
Omni-Dimensional Emanation

Formerly titled as "Omni-Dimensional Chat Group" WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Tea Lover ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Insect Hashira ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] ========= [ World Mission ] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Done) Solo Leveling (Ongoing) ========== 2/day chapters Cover made by Me

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352 Chs

Chapter 298 - Kuroka's Eagerness

After meeting Kuroka and how he desired to help her was immediately asked to mate with her. Ryuu obviously refused as he does desire more women and would have more in the future but that doesn't mean he'll jump at the chance to have intercourse. Styx and Izanami was a special case considering the latter needed to experience it to help her while the former didn't have any instability and had gone with the flow. 

He can see that Kuroka was eager to restore her near instinct race. She was Nekoshou, a rare type of Nekomata or commonly known as Cat girls. Ryuu unsure if the Nekoshou clan had existed considering it was a fan story that many people mistake as canon. 

Though he can confidently guess that they did and likely killed by the naberius but that would just start a war if they were wiped out and the likely answer is that they had been nearly exterminated in the past by the great war. Despite having the power to see through nearly everything, Ryuu decided not to. 

'Still…it was my avatar's fault for making all the beast seek stronger mates to evolve and grow.' Ryuu or rather Yaldabaoth had numerous avatars and the closest avatar was Važjuma who molded the earthly beast like the birds and other animals. 

He gave them the animalistic instinct and made them seek strong mates to birth stronger children. The Shinto used the beast and made the yokai having the animalistic instinct he had placed into their flesh and soul. In addition, he can be considered to be a Dragon Progenitor as well. Though there are others like him, the template was based on him. 

Ryuu pondered if he should try resurrecting the nekoshou races along with Kuroka's mother, Fujimai and Akeno's mother, Shuri. He decided to think about the future while staring at Kuroka who was disappointed and cutely tilted her head.

"Don't you like my body nya~?" She accentuated her body, teasing him as she lightly shifted her outfit to show more of her creamy white skin while Ryuu shook his head and said.

"I do, I find your body to be amazingly beautiful but you hardly know me." Ryuu crossed his arms like sigma and showed no reaction while Kuroka just playfully smiled and said. 

"You've mentioned that you know about my past then it shouldn't be a problem for us to get on with it Nya~" He sighs and shakes his head while he speaks.

"That may be but you don't know me. What if I have ulterior motives for doing this?" Kuroka started to feel disappointed that her charm wasn't working on him and said.

"Are you even a man nya~?" He perked up knowing that she was trying to provoke his pride as a man and said.

"I am, I have many women that I hold dearly to my heart." Kuroka heard his words a bit surprised then immediately slyfully smiled and said.

"Then you don't mind having me then Nya~?" Ryuu couldn't help but nod as he can't lie and said.

"I can't lie therefore I must confess, I do have sexual attraction to you and I'm to have you for myself but I do not wish to start our relationship based on sexual desire." He frowned as he couldn't lie nor hide the truth in the situation as Kuroka was pleased and said.

"Then give me some kitten nya~!" Ryuu shook his head and said.

"I will but not now only until you get to know me and judge for yourself that I'm someone you would want and not just because you want to have my child. I'm an obsessive person and if I want a woman then I'll have their mind, body and soul to belong to me. I'll make you mine while you make me yours." 

Kuroka started to know of his character base from their conversation. Despite how playfully and straightforward she is, Kuroka is observant and had experience reading people as she is a master of senjutsu able to sense a person's intent and such the moment Ryuu arrived she wasn't able to sense anything. Almost anything beside her instinct entices her to know more about him. 

And the quick glimpse of his power when he released his intent was when she knew that the aman before her was the perfect candidate. She was disappointed that she wasn't able to have his seed but at least she will in the future and said.

"Alright, nya~ I'll make sure in the future we'll have many kittens nya~!" She declared moving closer into him doing something that she hadn't done to her previous candidate, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulder surprising Ryuu but letting her be as she felt her fangs dug into his skin.

He disabled his Absolute Invulnerability and let her bite into his skin where she drew blood and used her power to turn that blood into a magic crest where it turned into sigil that looked like a car with two tails. Ryuu was caught off guard since she did want Kuroka but everything was too fast then recalled how his [ Harem Protagonist ] and [ Beast Lordship ] remain active. Though, he takes responsibility when it comes to his charisma over women.  

Not to mention, it won't work if there isn't any interest planted in their heart. Regardless, he understood how much the mark met and signifies since it met that they won't find any other mate other than the one they mark. Though, they can use special scent to mark their mate but it is more of fending off other nekomata from stealing their targets. 

This one can only be used once and if their mate does then they would as well and they cannot remove it anymore. It was unfortunate but this is what her mother, Fujimai did to her bastard father. Ryuu saw her slowly back off looking at him ready to pounce anytime and heard her speak.

"I would have gone and asked the Vanishing dragon if it weren't for the fact she's a woman. Now that I've marked you I won't let you leave me!" 

Ryuu wondered if being an obsessive woman runs in their family since she would have gone the route like her mother if Ryuu wasn't a sensible and responsible man. He was not kind, that was certain but he has a set of self imposed rules that doesn't go overboard. He was the embodiment of evil that is a necessity to the universe similar to Ayin while the True utter madness of evil was the Daemon Sultan. He sighed and pulled Kuroka surprising her then whispered and said.

"Hope you're not going to regret this in the future." That is literally impossible considering what kind of man he is. Ryuu growled, making the nekoshou to feel weak and felt his dominating aura. A lack of better term, an Alpha. An apex beast who is desired by all beasts. 

