
Of Cherry Blossoms & Evil Men (BL)

A story of the protagonist of a novel taking revenge on his trash master- at least, that was the original plot. After Roh Ki (the trash master) has an accident and enters a coma, he begins to remember his past life in another world and how he was transmigrated into his current world, which just so happened to be the same world foretold in a novel he had read after being killed due to his immense bad luck. But now his luck is about to run out again since he recalls his character being killed off by the hero of the novel, Yong Kyubok! Who just so happens to be his disciple! Now he has to ensure his safety by cozying up to the protagonist, that is, if he can get past the fact that he was also gay in his past life.

Presli_James · LGBT+
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10 Chs

To Grasp At Poison

The sky was overcast and grey, as the rain trickled down from the roof of the hall, creating a relaxing sound that he meditated to as he waited for his disciples to finish the exercise he had given them. He spent the morning reviewing the sect rules with them, and couldn't help but sigh the more he recited it.

One of the main points of the sect was to live with integrity and uphold justice, so he felt ashamed every time he read it. He had certainly not lived his life with integrity and justice. If that were the case, he wouldn't be in the position he found himself in now. Avoiding Yong Kyubok's gaze every time they coincidentally locked eyes with each other. Though he felt that Yong Kyubok had been staring at him a lot more lately. It made him extremely uncomfortable, but as a peak leader, he had a reputation to uphold, and so he nonchalantly gazed away every time he met Yong Kyubok's gaze.

'Why did his eyes have to be so fierce and unyielding,' He often thought to himself. Though he knew that was just an excuse, he refused to admit it just yet.

"Master," Yan Bohai spoke, bowing as he handed him his finished work.

Roh Ki regained his composure before collecting his disciples exercise, "I did not expect anything less from you. I am glad that even with the many months you have spent away, you have not forgotten the sect's main principles. Well done."

Yan Bohai smiled as he joined his hands together in a bow, "Thank you master. You flatter me. As a disciple of yours, it is only right that I am able to do this much."

Roh Ki gave a gentle smile with a nod. "Mn. If you have finished you may leave. I will instruct you on your sword training later."

"Yes." Yan Bohai replied with another bow, and left.

As Roh Ki's first disciple, he worried whether maybe he was being a bit more favorable towards him than he was with the others, but decided that it wasn't something he had to think too much about. He only knew that if something were to happen to him later on like he suspected, he only needed to protect him, as a master would to any disciple of theirs. Just like how he would to Yong Kyubok, though he was still having an internal battle about the situation.

Yong Kyubok also had an internal battle of his own. Ever since Roh Ki risked his health and well-being to save him- no, even before that, ever since Roh Ki had released him from the shed that day and gave him medicine, his heart was ill at ease whenever he met his master's eyes. He couldn't explain it or put it into words, it was an emotion that he wasn't used to.

For the first time, he was feeling something other than indifference or hate. His master, who he thought had hated him as well, suddenly risked his life to save him. He didn't exactly know what to make of the situation, and because of it, couldn't help but constantly stare at Roh Ki. As a result of constantly watching him, also realized that whenever his master smiled at his sect senior Yan Bohai, he found himself wishing that his master would smile at him like that as well. He had resolved himself. He would serve his master to the utmost best of his abilities. Now just to figure out how to please his solemn and quiet master.

Later on in the day, Roh Ki stood supervising over his disciples' sword practice.

Even without seeing much, he knew Yong Kyubok was the most skilled disciple under his tutelage. He hadn't taught him much, actually, he'd never instructed him at all, and even though he knew he was this world's protagonist, it still amazed him to witness his sword skills.

'What a terrifying person,' He thought to himself, as he walked between his disciples, giving instructions on betterment wherever he found fault.

Hours into sword training, he noticed elder Beom Hajoon standing under the canopy, silently watching on. He must have come to see him but didn't want to interrupt.

Roh Ki turned to Yan Bohai who was also very skilled, and hardly needed instruction.

"Guide your junior disciples until I am back."

"Yes, master."

After Yan Bohai's reply, Roh Ki stalked over to where elder Beom hid himself.

"Good day elder Beom. Is there something you need me for?"

Elder Beom Hajoon smiled gently before gazing back at the disciples working hard under the scorching sun.

"Forgive me. I didn't want to interrupt their practice."

"It is fine. They are only revising the basics. What can I help you with?" Roh Ki stated, desiring to put elder Beom's mind at ease.

With a silent sigh of relief, elder Beom smiled.

"Is that so? Then I'm glad. I see your disciple is back as well."

"Mn. That's right, your disciple should be back by now too. Is she well?"

"Yes she is. She arrived this morning. It is actually why I have come to see you."

"Did something happen?" Roh Ki asked in concern at elder Beom's statement.

Shaking his head lightly, elder Beom's lips parted to give an explanation.

"No, no. She isn't ill or anything. However, some information she gave me upon her arrival is quite distressing."

Accepting the document elder Beom pulled out from his robe and handed to him, he squinted his eyes and gazed intently at the information in his hands.


The contents of the document left him a bit shook. Finally he started.

"Is it confirmed that the Raishu cultivation sect did this? Or is this all hearsay?"

"From what my disciple told me, it seems like they investigated and found evidence that the Raishu cultivation sect is indeed responsible."

"I see. It seems like the Raishu cultivation sect have made enemies of the Plum blossom sect as well. Do you know what they intend to do now?"

Roh Ki asked, rolling up the parchment with the information.

"I am afraid to say that I do not. The Plum Blossom sect has always been rather docile, but with the state of things right now, it is hard to say what will happen."

Elder Beom Hajoon stated, letting out a small exasperated sigh.

