
Officially Mine? or Still Strangers?

Running away to an Unknown City can be Scary, Refreshing, and most importantly also can be a Dream come true. Starting your new life, facing hardships and joyful moments can be fun- Until one day Symon meets Thea, the one from whom he is running away. "you are mine." "I don't know you- We are strangers, Miss." "From the moment you turned 16, you were mine.." "Who are you? Why can't you just let go of me?!" he swatted her hand away from his bag. Moving fast, the thunderstorm which entered Symon's daily run to the grocers left nothing but a note saying- "so Officially mine?" in his empty bag. "Dear... what happened? Who made you like this? I waited for 2 years... I can't wait anymore... Please..." "NO! you are like them. I don't want to see your face ever. Go away Alpha!!.." he cried "Please go away I don't know you.." Symon Perri said composing himself now. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like this.." pleaded Thea. "Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life" he said distancing himself from her. "Symon.. okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea" . . . . "What are you doing here?" he asked with his sharp and cold voice. "It's your New Neighbour, Mr.Perri. She will move in here after a week." answered The Real Estate agent hesitatingly. He was a beta and could surely sense the tension between them. "It's my pleasure to meet you again Mr. Perri. Myself Thea Suzuki. Currently working as a lawyer for the KJ corporation" His eyes popped out. She cannot be kidding him now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see what happens to Symon and Thea 3 years later to their early encounters,

_Shikhu_ · perkotaan
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21 Chs

Chapter 21- Baby steps and flustered gazes

"Aren't you heading home now?" Symon murmurs watching his Alpha as he stands there tiptoeing to see her through the translucent strips of transparent glass. She was too immersed in her work.

As soon as she smells her Omega, Thea sniffs a little too much. She looks around, away from her laptop, until her gaze falls on a silhouette outside their common area.

Is he here to check on me? Can't be that.

She moved toward their door, believing he needed to meet someone.

"Mr. Symon, are you finding someone here? Everyone has left, only me and the other two are here to finish our work. Do you want me to call someone for you?"

He looks up and into her eyes, "Oh. No, I was just.... looking for you. Why haven't you left yet? It's late. Every department is almost empty." with a little worry shown on his poker face he says.

He is looking for me? She blushes at the thought. The way he looked at her while saying that was too obvious. He was trying to talk to her. He wanted to know why she was here till nine in the night. He cared for her.

"The head of the department asked me to compensate you for my late arrival in the morning. So, he assigned me extra work. I'm almost done," she smiles, saying the last sentence quickly.

He needs to talk with that head now. It's not safe for her to stay until this late. So what if she's an Alpha? Girls should be protected in this human world. Even if his mate is an Alpha, she cannot use her power on humans.

Symon looks behind her and with big eyes and a stoic voice asks"And why are those two here? I remember them being early..."

"They had to go for meetings with Sir and needed to submit the documents to him before the deadline which is tomorrow morning. So." shrugging her shoulders she turns back to look at them.

All her walls were down, the moment her mate talked to her. She was at peace for the first time today. Relaxing that's what her mate's voice makes her.

He takes in the information and is about to say something when her colleagues pack their bags and are about to leave.

"Oh, you both completed it?"

In a monotone, Marc replies, "Yes, Miss Thea.".

As Okasa smiles, he stretches his arms, and says, "Finally miss thea. We can go home now, my mate has been waiting for me for hours."

She laughs at his antics and bids them goodbye, as they walk away greeting Symon with a "Good night Sir".

Why is he still here?

"Sir, don't you have to return home? Even Zen left hours ago..."

"No, I will be here for another hour or so. When you finish working, inform me," he says in a straight tone and leaves.

She raised her eyebrows at him as she saw that he was indeed leaving with his briefcase and loosened tie.

Is he waiting for me? My omega is waiting for me? No, that doesn't sound like him. Maybe he still has some work left. Symon would never wait for her, she assured herself, so she quickly tried to finish her work. She knew he would never, at least not after how he behaved last night.

After an hour.

A knock resonates inside Symon's office. He wakes up from his nap and stretches a bit before checking and straightening his suit.

"Yes, Thea. Are you done now?" he asked, trying to suppress a yawn.

Was he really waiting for me? He should have left for home an hour ago if it wasn't for me. You idiot Thea, constantly troubling your Omega.

"Yes, Mr. Symon. I am done. Have you finished your work as well? I can help you if you want."

"What work? ...Yes, I'm done too. Let's go, it's late."

she observes him for some time "Okay, Mr. Symon," and with that she starts walking behind him, a big smile threatening to leave her lips. So, instead of air punching deeming this as her victory, she nods once violently, her flick coming out of the well-tightened bun and leveling up her already beautiful face.

It was different. Something is unusual about Thea today. She is rather calm and composed today- totally different from the fidgety Thea of last time. Why is she calling me Mr. Symon? Monotonously.

Did I offend her too much last night?

One was too happy to notice the worries etched on the other's face. While the latter was too worried to know that his mate was literally beaming with happiness.

However, both come out of their world, as soon as Thea's phone rings.

"Hey, what happened?


Alright wait a bit, I am still at the corporations.


Yes, he is still here. We were just leaving together. NO! Rki it's too early.


Yes. No, nothing has happened... We just had some extra work...


Riki. I will not ask him that. You yourself call him.




Alright. Let me ask. Stop Shouting.


Will call you back after asking him. Bye." ending the call, she stops abruptly as she looks at her mate looking too intently at her, with sad eyes.

Symon stopped on his steps, as soon as he hears Thea screaming No. Too worried now, he hears the call. Knowing it was from Riki he got scared- what if Riki still was mad at him for yesterday's discussion? his mate was too formal today, she didn't even once look at him lovingly.

What if he crossed the line and now the mate he secretly wished for is leaving him alone?

Thea shakes him a bit to bring him out of a trance.

"Symon?! Are you ok?! SYMON?! Baby?!" that the last word ought to bring him back from his trance.

he now looks at his mate's terrified face "wh-what?"

"oh my gosh, you are okay. thank god." sighing out, they both look at thea's hands on his shoulder.

Watching now her omega's intense gaze at her hands, she flinchingly took it back and made one arm distance between them.

She now looked at him with a scared gaze and started babbling " uh, sorry... you zoned out, So I thought, you remembered something horrible. I am so sorry for touching you--"

One look at the babbling Alpha and all his thoughts were thrown out of the door. His Alpha, his oh-so flustered Alpha is back!

" it's okay alpha. it's okay" so he tries to prevent her from rambling more.

"What did Riki say? Is he still mad at me? I apologize again, I am so sorry.."

"oh- What no... He wanted me to ask you if you were interested in having dinner with us. Zen is at our family home too for dinner... Both of them planned it as a way of concealing things...

So, umm if you are not busy then... Would you like to have dinner with us?" her lips were red now due to the constant biting of it.

Symon now shies away and looks at the empty parking lot and then answers".... Yes, okay. Let's have dinner together.."

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