
Okazaki's Journey of the Multiverse

A man who dies of AIDs in a hospitable is chosen to be the host of 'the system' follow him on his journey exploring what ever universe Author-san throws him into This is a fanfiction of many different anime, movies and novels of which none i own. some ideas may have come from other novels but i am attempting to be original. thanks to all who decide to read

AussieWizard · Komik
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19 Chs

CH.7 Kill All for One

"Eevee!!!" the small blob of light shouts as it forms into a cute little furball on the tiles in front of me

"Eevee" the Pokémon shouts again

"Theodore! "I respond with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"Eve vee vee Eevee" It shouts before charging straight into my stomach.

"Shit, dodge" I say to myself as if I could avoid a point-blank Tackle. "augh"

"Guess you're not the talk first kind of guy, don't you want to be friends litt…" I start to talk but as I am getting up, I notice Eevee, struggling, restrained in the midst of my shadow by a few black tendrils reaching from my shadow

'Oh shit, Kuro don't kill him, her, it, fuck it doesn't matter just restrain one of its legs or somethin'

It takes but an instant before all of the tendrils retract back into my shadow leaving one around its hind ankle. I stand up making sure the light from the window keeps my shadow over Eevee.

"hey little guy, you ready to talk now" I crouch down speaking to Eevee, it's scared and slowly tries to back away.

"Will you talk to me If I give you some tasty fruit" I speak in the most soothing voice I possibly can and summon the Lanka Fruit from my inventory and holding it out.

*sniff sniff sniff *nom*

"Eevee!" It shouts, stars in its eyes and devouring the rest before I can even try any myself.

"hehe want some more" I hold my arms out and pick up the Eevee. "watch this magic"

I stand up on the stool in front of the sink and wave my hand over the counter making a basket of fresh fruit appear which I paid 4 points for.

"Eevee!!!!!" it appears shocked then excited at the new food appearing in front.

"Eat up" I pick up an apple and take a bite while Eevee goes after a peach

"so, you're what, a fox? What do you think you are?" I speak to it gesturing towards the mirror

"Eevee" It looks at my reflection and responds

"Just a heads up little, um, girl. Oh god that sounds so fucked up. You're the only one right now who I trust completely, well you and Kuro"


"Oh, Kuro is the monster inside of my shadow, but it can't speak yet and it's trapped in my shadow or something, but you Eevee, you can experience your own adventures and follow me to many different worlds, how does that sound" I speak into the mirror, progressively getting more enthusiastic.


*Eee…vee *Eee…vee

[she's absolutely adorable] Nagisa whispers excitedly

I continue to look at Eevee lying on my bed, slowly breathing in and out, asleep "Ay to that, way too much energy though, and this is coming from a toddler kitten"

[So, I guess you can cross out a few things on your bucket list?]

"Which ones?" I reply confused, I did make the list you think I'd know if I met some of the goals

[Well you tamed a monster then gave a speech about trust and friendship]

"ok first of all, no, was my talk really that cringey? Aahhhh it totally was. Ok I really hope I don't make a habit of making stupid speeches, I was just getting it out… Yea."

[What's the second point?]

"Eevee isn't a monster, look at that little furball, I'm saving that goal for something cool"

[Yea like a dragon or phoenix]

'Or maybe a woman.' I think to myself.

[Oh, so women are monsters now Theo] Nagisa practically snarls

"Umm for a few days a month, certainly. O-Of course my Nagisa is always an angel, you needn't follow the rules of a mere mortal."

[Good save Okazaki]

'She's definitely smirking'

*Clears throat*

"Ok Nagisa time to commence operation 1, Shopping spree"

[So, what's on the menu today]

I grab a leather-bound notebook that was given to me from gran last month, I've been using it to keep track of all my future plans, goals and my shopping list. I go and sit down at my desk that I got dad to buy me a few months ago, pros of being rich people.

[New missions Received]

[Embodiment of Heroism

-Requirements: Be A hero

-Reward: Limit Break – Ability – Saint]

[Mind of the villainous

-Requirements: Be A villain

-Rewards: Computer speak – Ability – Saint]

[free souled Vigilante

-Requirements: Be A vigilante

-Rewards: Clairvoyance – Ability – Saint]

*Whistle* "that's some good stuff but what's with the randomness of these missions?"

[guess you have just met the requirements for it to trigger]

"It says to BE, as in truly become one of those so I guess I can cross out villain and I probably won't be a hero since I wont follow the law so I Guess I will get Clairvoyance That's a bummer, the other rewards look so cool."

"So back to the topic at hand, I've got a big 100K and a very small list of things that are under that price, well comparatively anyways."

"just to be safe I'll get the Kaela Yoshinaga Inheritance Pill – Mortal – Item for a whopping 19K, gives me the knowledge into my noggin but I still have to practice, but getting hacking and investigation skills separately would cost 30K and I've got time to burn."

"now that the easy stuff is over with time to make the little decisions" I talk to myself and look down at my notes.

"I want to be smarter and have a more efficient brain but at the same time I want my brain to be completely human. Upgrading different parts or functions is impossible to afford right now and techniques are also a no go."

[NZT-48 pill – Item – Mortal – 50,000sp]

"I could buy this or similar things like a money clip of pills or a bag of pills that while are cheaper in the long run I'm a poor little boy. Is it possible to give me a discount little angle, Pretty please?"

[Hmm I might, just give me a second Theo.]

"Wait, Really?"

[Mission Received: Great Challenge, Greater Rewards

-Requirements: Kill All for One

-Rewards: 10min of 99% store Discount

-Time limit: 10min]

"hardy har, should I kill All Might while I'm at it?"

[don't have to be sassy, you wanted a discount you got one]

"Yeah, I get it, equivalent exchange or something, umm, I don't know where he lives and I don't have enough money for nukes, I have no spies or allies in general and I…" I start to rant but a realisation comes to me and I realise I'm an idiot.

[Theo, are you alright] Nagisa realising my sudden silence asks worriedly.

"no no don't worry, don't just god damnit"

[mortal World Ticket – 1,000,000sp]

"I was just going to buy the pill and find a way to get the enzyme the easy way, but that's not going to happen, I guess. Why is it so expensive?"

[points can be earned by killing people, if it was cheap you could just exterminate planets and get everything quickly, it's kind of like a balance]

"Well that sucks, let's just move on then. I already have some cool abilities, sources of incomes via my world ticket which I will use in the future, I have two awesome pets. All I'm missing are some skills"

[Ambidexterity – mortal – skill – 300sp]

[calligraphy master – mortal - skill – 8,670sp]

[Parkour Master – mortal – skill – 18,003sp]

[Beginner Defensive Brawler – Mortal – Skill – 1,500sp]

[Quick Typing – Mortal – skill – 175sp]

[Expert Painter – Mortal – Skill – 17,827sp]

[Taiichi Art P1: Natural Energy Accumulation manual – Saint - Item – 10,000sp]

[common Meridians – Saint – Constitution – 27,626sp]

"Annnnd like that I'm poor as shit" I sigh looking at my meagre amount of remaining points

[so why do you need things like calligraphy and painting?]

"Huh? Oh, that's so I don't have to learn the mundane things for runes and such later in life, I've always had the worst handwriting and I'm sure as shit not sitting down and writing each letter or katakana hundreds of times." I respond and look at the clock.

"Oh shit, it's already seven, did I really spend that long with Eevee. Guess I'll get some sleep and have some more fun tomorrow, I wonder how dad will react to my new Summon quirk"

"Good night Eevee" I pat her on the head and lie down next to her, it's only a single bed but we are both small so it's fine.

"Goodnight Nagisa"

[Goodnight Theo]