
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Komik
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134 Chs

Chapter 28 - First world Mission?

Ryuu was unable to stop thinking about the other night when Justine confessed to him. He doesn't know what he should do in order for him to accomplish the task given to him by the system.

It's not like he doesn't want it. Every man dreams of having multiple women drawn to him. But at the same Time, Ryuu felt the responsibility of something like that was heavy.

Ryuu could only wait until he somehow forms a harem and if she still likes him by then he'll wholeheartedly accept it.

Hitting his face putting the thought aside since sulking wouldn't do anything. The best he could do is wait how things go. He quickly sat on his bed opening the [ Gacha ] to acquire a normal ticket. He hoped it would be something that would be useful.

The [ Gacha ] system spun before his eye landing in enticing skills and items but they weren't things that he hoped to get and doubt that a [ Normal Ticket ] would give a world-defying item.

[ You have Acquired Rich Person Bundle ]

Ryuu raised his brow seeing what it was since based on the name then he could get rich. Giving more thought, he wonders how the government was reacting when a bank account suddenly popped out with billions of cash.

His intuition is telling him that the system would likely rewrite reality on a whim for the members of the Chat group. It would explain why there was no news about the sudden increase of cash and the most logical explanation.

"Let's see what this thing has."

[ Rich Person Bundle ]

[ Content: 10% share of every company including bitcoin and virtual currency. Multi-million Mansion, and Property that is fully furnished with a room containing the best gaming computer and game room pub. Tax free for 10 years. System shall provide the payment. ]

[ Note: Paper works and documents are legitimate. Furthermore virtual currency doesn't include system or games. ]

"HOOOOOLLY SHIT!?" He screamed at the top of his lungs when the bundle gave him nearly an endless amount of money and access in every company.

Numerous memories regarding the bundle were amazed to see the property and the items that came with it. This means he doesn't need to worry about anything, especially with the 10 years tax-free.

"Ryu, did something happen!? Are you alright?"

Ryuu heard his dad outside the door and quickly tried to find a way to make a story on how he got a hold of a multi-million mansion. He used his [ Parallel Thought Processing ] and [ High speed thought processing ] to help formulate a plan in a few seconds.

It took him a moment to find that the only thing he could lie is that he won it from a lottery including the money and could give him the reason why he lied about it.

He was dumb for not thinking about it sooner and was blamed for his lack of brain cells two days ago. Ryuu quickly took out the documents and papers of ownership.

"I'm fine. It's just that I saw a new announcement about a new anime." Ryuu quickly made an excuse.

"Oh is that so? Alright then. Anyway, how about we have some breakfast."

Ryuu opted with a wide smile excited to tell his parents about the great news. They would not stop working and finally have the proper retirement they deserve. He opens the door where his father is looking at him noticing something.

"You look rather happy." His father commented.

"Hahaha, that's a surprise. I'll tell you about it at the dinner table with mom."

His father raises a brow wondering what it was, then sees the envelope in his son's arms before smirking and patting his son's back. The father and son headed their way to the dinner table before taking a seat.

"Mom, Dad please take a seat. I want to tell you something."

His tone was serious that made his parents sit down quietly to listen. Their son is normally laid back and rarely this serious.

"About the job I've been telling you?" Ryuu said, getting their attention.

"Yeah, you haven't said what it was." His father answered.

"I lied about that since I didn't want to ruin the surprise."

He handed the envelope to them making them curious what it was before opening it and their faces were instantly flabbergasted from what they saw.

"Is this real!? You've bought a multi-million Mansion!? This is unbelievable!"

His mother exclaimed nearly ventilating if not for his father trying his best to calm her down. Even he was dumbstruck that it left him speechless.

"Care to explain everything? How did you buy a multi-million mansion??"

He didn't even ask if the paperwork was fake knowing his son would never make a joke this extreme.

Ryuu nodded before explaining the fake story he was able to formulate by telling them that he had won a lottery ticket a week ago and had kept it a secret as he had been busy preparing the place.

"How many pesos did you win?" His father asked.

"From the amount I've spent at least roughly 500,000,000 pesos." Ryuu instantly said.

"500...500 million!?"

Ryuu nodded, hiding the fact that it was a billion rather than a million but decided to make it a bit realistic as there shouldn't be more than double-digit billion prices.

"How about we pack our things and head there? Also, any place you want to eat??"

He gave a wide grin before his mother truly fainted after the amount of surprise he did.


Ryuu reviewed the memory that came with the bundle regarding the mansion's interior design where it had three floors and several rooms along with a basement that contains a pool table, a few arcade games, and overall a hang spot.

On the outside, it had a large pool and beautiful garden that had the overall land property of a hundred meters. The garage had several motorcycles and cars that his father only dreamed of.

They were in tears upon seeing their new home and gave a tight hug to Ryuu. It took them two hours to explore the property, finding the kitchen jump-pack with utility and a refrigerator that filled to the brim.

"Son, this is truly unbelievable!" His father exclaimed.

"It feels like a dream, Dear!" His mother said.

"Hahaha, it doesn't stop there. Remember the time when I spent money on anime?" Ryuu proudly asked.

"Yeah, you said you had used it on a Gacha game or whatever."

Ryuu previous year had invested an enormous amount of money into a game called 'Fate Grand order' to get every Saber or specifically Artoria. He ponders the possibility of saving her from the naive thought of avoiding the fall of her kingdom.

Though going in those dimensions is certain death seeing how complex and powerful their powers are compared to other worlds.

"Actually Invested it online and bought 10%. Guess how much it's getting?"

The two were confused as they had never been brightest regarding online stuff. It was the perfect way to trick them into believing he was only online. Though, it was entirely a lie since he truly had 10% invested in cryptocurrency.

"At least several millions of pesos."

Their jaws dropped hearing his claims since it was truly an unbelievable and life-changing thing.

"So Dad has any plans on quitting?"

Ryuu wanted his father to stay safe and retire but knowing him then he wouldn't be able to stay in one place.

"Maybe. Are you sure son? I feel like the breadwinner all of sudden changed to you." His father felt his responsibility was now on his son.

"It's fine, Dad. Not to mention, I don't have anything to use my money for besides you two."

Ryuu scratches his cheek while awkwardly smiling before they soon have their launch having surreal moments. He gives his father some money to take his mother on a date, which they reluctantly accept.

Now he was left in his enormous home headed his way to the room he chose which had a multi screen gaming PC setup with neon lights and keyboard. Ryuu never had felt this comfortable before as he laid his stiff body into the bed.

He said there while looking at his phone to see anything new and was surprised to see the notification. Ryuu didn't expect that the mission wasn't how fanfic would do them.

[ World Mission ]

[ Kimetsu No yaiba ]

[ Main Mission : Kill Muzan along with his lower and Upper Moon without the use of magic.

[ Participants: Admin and Insect Hashira. ]

[ Time: 5 years ]

[ Penalty: Death ]

[ Note: All world Mission will stop the time in their Main world. Chatting would be blocked due to stopping time beside the one participating in the mission. In addition people won't age during the duration in order to not bring unwanted attention. ]

It was at that moment everyone got online to see what was going on while Ryuu was smiling excitedly about the new adventure.