"I will report this to Sect leader Heo Kwan-Ah. In the mean time, I came to you with this first because I wanted to remind you to stay alert and be careful. The Raishu sect has already expressed their desire to possess the amulet of restoration regardless of the consequences. As you are the only one who can give it to them, I'm worried they will attempt to threaten you into handing it over, even if by force."

"I understand. Thank you for your concern elder Beom. I'll be sure to keep my guard up until we find a way to deal with the issue surrounding them. You don't have to worry about me. I may be in a weakened state right now, but I do not believe there are many people around who can threaten me so easily."

Roh Ki replied with a small smile, attempting to reciprocate elder Beom Hajoon's sensitive and warm nature.

Elder Beom Hajoon returned his smile with relief. 

"You are right. Should any issue arise nonetheless, please do not hesitate to call for me. I will lend a hand wherever, and whenever you may need it."

Beom Hajoon meant every word. Mostly because he was just that nice of a person. He was kind, always stood on the side of justice, and often spoke up against unfairness. 

In the novel, because of these very traits, Roh Ki had always attempted to distance himself from Beom Hajoon. Hence why they barely ever spoke before he woke from his coma, but Roh Ki was determined to change that.

He thought that elder Beom Hajoon was exactly the type of person he needed to get close too. Maybe then, he could learn what it meant to be a nicer, more trustworthy person. He didn't have much friends and was fine with the way it was, but now, the current him wouldn't have minded calling someone like elder Beom Hajoon a friend.

"Thank you elder Beom. I am not without gratitude. I may be like this right now, but I offer the same words to you. Should you ever be in a position that requires assistance, please call for me as well. I will aid you to the best of my abilities."

Roh Ki said, joining his hands together in a small bow, Elder Beom doing the same.

Elder Beom was a kind and righteous man, so his words were true, and something he would have said to anyone he thought needed his aid, but this time, he was most sincere because it was peak leader Roh Ki. They hadn't had much of a relationship in the past, but he began to converse and notice more of Roh Ki lately.

He suspected that he had changed greatly, but since they hadn't talked often before, he couldn't be sure of the reason behind this sudden change, but he knew he liked this version of him better, and was determined to become a close companion of his.

Unsurprisingly enough, elder Beom wasn't the only one within the sect who felt this way. Roh Ki's efforts to change were slowly gaining attention, and his future that was once destined, and set in stone was now beginning to change. 

He was glad as he saw proof of this reflected on the grey status window hovering in front of his eyes.

[Character favorability rating has increased +15]

[Current character favorability rating... 31.4%]

Satisfied with his new general favorability rating as a character in the novel, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander onto the figure of the protagonist. 

'If only his favorability towards me would increase also,' 

He thought to himself, almost letting out a long sigh.

At this time in the novel, Yong Kyubok was currently only sixteen years old. He was that young yet he possessed talent that rivaled even his own. He was sure that in another five or six years, he would be able to challenge even the elders of the sect that have been training for decades. This was truly the power of the protagonist of a story.

Even though he was currently given the chance to change his destiny where he dies at the hands of the hero of the novel, he wasn't sure if Yong Kyubok could do the same.

Whenever he thought of the events that are set to take place a year and a half from now, his heart aches and gets restless, causing him to lose composure and be in distress. He didn't like this feeling.

Speaking of a feeling he didn't like- his eyes flicked over to where his first disciple, Yan Bohai stood practicing his sword skills alongside his junior, Pyeong Dong.

His heart also grew restless when he looked at his disciple. It displeased him greatly. Another thing that displeased him was how close he had gotten with Pyeong Dong. 

It wasn't that he disliked Pyeong Dong. He was his disciple, and as his master he couldn't completely ignore him either, but still, he knew how sly, and cruel Pyeong Dong could be.

Roh Ki may not have disliked him, but in his past life as a reader, Pyeong Dong was one of the characters whose death at the hands of Yong Kyubok brought him satisfaction.

He was going to change that. He was doing all this for his survival, but he thought that as their master, he ought to prioritize their safety and well being also, which meant finding a way to make them change as well. He had no personal problems against them either, after all this whole thing was a result of his neglection of his duties as a peak lord, and their master.

Still, since he was still getting a bad feeling whenever Yan Bohai came into view, he thought it would be better if he didn't associate himself with the troublesome characters of the story just yet, hence why he was averse to seeing him and Pyeong Dong so close and familiar with each other.

"Your returned disciple has an air of mystery around him, does he not?"

Elder Beom Hajoon asked softly, jolting Roh Ki out of his racing thoughts. He had traced Roh Ki's line of sight and landed his eyes on the figure of Yan Bohai as well.

After Roh Ki gathered himself once again, clearing his throat he asked,

"Hm... What do you mean?"

He had asked just to make sure, but he already knew what elder Beom Hajoon meant. Every time Roh Ki looked at Yan Bohai, it felt like something was out of place. He knew he was forgetting something important, but he couldn't remember what, no matter how hard he tried to recall it. In fact, it was as if the more he tried to remember, the farther it slipped from his mind.

But even amongst the confusion, he could tell there was something different about Yan Bohai compared to before he left two years ago.

With a sigh, he filed it under the passing of time, and puberty. He assumed the matter wasn't of great significance and didn't dwell on it too much.

"Please take my words with a grain of salt. It is merely and observation. It is just that, compared to when I saw him last, it seems a lot has changed, though the problem is that I cannot pinpoint what about him exactly has changed."

Elder Beom Hajoon continued, answering his question with a slight shrug.

Roh Ki understood exactly what elder Beom Hajoon was trying to say, and he would have been lying if he said it didn't bother him. Regardless, he had already decided to protect Yan Bohai to the best of his abilities should the time present itself. 

Yan Bohai's life... he was going to protect it no matter what.