
Ojisan Anime Couch-Casting Interview and Enjoy Do H-thing (+18)

Couch Casting x Anime x Hentai x Pervert lead Ojisan. An over forty years-old salary man, is choose to be a lead fictional actor and director, for making erotic interview with female who come to search something or do something, generally without know why she do that. For Helping him, many other character from other fiction come to help him, for making the hottest and lewdest interview he could. Every time he conquered a woman or girls, he gains new ability about the world rule. Summon and buy stuff from somewhere he didn't know. And provoke many problems and what if universe. --- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the original source materials, they all belong to someone else, except my MC or some minor character. Don't Follow some logic, just R-18 with no reason. Smut and easy girls. Super Harem, System, Cheat, Weak to Strong, NTR (Generally with their lover watching), Many First time Intercourse, Target always became pure Lover and R*pe Victim Becomes Lover, S*x Friends, S*x Slaves, Stockholm Syndrome, Twisted Personality and western reference. Teenager from many anime, manga, light novel and game. Immortal MC. No Mind control and hypnosis. She always (maybe) consenting for unprotected s*x, no Pregnancy without plot inside. No bad ending for MC. Super persuasion. Possibly became strong enough to beat Saitama no serious level. Bad English Grammar. Story Writing level equal I don't know. Lewd story. Seriously is just a guy who bang fictional anime girls. NSFW if I could make it. Release? When I have time or boner or whatever circumstance. (Don't have many free time, take nearly 6 hours for writing something near good for me. Or just if I had a precise plan)

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Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Management x Butler

Matsuda woke up after a good night, sleeping with Oleana who laid on is belly hairy. Everything that had happen is real? He cannot imagine all of that possible. Not without being drugged being a girl.

But Oleana is sleepy, and her face is so real. She is indeed very pretty even without put a makeup. Her blonde hair are like silk from touch and form a strange pattern with part of them separate naturally and render her like unreal girls but also true.

Generally girls are less pretty after cleansing her makeup. But for Oleana, she remain pretty and natural without makeup.

The room remain the same or he always look big. Except that he could the the light from daylight. And he feel a little hungry. For girls. He move his hand and caress her back.

"Hmmm..." Oleana open slowly her eye and meet his eye. She recalls what happen last night and feel very happy and move one of her hand for check her crotch. She feel numb.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, how do you feel? Did you sleep well?" He enjoy the fact, seen a girl willing to sleep with him, make him happy. Or more precisely because Matsuda have advantage thanks to his special skill.

"Good morning... darling. You were amazing last night, sex is so wonderful. We need to try again later." She feels itch between her crotch and her hip. She and Matsuda just sleep together after he fell asleep after exhausted himself first by cumming twice in sex. He don't have much stamina after forty years of bad habit.

He kiss her forehead and hug her more intensely. Oleana just come close to Matsuda and warm him with her body. She naked.

"Now, what next." Oleana is curious about what to do for the day. Matsuda never give her work or schelduce. She need to found something to do or she will lose her time for nothing.

"Later Oleana, enjoy the moment before wake up." He very happy and don't want to wake up.

Neither of them know how long they remain on bed, but the peaceful and lovely atmosphere change after their heard someone knock the door. Who surprise them in the moment of peace.

A male voice is heard behind the door "Room service. Are you awake director?" He didn't remember having a room service, nor knew someone else is here apart from them and ICAM assistance.

Matsuda hurry to reply before he tries to open the door. "Wait a minute, I am naked." He told him to wait, because seen someone he doesn't know, sees him naked is not very pleasant.

Oleana hurry to search her clothes" Where is my panty?" She is in a hurry to find her cheeky black panty and clothes.

And me too I need to found where is my pant. Showing all my hairy body is not acceptable.

Matsuda finally found his pant and other part of his suit placed in the chair. Oleana found out all her clothes on a chair too near the bed. Who put away their clothes on the chair.

