
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 7

"YOU ARE A LIAR" Alpha Daniel Knight shouts at me, he looks like he could explode with rage any minuet. I chuckle and look directly at him.

"What make you say that Mr.Knight?" I question him calmly.

"Well... the first king was crowned 1,000 years ago, you would be dead of old age by now" I look at him and start laughing and both 201 and lestat chuckle as well.

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING" He shout yet again.

"Im sorry it's just based off what you just asked me you are either completely stupid or have no interest in your own history" I look directly at all the other Alphas who all look confused at me as well. I'm shocked that non of them know about the fact we as bittens don't age.

"You have got to be kidding me, none of you know? Have you all completely ignored your own history all this time ? Mr.Sharp surely you must know about us ?" I look at Alexander waiting for the answers.

He looks at all the Alphas who have now turned their attention to him, he sighs " I am surprised you all don't know the legends about the bitten, even though I thought it to be a fairy tale myself, from what I understand the bittens don't age it's one of the reasons my family had the making of them banned" All the Alphas looked shocked and a little worried to.

"You said your name was 5 am I correct ?" Alexander questions me.

"Yes that's the name your great-grandfather gave me when he made me" I let out some of the anger in my voice, both 201 and Lestat step closer to me attempting to comfort me.

"You know thats not a real name right ? Why not change it and have a proper name ?" he looks at both me and 201.

"How dare you ask my Queen that, we know it's not a real name, you people gave us numbers because you wanted disposable pawns for your wars, We don't change our names to remind you people of your past sins, we won't take real names until you start paying back what you owe us" 201 states accusingly at Alexander. I look at him and smile to calm him down and thank him.

Alpha Zander Moon scoffs at us " You people are abominations and should all be destroyed, the only sins we committed was not killing all of you after the war, I think we should fix our mistake now and kill you both and this vampire and be done with you and your so called pack" all the other Alphas start to laugh at his comment. Both 201 and Lestat are shaking with rage. I calmly stand and look at Zander.

"Never ever threaten my people" with that I throw the silver dagger I had hidden into his shoulder.

"Consider that a warning to you all, if you don't take me and my community seriously you will be sorry. Now I cam here in good faith to meet with your king who did not show, the fact I even entertained meeting him despited the sins of his family is good enough, but to then insult me and threaten my community is unacceptable. My demands are simple, Leave me and my community alone, do not ever attempt to cross our borders or you will be executed as trespassers." I look at lestat and nod, he throws a document at Alexander.

"Give that to your king, that is the map of our borders so you don't get confused, if he feels like he wants to discus this further my borders is where he can find me, and Alexander I mean him not you" with that said I get up and storm out leaving a screaming Zander and stunned Alphas behind. Me and 201 shift and bust out the pack house with Lestat using his vampire speed to keep up, we run straight for home, the blue moon pack were not ready for us so did not get a chance to stop us. After an hour of running we reach our borders. When we get to the office both Madock and David are waiting for us.

"So .... how did it go ?" David questions us.

"as well as expected" 201 answers.

"That bad then" Madock asks me.

"Well I had to use my dagger so yes" I chuckle at him, we all start laughing all of a sudden my chest starts burning like my insides are on fire.

"ahhhhh" I start to fall down but Lestat is quick enough to run over and catch me. I am in to much pain to speak or explain what is going on, only 201 knows what is happening I look at him pleading.

"Madock you need to help her, she's being affected by a spell put on her when she was turned" 201 informs him looking concerned for me. Madock looks at me confused then to 201.

"Tell me as much as you can about the spell with enough info I can ease the pain" he questions 201

"Its a spell to punish her, if she ever attacks an Alpha and until the king releases it it won't stop" One of the many ways they control us, I hate them even more for it. Madock starts to examine me and then hovers his hands over me and starts chanting.

"Aquam peto ut hunc ignem lenire, hanc maledictionem lenire et eius opera euoluere"

Then all I see is darkness as the pain starts to fade away with it.

sorry for the long wait hope you enjoy this update

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