
First Sight

The warm sunlight entering my room. Birds are chirping. I wake up and flexing. Look out of window and checking my phone. Today is first day on high school. I'm an introvert person, I hope I can makes some new friends on school. I preparing everything for first day at high school, my school stuff, my sketch book because I like drawing, and my appearance. I wear white shirt with black hoodie with small polygon wolf picture on left chest, jeans, black bracelet with little tree ornament, and street walker shoes. After ready, I go down for take a breakfast.

At kitchen I see my mom cooks breakfast, my dad sips his morning coffee, my sister, Natalie, help my mom to make breakfast, and my brother, Antonio, take his breakfast.

"Morning my clever son, are you exciting for first day on high school?" Ask my dad

"Yeah, but I little bit nervous for the new environment, like friends, teachers, and other school stuff"

"Yeah, it's look hard in start, but you will get used to it"

"Yeah, I think so"

I sit on dining chair and take my breakfast.

"Hey sweetheart, don't forget something for your first day at school, find a good friends, and don't do something bad thing" Remind my mom with warmth.

"Okay mom, I knew it"

"Here your lunch Ollie, I cooked it for you" say Natalie and suggest me with her home-made omelette with carrots lunch.

"Thanks Natalie, it's look so delicious"

He smiling with happily. She has a good skill of cooking, so I know his food will delicious, because she knows my appetite.

"Hey bro, have a nice day for first day at high School" greets Antonio

"Yeah, you too bro"

After that, I take my bicycle and go to school with it.

I lived in country side, so the environment still look so natural. I take a short cut to make it faster. The road is empty, so natural, trees everywhere, and I like it. And than I meet my neighborhood best friend, Ian, his age same as me.

"Hey Ollie, first day on high school, right?"

"Yeah, you too, right?"

"Yeah, but unfortunately we not in same school"

"At least we have a same route, through this short cut"

We chit chat along the road, until we start to split up.

"Okay Ian, see you later"

"See ya"

And than I arrive at school. I park my bicycle, and go to inside the school, looking for my class. On the way go inside to school building, accidentally someone bumped my shoulder. I look at him, he is a cute cool boy, but seems he is a biker. Because he wear a black leather jacket, jeans, brown boots, and biker gloves.

"Owh, sorry, are you okay?" Ask him

"Yeah, I'm okay"

"Is that hurt you?"

"No, it's fine"

We staring each other in silence. My heart is racing. He had white smooth skin, sharp hezel eyes, pink lips, black rockabilly haircut, strong jawline, and ear piercing on his left ear. And he starts introducing himself.

"Martin, Martinez Waldren"

"Olivio, Olivio Ratchford"

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

He speak so gently, his voice is deep and soft. His voice sounds so hot.

"Which class do you will take?" Ask him

"I will take a geography class"

"Hey, I will take it too, how if we looking it together?"

"Yeah, that sounds good"

And than we go looking for class together. I feel something special about him. And I think I just crush on him at first sight. How's he act and speak to me, I think he same as me. Gay. I so grateful I have meet Martin and be friend with him.

I wrote it with fantasy and little bit about my reality. and it's my first time I wrote a story. hope you enjoy it :)

BreezingWindcreators' thoughts