
omni mythical inhuman god

he die and get wishes I won't spoil this story also there will be many animes and movies and TV show verses in this story

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return home after six months inhuman mythical god and meeting the wolves

he wakes up in his bed check his stats they all gone up to 250 quadrillion he gets up snap his fingers and clean he snap fingers and he's a suit with a blunt in mouth and unsealed his property he use one of his flames and lights it and snap his fingers again teleports he close to the argent house he knocks on the door the old bastard answer it old bastard: Young master jason did you fly here oh I did hear you was in town.jason: im just came here to see Kate and Chris., old bastard they ant here it school time. jason:then I be back here then he snaps his fingers again and a mile away form a house in the woods and start walking to the house all wolves was scare when feeling his pressence he knocks on the door and a women a few years came to answer it younger then him hello d do you need anything sir he say my name is jason diamant she get on defiance he say whoa I'm not human either show his eyes may I come in she says yes sir jason: so where ya the apha he sees a girl 2 years older then him blushing looking that him she says im the apha im

Talia Hale well nice to Meet you im phoninex and lycan the name jason is diamant yes im do hunt and no im here for that im just wanted to meet the fellow supernaturals in the area they was talking getting to know eachother the door open a boy around 15 came in mother im home is everything okay yes son she looks that jason and say this darek my son he smiles and says it nice to meet you Derek im jason ( yes im know some of this don't make sense he edited and change some stuff ) they kept talking jason says well I'm better get going snap his fingers and he was gone he went back to argent house and knock on the door the old bastard came again to answer it jason:are they home and me and you need to talk about wispers hunting and he nodded and said yes they home and we can talk about it he let him Chris came down stairs and hugs him Chris say big brother been awhile while kate was blushing thinking he was handsome and hot after some time later old bastard him went into a private room old bastard:what you wanted to talk about young master jason jason looks that him jason: say you won't be hunted any wolf with yellow eyes beacuss those wolves never took a innocent human Iife and the red eye one the apha if you find proof and I know for 100% they killing humans then have fun he nodded while thinking like you list to monster like you