

"Now now Mael. I think you've done enough to the poor thing. Save some of your *ehem* creative ideas *ehem* for the others."

"But mom, he's my favorite! I know he can do it. Just you wait and see!"

"You mean your "new" favorite. The others don't count right? The poor thing doesn't know what's in store for him."

"Hmph. I don't see you making a fuss when Kaliyah does it."

"Of course I do! And, Kaliyah is younger than you, not to mention the youngest of all of you. You should know better than to follow what she does wrong. I don't see Malek doing the same thing. But I suppose I can't out rightly judge what you have done without seeing it for myself."

"Er... right!"

"Uhuh. Let me have a look... My my my. You've out done yourself this time haven't you? If didn't know any better, I'd say you're actually trying to kill him."

"Of course not! I just want him to struggle so he can become stronger. Getting stronger would give him hope. I'm giving him hope mother! What do you say? Merciful aren't I? All things need hope to survive."

The mother silently stared at the boasting child, expecting a more thorough explanation.

"He seeks to know the truth. To see reason behind his suffering. I shall tell him only after I am satisfied."

"Tell him what?"

A wide smile broke upon the child's face but the words that followed betrayed its innocence.

"A slave exists to allure his master."

No words escaped his mother's mouth.

"The grandest of gifts deserves the toughest of trials don't you think? But I'm a good and merciful master and because of that I shall help him along the way; by giving him more trials of course. Trials will make him better. He better be thankful for the favors I bestowed upon him or else... Hmph."

"Yes yes O' merciful master. However, your humble mother thinks that the pitiful one had fully indulged himself of your attention. It would be best to tend to the others, unless my son dare be slandered impartial by his own subjects."

"Uhmm... Yes! Thank you dear mother for the advise. I shall take it to mind."

"My son, remember that sometimes, to give hope is to crush them completely. More so in this case."

"Kaliyah! I have already told you enough times to stop torturing your toys! You'll break them!"

"But mother.... she's my favorite."