
Odyssey of a King (ASOIAF)

This is the life of a man, a man who will cause great turmoil and change the course of history as it was known. Will he succeed in his goals? immortalized through the annuals of history, praises sung high and low of his character. Or will he be remembered as a fool who had flown too close to the sun? *I do not own or claim the cover book art or any characters within this book except my OC’s, I do not own ASOIAF or any franchise that might be mentioned indirectly.”

Grand_Castor_ · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

change and growth


"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." ~ Malcolm X.




Mountains in the middle of Tarth

Watching as the giant red beast landed, It seems things were looking better for the people of Tarth as the crown prince arrived.

Reinforcement should not be far behind.

Observing The Prince getting down I decided to move closer, Knowing valuable information might be obtained in such close proximity.

Moving quickly but not quick enough to raise suspicion, I found a suitable spot to view everything.

As the prince walked up to greet Lord Cameron Tarth and his commanders, I read their lips as they went through formalities quickly and got to the crux of the matter, which is dealing with the Myrish exiles turned pirate.

As the sun was setting, various fire pits were started over the camp. With them doing that, the certainty that our position will be discovered is all but confirmed, yet no one has prepared a defense or created a network to find any scouts. Feeling a bit restless, I went over my options of escape mentally in case anything happens. Feeling satisfied with my preparation.

I looked back over to the group of Leaders, at this point the group are discussing the possible reasons why the Myrish pirates thought it was a good idea to invade Tarth and what their objectives were.

Deciding that any further loitering will not bring much benefits and might raise suspicion, I decided to move out of the camp and find a more secluded area.

Grabbing my duffle bag filled with a few things, swiftly moving away from where Prince Baelon had landed his dragon. I moved to the treeline.

"You going to relieve yourself?"

Continuing forward I nodded in ascent at the voice, recognizing it as one of the few people I acquainted myself with during this campaign, "Yeah, I've been holding it in for a while now."

Cracking a laugh he jested in response, "Alright, don't take long though. Dinner will be served soon and you don't want to come back when all the edible food is gone."

Nodding along in good humor I responded, "Wouldn't miss it." Before disappearing past the tree line.

10 minutes passed as I walked until I found a small clearing with a lake, going to an elevated position before holding out my arm.

Not having to wait long before a swift shadow darted in the area and gracefully landed on my arm.

The figure revealed itself to be a brown hawk, raising my free hand, she pushed her head into my palm.

"I missed you too Sheila." I expressed softly.

Quickly fishing for some snacks I keep in my bag, I fed and pampered her for a few minutes before getting to the point.

"I need you to fly over the army and check a few of the surroundings. I want to confirm something."

Getting a feeling of confirmation, I lifted my arm - letting Sheila fly off.

Waiting a few seconds, before my vision blurred at the edges and moved upwards and away from my body. I watched as the scenery changed rapidly, only being able to glimpse a few thing before settling up in the sky. My vision settled as I saw through Sheila's eyes - the camp closing in quickly, with the sun still setting I got a good view of everything happening within the camp. Quickly arriving above the Prince I continued moving forward towards the treeline on the opposite side I am in, once arriving I indicated for Sheila to slow down. Once done I observed the tree line trying to find the expected scout.

Spotting the reflection of metal through the leaves of a tree in the Corner of our vision, Sheila turned her head to get a view of the direction I was nudging her too.

Getting a clear view, shock premiated through my body.

As I witness two figures, and as I layed eyes on them. I glimpsed the tip of An arrow in the crossbow of one of their arms let lose a few seconds after Sheila's eyes found them.

Following the path of the arrow in trepidation, I watched as it headed for the group containing the Prince and Lord Tarth holding my breath as the arrow struck Prince Aemon in the neck.

Shock ran through the group as Lord Cameron rushed to the Prince's side, who brought his hands to his neck - shock on his face, trying desperately to claw the arrow out of his neck but as the blood flowed he weakened and couldn't muster the strength to pull it out.

Slowly falling to the ground, Lord Cameron held him as Aemon continued bleeding out and choking on his own blood.

Shouts and panic arose around the camp as a few people directed the rest to head into the woods where the arrow came from and attempt to capture the culprits.

While the panic was in isueing I watched as Aemon lay dying in Lord Cameron's arms still desperately trying to pull the arrow. His movements started to slow before trying one last time, unable to muster any more strength. He showed a face of unwillingness before passing.


Panic further insued as Caraxys roared in fury, feeling the death of his partner.

Quickly directing Sheila to come back to me, my vision blurred as I allowed my consciousness to come back to my body. Seeing the lake before me once again, I quickly rushed to my bag before opening it,

Greeted by my white coat, I quickly opened a side pocket and found a small piece of parchment. Taking it out along with quill and ink I popped open the cork for the ink and dipped the quill in.

Writing down all the information, I rolled up the parchment and tied it. Holding out my arm, Sheila landed on my arm.

Wrapping a cloth around the parchment and Sheila's leg. I looked her in the eye, "I need you to take this to Oldtown, get this straight to the mentor."

Knowing she understood everything, I let her fly away.

