
Officially Mine? or Still Strangers?

Running away to an Unknown City can be Scary, Refreshing, and most importantly also can be a Dream come true. Starting your new life, facing hardships and joyful moments can be fun- Until one day Symon meets Thea, the one from whom he is running away. "you are mine." "I don't know you- We are strangers, Miss." "From the moment you turned 16, you were mine.." "Who are you? Why can't you just let go of me?!" he swatted her hand away from his bag. Moving fast, the thunderstorm which entered Symon's daily run to the grocers left nothing but a note saying- "so Officially mine?" in his empty bag. "Dear... what happened? Who made you like this? I waited for 2 years... I can't wait anymore... Please..." "NO! you are like them. I don't want to see your face ever. Go away Alpha!!.." he cried "Please go away I don't know you.." Symon Perri said composing himself now. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like this.." pleaded Thea. "Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life" he said distancing himself from her. "Symon.. okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea" . . . . "What are you doing here?" he asked with his sharp and cold voice. "It's your New Neighbour, Mr.Perri. She will move in here after a week." answered The Real Estate agent hesitatingly. He was a beta and could surely sense the tension between them. "It's my pleasure to meet you again Mr. Perri. Myself Thea Suzuki. Currently working as a lawyer for the KJ corporation" His eyes popped out. She cannot be kidding him now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see what happens to Symon and Thea 3 years later to their early encounters,

_Shikhu_ · perkotaan
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21 Chs

Chapter 18- He is just calm for his Mate

"Sleep.. I will wake you up."

"It's okay, I am too nervous about facing zen... He told me not to go out without him, ughhh" whined Riki, not knowing how he would face his mate now.

" Why did I forget I have a mate now, Thea!! What should I do?!?" Turning her ears off, she drove, while Riki kept whining.

"First of all, sleep. we can just say the truth to him, honesty matters in a relationship," she said as they were halfway home.

"Second, you will not be staying here tonight. It's too risky, I will drop you off at our mansion with Ms.Dara. No complaints."

Slumping his shoulders, the omega closed his eyes, just wanting to shut off his system.



"You still taking a walk? It's 12..." said Symon giving a confused look to his brother.

"Waiting for Riki, he had some grocery shopping to do and visit his family..."

"Why is he still not back? Go and bring him home, it's late," he said offering his car keys.

"Ms. Thea is with him, they are returning now, I just called them..."

"She hasn't returned too yet?"

"Yeah, she is with him, that's the only reason why I am not panicking... God knows how worried I was before that call, My wolf was whimpering as he left... we were even attacked today."

"Who attacked you? Are you hurt anywhere? You should have called me or mom. Did you ask blue to track those?" he asks frantically, spinning zen around.

"I fought them off, Not hurt anywhere and yes, I informed mom and I couldn't recognize the gang, so cannot track them up..." calmly replied zen, not wanting Symon to be more panicky than he already seems right now, it's useless to yell or raise his voice.

Taking a deep breath, Symon stopped checking his brother, and then stood a bit far and nodded his head.

"We are here Riki, wake up" tried Thea for the third time, still at their residency's entrance gate.

"5 more minutes, Thea.." yawned Riki, stretching his hands and again curling into a ball.

"Don't you have to face your mate? See, he's staring..." she said, not really knowing that her brother's as well as her mate were indeed staring at their car.

"WH--What?! We are home?! Thea, let's go to the mansion, yeah let's go..."

Laughing at her brother's misery, she entered the parking lots and got out of the car.

"come on, get out, I will leave you at our mansion soon, But you have to inform your mate about yourself, he will be more restless, if you run away now..hmm?" coaxed Thea, to let Riki out and she succeeds.

"Open the door, it has a child lock.." huffs Riki when he cannot open the door.

"Aww, my baby brother is sulking now, is he?"

"Don't tease me!!!!"

"Ohh, he whines too." chuckled Thea, helping Riki get out and holding his uninjured hand.

Running after the car, both the brothers stopped at the parking lot's entrance, hearing their mates' bickering and then laughing as well.

They stood there, waiting for their mates to come out.

"Riki, there's no need to be this dramatic, it's not like he's gonna get angry at you for something you didn't do. We have to pack your clothes too, the ones which you will be needing at home for--"

She stopped when a voice interrupted her in between

"Finally, you are home..!" Zen said, crushing Riki in a very tight hug.

"Yes, alpha, I am ho--home, please loosen the hug. it's hurting me.." said Riki in between, taking a breather.

"Oh.. what?" taking a step back, he now noticed his mate's plastered hand "What happened to you? I left you for 2 hours, Riki. Did those scums attack you again? Is it hurting? I shouldn't have let you go there alone, Is it hurting baby?-- Are you hurt somewhere else too ?" he spun him around carefully, like how Symon did to him.

"Zen, calm down... he was robbed, and no someone else attacked him this time" answered Thea to some of the frantic male's questions.

"you weren't attacked?" Symon blurted out unaware of the fact, that his mate wasn't with her brother till half an hour ago.


"Weren't you with him till now? where were you if not with him? We left work together, didn't we?" question after question, not letting Thea even answer anything, he again made her feel like she was selfish and didn't do her job right- the job of protecting.

"Mr. Perri, calm down. She was needed at our home, so she directly went there, and I called her to pick me up after I got attacked, so she wasn't with me and hence is not injured or bruised. We went to the hospital to get me treated and then she had her much-needed first meal of the day. We have reported to the police about this, so kindly do not make my sister feel that she has not done her job as an Alpha. I hope that answers all your questions and doubts." that was it for Riki to lash out at his sister's mate. Being upset by one is another thing and letting them feel guilt for something they weren't even aware of is another, he is not gonna let Anyone point his sister out. Mate or Not.

He kept his uninjured hand on his hip and stared down both the brothers.

"Let's go, Thea, I have bags to pack, and you too now." walking like a runaway model, he went to their apartment.

"Bags to p-pack? Ms. Suzuki are you both going somewhere?" asked a now out-of-dazed Zen.

"ah- I am not going, he is. It's better for him to be with our family right now, I cannot take care of him here and I know you are going to say, you can and will but. It's better he stays at home with our family. It's not safe for him here, and I cannot always be around him to fulfill his wishes and demands." said Thea, leaving both of them there while scratching her nape from awkwardness.

"I--I am sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you..." said Symon, now coming out of the shock he got the moment Riki finished his answer. It was loud enough for Thea to hear, as she moved toward their apartment.

Lots of love

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