


"Haru you have to eat, please just stop drinking." Asami begged me on her knees as I kept on downing shot after shot of whiskey.

This was the third night I was drinking and I haven't been in my house, just lingering in a bar close to Yuki's café.

"Are you happy?! I'm finally not going to leave you anymore so you can leave me alone!" I shouted as I pushed her away.

She fell on her butt, watching me as I wallowed in self hate before she stood up and left.

It hasn't been long she left, Akio came over and sat beside me before ordering a cocktail and some water.

"Enough with the drinking, give me that!" Akio commanded as he collected my drink, placing the bottle of water which I reluctantly drank.

"So I heard from Rin the bad news, mind explaining what happened?" Akio asked as he took a drink from his cocktail.

My eyes studied him before trailing down to a marriage ring on his finger.