Putting on your clothes, we are at least presentable to allow him to enter the room.

"Coming!!!" He open the door, and a man in his thirty show himself. He an Asian origin and look like very manly and well-trained. The man wore a butler suit and was accompanied by someone Matsuda recognize very well.


Why he is here, and why he has now a mechanical body? He shows himself like if he is normal for other, but look very odd.

"ICAM, who is he?" Matsuda is very curious about the man standing next to him.

"Your Butler, he the one who prepare your meal. Don't worry he obey all your order" He answer like everytime he speak, with a robotic tone.

"Really, you are my butler?" Look like he really a butler.

"Yes, master." He answer with a tone who doesn't robotic, but mature and profond.

"And who are you??" Matsuda need a name.

"Excuse me, I forgot my Manner. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Yoichi Ajiyoshi. High-ranking culinary chef and butler about your meal.

He introduced himself and make Matsuda remember someone with the same face as him, when he was younger. A young boy in his youth, with a high level of culinary skill and show the beginning of foodgasm.

Where he had seen him. In an Anime? Matsuda cannot remember where he come from.

"Butler?" Oleana sigh after knowing Matsuda company is not that simple.

"Oh yes. Miss Oleana, here a touch pad with the memo of the company" ICAM product an iPad from nothing. Oleana see that and found it normal. Where she come from, gigantification band is common for children play or take care of pet with the power to destroy a country and provoke havoc. ICAM is good like he was, a 6 feet (1.83 m) tall orb head mechanical being.

Oleana grab the pad and consult the files inside. "Thank you." Oleana place the pad beside her and remember something important. "Who are you?" She is curious about who he is.

"Oh, right allow me to introduce myself. I am ICAM. What I do. Something like advice the director what to do. And manage the treasury of the company. I am the one who purchase the good for the company too." Matsuda learn something new from him.

Something is not right, Matsuda witness Oleana calm demeanor like nothing is out of place.

A good deal of new information Matsuda Hears from ICAM, he know ICAM just tell him little by little about all function he could do. And the fact he found a chief and butler for him. Make him thinking how abused his power is and how strange he made Oleana, saw him look like a common people.

"Master. Is time for Breakfast. Would you please follow me for taking your meal. Madam too." The butler reminder the two of them is time for breakfast. True Matsuda and Oleana forget after a long night about the fact is dawn now.

"I am hungry." Matsuda think.

Before going to take a meal. Yoichi reminder us, some pairs of clothes is available in the dressing near the bathroom. How did he know that. Did he know prior to Matsuda knowledge from the place.

Is better than wearing the yesterdays clothes. How Could Matsuda imagined, that the bedroom have more hiding spot than he thought. He take some more time to wear something casual clothes. He in private.

Oleana found out high-en brand suit and robe, with all size together. She took the opportunity to ask ICAM to show her e-market for buying clothes.

Matsuda agree with her, and allow Oleana to take in his personal account, and the personal account is the company money. He remembers he has over 10 billion dollars in the account. How is all work?

"Thank you darling." Oleana is very glad about change her old clothes. Working on a mine is not very good with high heels. After quitting her last job, her bank account have dwindled. She pay her debt later.

After preparing their clothes for breakfast. The group move to the dinner room or cafeteria.

Like every place from the company. Every corner of the company defy the basic law of physic. Is f*ckin too big. The cafeteria is a par of another living room, hide behind a velvet curtain. Where did the decorator imagined a place for meal from the point of view of a rich person?

The Living room have a round black wood table that width enough to fit two dozen guest together.

Is a bit awkward for Matsuda when he sees the room for the first time, at least Yoichi show him the VIP seat among all the seat available. The chair is so comfortable think Matsuda.