"You don't even know the name and yet are willing to mark me with your eternal mate mark." Kuroka was convinced that she found the perfect candidate to bear a line of stronger children. Though, she felt disappointed it wouldn't come any sooner while Ryuu continued whispering into her ear as he released a bit of his primal self. This made the nekoshou fell for him and felt submissive.

"My name is Ryuu and since you're so willing to give me your make then I shall do the same." Ryuu gave up losing a bit of his human morals and accepted her as another woman but won't pounce on her until she works on her feelings. He leaned into her shoulder and bit into it placing a mark into her back as a family crest then to her womb as a woman crest. 

The sensation made Kuroka feel a surge of power and connection to Ryuu immediately felt more about him with a sense of unity between them. Ryuu can show things about him but where is the development in that? Knowing and understanding was a completely different thing.

Elsa and Anna are just special cases since they have been locked in a room their entire life that it made them a bit naive and easily persuaded and immediately fell for him. 

Kuroka felt her body grow breathless from the sensation and her heart pounding showing that their unity slowly became one. She playfully smiled and said.

"That felt amazing nya~! Are we going further and making Kitten nya~?" Ryuu shook his head and said.

"Not yet, until things settle down then I won't touch you and even though we became one now but it best you get to know more about me. Not to mention, I have many women and if you can't get along with them then it would be a problem." 

Kuroka nodded, determined to show her worth and know more about him while Ryuu began to imagine the teasing duo of Shinobu and Kanae would become a trio. She pressed her head into his chest while purring and released a special scent and said.

"I will do my best nya~!"  Ryuu smiled softly and said.

"Well, anyway, do you want to know how Koneko or Shirone have been doing?" Kuroka perked up and was eager to know how her sister was doing. She had been spying on her from a distance making sure that she was fine but can't get close that often knowing that she will find her. 

"I am Nya~! Tell me how is Shirone nya~!?" He chuckled a bit then changed their position and sat on the ground while leaning on the boulder while Kuroka kept pressing her head into chest and releasing more of her special scent. 

"She's been…" 



Draconic Deus. 

Romania. Vampire Territory. At the same time As Gaia and Alaya.

Like the Devils, Vampires are residents of darkness that have existed since ancient times. They have similar rankings and weaknesses like those of High-Class Devils. However, Devils are residents of the Underworld, while Vampires are beings that live in the darkness of the human world with their center of the population being located in Romania.

They may seem similar, but their views and culture differ greatly although, like Devils, they have a long life span. The Vampires are a race of supernatural creatures even more proud and aloof than the Devils.

In fact, the discrimination between Vampires and other species is so strong that it has reached the point that Dhampirs, like Gasper and Valerie, who were born from Vampire Lords and Human mothers, were treated badly even by their own family members. 

Hunting humans is the true nature of a vampire for their source of food. Male vampires will use human women for their own pleasure and make them bear a child and female vampires will use human men for their own pleasure and bear their child.

Several hundred years ago, there was an incident that split the world of Vampires, where the Vampires argued between choosing a female true ancestor and a male true ancestor in order to retain the purity of pure-blooded Vampires. 

This incident eventually gave birth to the Tepes Faction, a male-dominated Vampire faction and the Carmilla Faction, a female-dominated Vampire faction. Both factions became at war with each other after the Tepes Faction recently got hold of a Longinus possessor.

Vampires do not get along well with other races and have a strict, pure-blooded aristocracy and are so arrogant that not even a single family has ever cared about their servants even a tenth of as much as the Gremory family has cared for their servants. 

Also, any Vampire with a human in their parentage, whether humans-turned Vampire or are descended from one, are never allowed to become nobles and considered substandard members of the species, assuming that they're even considered Vampires in the first place. 

"That sounds horrible!" A green haired woman, Kie Kamado exclaimed as she was walking beside Ryuu while the two head not straight the the Tepes Faction and raid the place was heading towards Carmilla faction knowing that by tipping the balance between the faction thing would crumble and fall. 

Ryuu or rather Yaldabaoth was a close friend of Vlad Dracula Tepes within the upper cosmos, human Realm. He was violent but his devotion to Yesh was undeniable even the time he was offered by Satan after having seemingly been abandoned by Yesh at that time still refused the offer showing his devotion and in the end had been blessed into becoming the first vampire using a part of Yaldabaoth making him and the rest of vampire to be his descendent. 

Not in the traditional sense but still connected to vampires regardless of having the threat of blood and shapeshifting. Ryuu nodded at her words and said.

"You can't blame them, Kie. That is just their society had blossomed and frankly it held some truth in their bloodline but I won't deny their excessive xenophobic behavior." Kie calmed down upon hearing her lover and said.

"Are you planning on killing them?" Ryuu nodded despite how much Kie disliked the idea but accepted it. She may be kind but understand the necessity for it while Ryuu spoke and said.

"I am but, I'll only aim for the vilest vampire and reformed their society. The reason why we are heading to Carmilla is because if we raid the Tepes now then it would lead to the Carmilla taking advantage of them leading to even more discrimination. I aim to place them under my custody and be part of our empire." 

Indeed, the moment they learn about the news of their greatest weapon suddenly disappearing would immediately do everything in their power to retaliate. Kie nodded and said.

"Then try your best to minimize the casualties. I dislike senseless slaughter knowing those vampires have their own family." 

He smiled at her words and was happy that she was there to keep him tame along with his parents. The two continued their stroll until arriving at a barrier surrounding an entire country at the outskirts of Romania. He stood there looking at the barrier before his shadow expanded as a person, a butler appeared kneeling before him. 

"You call my lord?" Ryuu didn't bother looking behind and said.

"Go forth and tell the queen of our arrival and our desire to assist in their conflict against the Tepes Faction." The servant quickly responded and said,

"It will be done my lord."