
Odyssey of the Anonymous chaperon

In the world of unknown, where demons and werewolf's were nemesis of each other. After the demise of their emperor, the dimension splitted into seperate parts. A mammoth war broke out causing demolition, where a forbidden love took place and that dimension somehow joined with earth. That's where the Guardian was born.............. with ultimate powers forming a new specie that no one had unearth yet..................... With the passage of time the he got depression due to sudden death of his loved ones but he was the one to conquer on his anger and depression because he was the right holder for fame and respect. he has a long journey to travel.

Raja_Jabar_Hussain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Life with baba yugi got easier, he made me wear eye contacts and clothes which hide my horns, ears Life and weird eye colors as I had a special ability as I was not a human I could hide my wings on my own.

When I want to I can open them and when I want to I can hide them.

After the matter of time he started to believe me when I showed him the things like myself, the necklace and even spells which I learned and worked.

After that he protected me because he knew if humans know about this they will put me in dungeon and do experiments on me. So he always saved me from the outer world he even put me in school where I was always the bullied child and I even got into fights frequently.

And I always never the kind kid I still couldn't get out of the depression which I had since childhood.

But baby yugi would always tell me to control my anger as someday in anger I would transform into what I am, I had the powers but only some of my powers were developed(I was still an unidentified creature).

Baba yugi was not a rich person nor was he poor. He had a normal living. He used to go to work he had a big flower shop.

His house was big and double-storied they were ten rooms in that house they were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, guest room, a kitchen, a library and a room that was always locked even baba yugi told me that he even didn't know what's behind it.

Because when he bought this house the owner told him to never open that room, so he didn't opened the door.

Baba yugi was always a nice person. Every year on a specific day. I would always scream, make howling voices, and my mind would hurt like it was about to burst out of my skull and I won't be who I am and baba yugi would always be there to comfort me, I didn't knew why it would happened on a specific day to me.

And the other day of that day I would always be feeling weaker than before I didn't know why? Why it happened to me on specific day of the year?

[After 11 years (I'm 18 years old now]

I passed all those years peacefully expects for the fight I had in the school and with the bullies because I was the person who was a bully itself and I used to get in the fights but when they were bullying someone else but I would jump in like a Hero to save the nerds, after I left primary school to join high school I got pretty popular like I was the cool guy and I also stopped wearing eye lens because I hated faking my eye color, even though baba yugi told me not to take them off but I wouldn't listen to him.

Time was going nice when I met sierra she was a nice girl and very polite, with blonde hair, blue eyes and she would use to wear glasses.

The way I met him was when she was getting bullied by some girls at her first day of school, because she was a nerd.

I jumped in to spoil what the popular girls were doing because we never get along.

I got close to the girls and said "hey! Who is this nerd!" they were like "ugh! Not you again! Why don't you leave us alone we are popular girl and nobody interferes in our business so leave."

Well of course I wanted to disturb them so I acted as a savior of the nerd.

"Well I will interfere in your business so just leave her alone if you don't want don't be smashed like mashed potatoes". I replied.

She just showed us attitude and then left. Right after when they left the new girl came shouting happily and said "OMG! That was so brave of you to face the bullies and thank you for saving me from them" I just said "thank you" and went away while I was walking I heard her say from behind *by the way I'm sierra*

But she didn't knew that my intentions weren't really to save her they were just to bully the popular girls.

I went to my class and forgot about her. Then where ever I go and if she would see. She would just came up to me and would not stop talking to me because she didn't had any other friend as she would always get bullied.

I really found that annoying but didn't pay attention to it, she would always regularly talk to me. While I would stare at her and say nothing.

One day I realized that she didn't talked to me even though she was present at the school I thought maybe she was busy but some days passed by and she didn't talked to me and then she didn't even came to school for days.

I actually was liking it that she wasn't talking to me. But that's where something seemed off to me. But I still waited for days because I thought she might be sick but then one day I was attending my class when suddenly *whoosh* a vision appeared right in front of my eyes. The vision was about a girl who was sitting in a corner crying. She was all lonely and depressed. And then the vision vanished.

I couldn't understand who the girl really was. But then minutes later I forgot about her but then this vision of the same girl but in different positions came to me all the time with the sequence of time.

Then I remembered that this vision is about sierra because I saw the girl who was wearing glasses so she must be sierra, as I said to myself "I got to find her she must be in danger". Even with trauma and aggression I still wanted to help her. I got vanished and appeared right in front of a house. I said to myself "how did that happen, maybe it's a new power which is developing, but whose house is this maybe it's sierra's house."

I knocked on the door but nobody answered, I also rang the bell multiple times but nothing no answer. As I was standing there in confusion some words came to my mouth itself.

I started floating and my eyes started to glow and I raised my both hands and red rays came from my one hand and blue rays came from my other hand and I said "WEY BUIO SIOU" and the door in front of me vanished.

And I fell on ground because I was floating when I got normal I realized what just happen to me the spell, the rays and me floating that all happen in the speed of blink of an eye.

Then I stood up and got inside where I saw that all lights in the house were off and nobody was there.

Then I saw a staircase I got upstairs but still saw no one.

Then I came back downstairs and decided to check it again to make myself clear that I checked everything.

As I was walking I saw a girl sobbing behind a couch I got close to her and said "Sierra is that you?"

She looked up fast in shock and scream "TAKESHI! LOOK BEHIND YOU". She hid behind me as she was afraid to face someone.

I turned around fast and I saw a lady running towards me holding a stick she was about to hit me when I felt an anger growing in me.

Which made me float in the air, and all the power with blue and red rays surrounded me and I transformed into a creature my big wings opened but even bigger and my horns and ears got bigger tearing the cap I was wearing my eyes started to glow and my teeth transformed into vampire teeth, as I shouted "STOP" everything in the house started floating and everything froze...….