
Odyssey RPG

AS_Writer13 · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Beginning...

The icy wind swept through the snowy landscape, sending shivers down his spine. Standing before the ominous mouth of a dark cave, he gasped for breath, exhausted and burdened by sorrow.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this day would come so swiftly," he murmured, his voice heavy with weariness.

Blood seeped from his wound, staining the pristine snow beneath him, yet he felt no physical pain. The cuts and bruises seemed inconsequential compared to the emotional scars he carried, the losses he had endured.

"Why must fate be so cruel to me? That tragic day... I failed to save her," he whispered, the weight of regret bearing down on his soul. The memory of her haunted him incessantly, drowning him in an ocean of guilt. Was it his destiny to join her in death?

Yet here, in this treacherous place, he found himself face-to-face with Drago, the most fearsome creature he had ever encountered. Determination blazed in his eyes as he stared into the abyss.

"Let fate decide my path," he declared, his voice resolute. "I'm coming for you, Eira!"

A few years earlier...

"Beep... Beep..." The alarm clock rudely interrupted his blissful slumber.

"Ugh?" he grumbled, rubbing his eyes and fumbling to silence the annoying noise.

Reality crashed down on him like a tidal wave. "Oh, no! I'm gonna be late... No way! Gotta be on time!" he exclaimed, snapping out of his drowsiness and throwing off the covers.

Introducing Jack Yeager, a 19-year-old college guy. Today held immense significance for him, and he couldn't afford to mess it up.

He sprang out of bed, shaking off the remnants of sleep. With lightning speed, he tackled his morning routine, a blend of excitement and nerves pulsating through his veins.

Dressing in a rush, barely glancing at his attire, he grabbed his belongings with a sense of urgency. Thoughts of what awaited him filled his mind. This was a pivotal moment, an opportunity to prove himself and showcase his abilities. And being punctual was paramount. There was no way he'd miss out on any part of this extraordinary day.

Ready and determined, he dashed out the door, fully committed to conquering the day.

"Oh my God, it's already 8 o'clock! How am I gonna make it to college on time?" he shouted, sprinting down the road as if his life depended on it.

While sprinting, he encountered several neighbors along the way, exchanging quick greetings with a friendly nod. No time to let his rush dampen his neighborly spirit.

As he hurried, luck seemed to smile upon him when he spotted an available taxi. Excitement surged within him as he hailed the cab, feeling a surge of relief washes over him.

But in a moment of dread, he checked his pockets only to realize his wallet was left behind. "Damn it! I left my wallet!" he exclaimed, frustration and annoyance intertwining in his voice.

An hour later...

He arrived at college, but it was too late. The room fell into silence, all eyes turning towards him. The lecturer's voice, tinged with disappointment and firmness, addressed him.

"Mr. Jake, do you comprehend the significance of today's presentation?" she inquired, her tone laced with sternness.

"Yes, Ma'am, I do. But it was never intentional," he replied, a hint of remorse coloring his words.

A sigh escaped the lecturer's lips, a mix of disappointment and understanding. "No worries, Mr. Jake. However, due to your lateness, you've lost your presentation mark," she declared.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Haa, man..." he muttered.

After the presentation, Jack met up with his close friend, Sarah. They walked side by side, their laughter filling the air as they recounted funny moments from classes and shared inside jokes.

"Can you believe Mr. Thompson's reaction when you cracked that joke in English class?" Sarah giggled, nudging Jack playfully.

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, his face was priceless! I never thought I'd see an English teacher lost for words."

While on their way Sarah noticed the hint of disappointment lingering on Jack's face. Concerned, she asked, "Hey, what's bothering you, Jack? You seem a bit down."

Jack sighed, glancing at Sarah with a mix of frustration and resignation. "Remember that important presentation I was supposed to give today? Well, I messed up. I was late and missed my chance. It's like everything I've been working towards just slipped through my fingers."

Sarah's eyes widened with empathy, her voice filled with compassion. "Oh, Jack, I'm really sorry to hear that. But hey, one setback doesn't define you and there will be other opportunities."

Jack nodded, appreciating Sarah's support. But you're right and I hope so there will be more chances for me to shine."

With a renewed sense of determination, they continued their walk. Sarah bumped Jack gently with her shoulder. "You've got this, Jack.

Jack smiled.

After a tiresome day at college, Jack returned to his silent house, devoid of any welcome.

The echoes of his own footsteps reverberated through the halls, a stark reminder of the absence of his loved ones.

In the solitude, Jack's mind wandered back to his mother, her gentle voice and nurturing presence. He longed to hear her soothing words, to feel her comforting embrace. A deep ache settled within him, a yearning for a connection that could never be fulfilled.

As the evening sun cast a melancholic glow through the windows, Jack stood in the quietness of his home.

He uttered a lone dialogue, his voice filled with longing and sorrow, "I wish you were here, Mom. I miss your love and warmth... every single day."

The house remained still, no response or solace coming from its walls. Jack carried the weight of his longing, vowing to keep his mother's memory alive, even in the solitude that now surrounded him.

Thoughts of Sarah, his closest friend, consumed his mind.

Unspoken emotions tugged at Jack's heart, for he harbored a deep crush on Sarah that went beyond friendship. She was the beacon of light in his life, the source of joy and belonging. Without her, he feared his days would be dull and lifeless.

In a moment of vulnerability, Jack whispered to himself, his voice barely audible, "If Sarah weren't here, I don't know if there'd be a reason to keep going."

Understanding that she held the power to breathe life into his existence and make every day worth living.

With a mix of emotions swirling within him, Jake collapsed onto his bed, seeking solace in sleep.

In his deep sleep, Jake found himself transported to a terrifying place. It was a world engulfed in a horrific war, with monstrous creatures lurking everywhere. The atmosphere was grim and unsettling, casting a dark shadow over everything.

Amidst the chaos, Jake saw himself standing in the midst of the battle, dressed like a courageous adventurer. The sight filled him with fear and confusion. Where am I?

Suddenly, he woke up, his heart pounding in his chest. The remnants of the dream lingered, leaving him feeling unsettled. The darkness from his dream seemed to cling to his surroundings, making it hard to see clearly.

As Jake regained his composure after waking up, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. This was not his house. The surroundings, the furniture, everything was unfamiliar, a stark departure from the place he called home.

A sense of unease washed over him as he took in his new surroundings. The room felt sterile, devoid of the personal touches that made a house a home. Confusion gnawed at his mind as he tried to recall how he ended up in this strange place.

In that moment, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Memories of the dream, the war-torn kingdom, and the enigmatic voice flooded his mind. The dream had not been a mere figment of his imagination; it had been a portal to another reality.

Fear and apprehension coursed through Jake's veins as he grappled with the implications of his discovery. How had he crossed over into this unknown realm? And more importantly, how would he find his way back home?

To Be Continued ... ... ...