"Today dish is British breakfast with fried golden jiang eggs, hawkpork sausages premium, supreme back bacon emperor, rainbow tomatoes slice in cube, 100 years yang mushrooms salad, fried bread make sun flour accompany by coffee shamballa or tea of nirvana at your choice." The menu is strange, even for Oleana. She never heard about this kind of ingredient, and she live in a world of animal with power belong thought.

Matsuda knew he live a different life but where all the strange name come from? "Every dish are over Capture Level 3 and more. Every plat is super first grade." Matsuda remember about a manga with battle dish too. But he is curious about one thing. "Why not japan breakfast? Rice and Natto are correct right?" He looks like a japan guy last night, or he changed race too?

Yoichi just casually answer him. "Right, I could make this dish, but I am a professional, and I need to found the right food for customer and particularly the High-up like you." Yoichi sound so professional that Matsuda don't know what to reply him. Right, not more than yesterdays, he remembers eating for breakfast kimchi. Now he a new man and need to eat the best food he could.

Now he just tried the food, prepare by a super chef. Matsuda take a mouth hackpork sausage. The moment he ate the sausage. The world he saw every day, change for a new world full of wonder. He hallucinated about pork play leapfrog and fell on his mouth, so cute.

Oleana too hallucinated with the golden jiang egg fried. She see herself swimming in a pool of yellow egg with Matsuda not far away from her. Is her first taste something so good. That she lost the fact she need to work a minimum.

After eating the whole breakfast and take a break tea. Oleana are now full operational and work in the schedule she just received from ICAM.

Matsuda have for a part of the morning, meeting some army and mercenary corp. Oleana thinking what kind of company is? She didn't remember about owning military force.

But she didn't need to look further.

"Director, you have a appoinment with your private army after breakfast. The memo tell your employer are finally coming." Oleana narrate the text from the pad for Matsuda heard.

"Private Army?" Matsuda remember know that ICAM tell him he own some soldier before going Interview Oleana. "Fine, ICAM lead us to my private army?"

"Understood." ICAM show the lead. Meanwhile Yoichi can finally remove the plate after the two of them finish eating breakfast. He thinking many thing over the morning. "Why I am here? All hi the director!" He think funny thing.

"A puddle of water? Is the chair Oleana sit? I don't care." Yoichi need to prepare more dish for the private army and go in his kitchen.

When ICAM lead the way, he speak with Matsuda in his mind. "Are you surprice about the treatment?"

"I am, Who is he? I remember seen him before when I was young and innocent, But I cannot remember where I have seen him before." Matsuda is curious about his identity.

" He Yoichi Ajiyoshi from Mister Ajikko. Very old manga. Is one of a few gift you have by the Great One. With Yoichi include in a pack" He walk and talk a big of surprice about who he was, and he finally know who he is.

"The one from 80s-90s manga about food fight and precurssor of foodgasm?"

"Himself. You totally loyal to you. And he is mature and proffesional. He know what he do." ICAM explain about him be autonome. Matsuda need a little help before be ready to hunt other girls.

"Good, and i have other gift? What is it?" He have a super chef, what next, he curious but ICAM never answer the reponse.

ICAM stop in front of a door with sign about [Army]. "We are here, behind the door are your soldier."

Matsuda stood here before open the door. Oleana follow him, she is curious why he have a army. meanwhile ICAM push the door and show a platoon of soldier no armed but build with powerful muscle and look like a warmonger for some, when other look like cosplayer.

Among the crew. Matsuda reconize one female character he like because she is strong. She have a eye patch and wear a tank top who shown a tattoo with wing in her back. Something is not right. Why she is here?

All the soldier recognize their boss. "Hi, Director!!!" One of the member of the platoon, more particularly the tank top female with a eyepatch come near him to great him.

"Hi director, I am Sophia Velmer your main bodyguard and capitain of deathwatch assaut. Director" She smile at me like a fanatic. She is not with Koko?

What kind of army i have. Thinking Matsuda in his head.

Happy new years. I will try to make him bang the most girls i could per???

Need to rewrite everything one day.

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