption capabilities.

Leucadius carefully adjusted the molecular structure of the metal, ensuring that it would possess the necessary flexibility to adapt to various situations while still retaining its strength and resilience.

With each metal forged and refined, Leucadius felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

As he gazed upon the shimmering creations before him, Leucadius knew that he hadn't been wrong to pick the skill, absolute intelligence when entering this world.

The only downside to all this was...

{Cerebral Shut down in 3 seconds sir.}

"Hmm. Continue as planned. I expect a full and functional space ship upon my awakening." Leucadius said and without waiting for ASPECTS reply, he went unconscious.


Normal POV.

As soon as Leucadius fell unconscious, ASPECT controlled the Motherbox he was lying on to create a pod which covered him entirely while also supplying him with Cosmic energies to absorb.

With that done, the Motherbox seemingly spat out a box which transformed into a little human-robot as soon as it touched the ground.

{Commencing Project Deep Space.} The robot said before it began moving.

With the molecular structure of the metals stored in his Motherbox and the raw materials at his disposal, he began the process of construction.

First, he forged a framework using a combination of Adamantium and Vibranium, blending their unique properties to create a sturdy yet flexible structure capable of withstanding the rigors of FTL travel.

The hull integrity system was reinforced with layers of Uru, imbuing it with magical strength and resilience.

Next, he integrated the propulsion system, utilizing the quantum singularity reactor and graviton manipulation technology to generate the spatial distortion field necessary for FTL travel.

The warp field generator, powered by Plandarium, created a stable warp bubble around the spacecraft, allowing it to traverse subspace safely.

The navigation system, equipped with a quantum navigation computer and celestial beacons, plotted precise trajectories through space, ensuring accurate and efficient travel to distant destinations.

Meanwhile, the shield system, fortified with Promethium, provided formidable defense against external threats.

As ASPECT worked tirelessly, channeling its cosmic energy to shape and manipulate the metals, the FTL machine took form before his eyes. Each component is carefully crafted and assembled, merging science and magic in perfect harmony.

Finally, with the last piece in place, ASPECT activated the FTL machine, igniting the quantum singularity reactor and engaging the warp field generator.

With a brilliant flash of light, the spacecraft vanished from sight, leaving behind only a faint echo of its departure.

ASPECT smiled, satisfied with his creation. The FTL machine was ready, poised to explore the vast reaches of the cosmos. Shortly after, the spacecraft appeared again.

{Mission Objective Completed.}

It said before hovering over to the Motherbox and submerging itself within it.

For all it was worth. Everything took a total of 6 months. All it had to do was create the required materials according to the specific frame it was designed for thereby minimizing wastage of both energy and materials.

If it was drained, all he needed to do was wait for the Motherbox's energy to be refilled and it'll continue.

This process took it more time than he had initially thought due to the absence of Leucadius.

The spacecraft was a marvel of Magi-Tech, stretching hundreds of meters in length with sleek, aerodynamic curves that spoke to its advanced capabilities.

ASPECT had designed it to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, with streamlined features and integrated systems that would ensure smooth operation during long journeys through the cosmos.

Inside, ASPECT had spared no expense in outfitting the vessel with state-of-the-art technology, from advanced propulsion systems to cutting-edge navigation equipment.

And so, years passed and Leucadius stirred from his slumber, he found himself surrounded by the familiar confines of the pod, his senses slowly returning to him.

With a sense of anticipation, he pushed open the pod's hatch and stepped out into the main chamber of the spacecraft.

ASPECT had thought it wise to relocate him inside the Spacecraft upon completion.

"Welcome back, Sir," ASPECT's voice echoed through the chamber, its tone tinged with satisfaction. "The FTL machine is operational and ready for departure."

Leucadius surveyed the spacecraft with a sense of pride, marveling at the culmination of his efforts. "Excellent work, ASPECT, and... Prepare for launch.."

He had no one to tell goodbye to on Earth, Gaea already knew of his intentions and it wasn't like he wouldn't be coming back. At most he'd spend a couple centuries out there before returning.

As for his presence on Earth, he wasn't worried about it. ASPECT was created for a reason. Should he need to communicate with Adam or Eve or even their children, he could always project his presence through it.

And so, with a series of commands, ASPECT initiated the final sequence, activating the spacecraft's engines and engaging the warp field generator.

{5 seconds to take off sir.}

The countdown slowly passed and as soon as it turned Zero, Leucadius could swear that what greeted his view was far from what he'd ever expected.

With a low rumble, the vessel surged forward, hurtling through space at unimaginable speeds.

It was as though space itself was shrunk down to its smallest bit, allowing him and his spacecraft to Traverse an unimaginable distance in less than a second.

"This... is Good." Was Leucadius only praise as he relaxed on his chair in the control room with an accomplished smile.


"That little kid is finally gone." A soft alluring voice echoed through the realm causing a sleeping Gaea to stir awake.

"Sister." She acknowledged without opening her eyes. "I see you finally thought to visit me after so long."

"Don't be like that sister, there's no such thing as distance between us." The voice came again as a golden portal opened with a spark as a woman no less beautiful and alluring than Gaea stepped out. "You look well... considering everything that's happened."

"Hmm." Was all Gaea said.

"C'mon sis, you know that compared to those space gods, not even us Elder Gods stand a chance. Cut us some slack here."

"You and your group of Vishants or something could've at least shown up."

"It's Vishanti, and it's complicated." The woman said as she conjured up a seat to sit down beside her sister. "Anyways, thanks for taking care of the kid."

"I don't need your thanks. I just took a liking to him." Gaea snorted and replied.

"His white hair and sky blue eyes already qualifies him as one of mine." The woman said with a smile not minding her sister's attitude. "And have you seen his Magical potential? It's absurd!"

"I know that. I lived with him for more than a century." Gaea replied tiredly.

"How I wish I could've made contact earlier. However he's been tampered with by those Celestials."

"Oshtur... perhaps he can contend against them in the future...I can see his fate at all."

"I know. The fates also said the same. He's not supposed to exist... apparently." Oshtur said in reply. "But since he does, he's one of mine."

"He's mine."

"That's Okay. I don't mind sharing." Oshtur said ambiguously, causing Gaea's eyes to shoot wide open. However, seeing the teasing smile on her sister's face, she sighed and closed it again.

"Let me be, sister. The earth is going through a transformative stage. This might be the period where I'll have the most peace."

"That's no way to speak to your sister. One you haven't seen in a few million years."

"And who's fault is that?" Gaea asked while opening one eye to glare at her sister.

"Hehe. Anyways, tell me more about him. You've been with him the most so I would like to know more about my son."

"First off...he's not your son...or mine for that matter. Second, if you want to know something about him, go find him and ask him yourself." Gaea said and disappeared.

"Hey c'mon. I know you're still here somewhere! I'll just stick around till you're ready to talk." Oshtur screamed before huffing in fake anger. "But still... This place is really as peaceful as it was all those years ago. Hmm?"

Oshtur's figure disappeared and reappeared in front of one of the most precious trees in the garden. "Why does this tree seem to be missing a fruit?"

She wondered to herself but got no answer despite glaring at the tree for so long.

As for Gaea, she could only keep silent so as not to draw her sister's ire towards Leucadius' creations. Adam and Eve .


Author Note: Hey y'all. I dunno why there isn't much of a reaction to this new Fanfiction. I would appreciate it if you all left a good and constructive review on this.

Also, don't forget those power stones. Not to be greedy, but if I can get up to a thousand stones.. I'll be sure to release 10 chapters at a stretch.