

An event that made it to the headline since two months ago in every Tv channels in the world, an ASTEROID that is as big as planet Mars was predicted to strike Earth. This big chunk of rock was conspired to be from the Asteroid Belt that fell off from the orbit and made it's way directly to earth.

People are panicking. No amounts of money or royalties can buy their safety. We can't escape to space. We don't have anywhere to run.

Riot here. Riot there.

No Martial Law can restrain people in Fear.

Humanity's FATE is sealed.

Just like the Dinosaurs, we met our end in the same manner.

The history repeated itself.

No one and no advance technology predicted that an asteroid that would spell our doom.

But how do i have the time to write this story?

Well, i thought it would be nice if this story can survive if not me. My writings might be considered an artifact or somethig after the extinction of humans, right? You never know. We could even turn into fossils like the Dino's.

Well, long story short. I can see the asteroid now.

It hasn't even entered the atmosphere but damn..... It sure is big. Way too big.

[Sighs] What did i do with my life? If i knew the world would end when I'm still a virgin,

I should have. . .you know. With my ex.

She was hot, yeah. Maybe some girl would do it with me now that the world is ending.hahahhaha...

Scratch that... Who the fuck is getting horny during the End of the World..

[Sighs] ... I'm hopeless aren't I?hahahaha






