
Oh Wow He's Dead!

My attempt at making a poorly written story just because I can, in the world of Lirf, our generic and boring protagonist Kamika will be in another overdone tussle of good vs evil as she must stop Grif, the antagonist.

Rin_The_Djinn · Derivasi dari karya
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3 Chs

Kill Kamika

"It all started for me fifteen years ago."

Kamika's childhood was anything but ideal. She had lost her parents at the age of eleven, an event that marked the beginning of her journey into the harsh realities of Lirf. The memory of that fateful day was etched into her mind with painful clarity—the flames that engulfed her home, the cries of anguish that soared through the air, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness that she felt as her world crumbled around her.

"There was a fire. I was scared, I jumped out the window of my house to escape getting harmed, I was powerless, that lack of power made me feel less free with what I could do with my life."

It was in the aftermath of this tragedy that Kamika found herself alone, a mere child left to navigate a world filled with uncertainty. Her heart was heavy with grief, yet even then, a fire burned within her—a determination to rise above her circumstances and become a force to be reckoned with.

"I had to hunt and survive all by myself. I was lucky to have used a stick I sharpened to defend myself, but I knew that wouldn't save me forever."

(I wish they hadn't saved themselves in the first place.)

As the years passed, Kamika's persistence evolved into a fierce resolve. She refused to be a victim of fate. Instead, she would become the architect of her own destiny. Kamika immersed herself in combat, honing her skills with an unrelenting dedication and finding ways to turn anything into a weapon. Her determination became her driving force, and her feeling of helplessness transformed into a hunger for strength.

She had made it to a city, she was unfamiliar with people there and got herself thrown into prison almost as soon as she arrived. Once released from jail, she sought out mentors to help her figure out what she wanted to do with her life learning from anyone who was willing to teach her. She trained tirelessly, pushing her body and mind beyond their limits.

Over the years, Kamika's transformation was abundantly clear. Her once scrawny frame had filled out with lean muscle. She had become proficient in various forms of combat, from swordsmanship to archery, and hand-to-hand combat.

However, as Kamika's strength grew, so did a less admirable aspect of her personality. She became more oblivious to the struggles of others around her, consumed by her own pursuit of power and justice. Her empathy seemed to wane, replaced by an unwavering belief in her own righteousness.

Kamika's reputation as a fearsome warrior earned her both admiration and fear. People looked up to her, hoping to emulate her strength, while others shied away, sensing an aura of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and pure evil that seemed to surround her.

"Nothing else matters, no one else matters, all that matters is getting stronger, anybody I see is going to regret opposing my beliefs."

Eventually, Kamika met Rik and Lakakuna when on an expedition. She had defeated them in a battle and Kamika recruited them to join her alliance. She also managed to convince many who believed in her cause, except after some time people slowly drifted away from helping her as they started to see through her and acknowledge Kamika for who she really was.

Coming back into the present moment, Kamika is screaming for her allies to fight harder, slashing her enemies in a more precise and swift manner than before.

I barely care about her backstory so I made it shorter, but I feel as though I gave enough context to where you get the idea.

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