Hearing the chaos in the distance, I turned on my heels and slinged the bag on my back before heading back towards the noise.

My determination firmed as I approached the large amount of smoke in the distance.

Knowing full well a bloodbath is on the horizon…..

A Myrish Bloodbath.


"Man conquers the world by conquering himself." ~ Zeno



Red Keep

Aegon Targaryen

Sitting at my desk near the widow, I sighed heavily.

The shock waves dealt to Westeros after the death of Uncle Aemon are still felt until now.

Especially in the family, the sadness an ever more present reminder.

When Rhaenys was passed over for heir to Baelon, feeling slighted; Rhaenys herself was the first to object to the king's decision, and her husband, Corlys Velaryon gave up his post on the small council as Lord Admiral of the Targaryen fleet - moving in sync with his wife and newly born child back to Driftmark. While Lady Jocelyn left for Storm's End in anger and disappointment.

And Father…..

Has not been the same since, although he has recovered from the barely consolable mess he was after coming back from the bloodbath he committed.

There is a constant sadness behind his eyes, similar now to the King and Queen who themselves have been heavily affected by the death of another one of their children. Which has not been helped by the King's decision to pass over Rhaenys as heir. It led to what people are now calling their Second Quarrel and the Queen has been residing in Dragonstone for the past year and to my knowledge will not be coming back for another year if no changes have occurred. Further eating into the atmosphere and having a prolonging effect on the family.

There are cracks.

Maybe not too an outsider's perspective, since an heir has been secured. But from my perspective with my insider and meta knowledge, things are dire. Daemon has not helped with the attitude he displays out of jealousy, since Viserys has claimed Balerion - Daemon's jealousy has risen to new heights and he has focused all of it on me.

Looking out the window, I wondered, 'should I interfere?'

Would it be worth it? For even if I do, will I be okay giving up my plans.

When I leave, will they not fall apart anyway? Since too many factors are contributing to the path this family is now on, only staying will veer my family from the path it is on.

Is it my responsibility to do such?

I've come to care for my family, most of them anyway.

Baelon has started to act more like a father, I have given him a chance. It's something I was willing to allow, Since I never had many mis-grievings about his attitude as I was an adult in a child's body but I haven't made it very easy for him. Our relationship is only marginally better than it was before but I do appreciate his efforts.

Viserys has always been as good an older brother as possible, being a mediator between Daemon and I - Trying to include me in whatever he possibly can.

Queen Alysanne, while we were not too close. She has always been good to me and an overall good grandmother, treating me well.

And king Jaehaerys, perhaps because he was one of the first in the family to recognize my talents and did not have the same inhibition as my father, he has called me to his solar a few times. We Are not close but I do have a respect and sympathy for him. With my inheritances giving me the experience of multiple Rulers, while not agreeing with all his decisions, I respect and acknowledge his accomplishments as king while also having sympathy for him - well aware of how his decisions affected him and the struggle warring within him between regret and duty.

Do I feel guilty?

I knew his death was coming, there was something I could've done about it. But I didn't. Does that make me as culpable as the culprit who fired the arrow? Someone who has treated me well when my own father did not.

Yes I do.

Maybe this guilt is what has led me to thoughts of staying, correcting all the cracks that will bring the downfall of this family down the line.

Should I feel guilty?

No I shouldn't, logically I had no involvement in the circumstances around his death. My presence in this world was not the cause of his death, the only way to save him would've been to expose one the members of the brotherhood. Potentially letting the existence of the brotherhood be known, and that is an outcome that I cannot accept right now. The anonymity of the organization and all my summons is our biggest advantage at the moment.

We have already exposed enough, with BlackRock being the name of the mercantile company's we created being publicly known as mine. Owning so much land in many cities and taking a big share of the importation market a lot of spotlight has been shined on myself and my actions.

A decision I took as the longer we kept it hidden the harder it would've been to explain how I owned it and how I was able to keep such a secret from every power in the world without any of their spy's finding out. Taking the spotlight so my summons can move more freely in the shadows and giving the new ones working with me in the light legitimacy and a veil of a protection with the Targaryen name. Not that it's certain my family would move if something happened but our opponents don't know that, and we are more than ready to respond ourselves if anyone gets too ambitious.

Now with all these reasons on the table, do I feel guilty;


Is it logical? No it's not - humans were never purely logical creatures .

But will I let it hold me back?

No, I will not. My responsibility has and will always be towards those loyal to me; my current and future summons, the people who will decide to follow me on their own violation and most importantly the girls and my future children.

I will not risk them….

Firming my decision, the best I will do is help as best as I can before leaving. And who knows, plans adapt and change, perhaps I'll come back to help at some point.

As I came to that conclusion, It felt like a weight I did not know I had, has been lifted off my shoulder.

Rising out of my chair I head for the door,

Ready to destroy anything that comes my way.


"The beginning is the most important part of any work, especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at which the character is being formed and the desired impression is more readily taken." ~ Plato



Red keep

Queen Alysanne Targaryen


Dodging the downward slash of his opponent, He took a quick step back avoiding another swing from a another opposition.

Quickly creating distance between himself and his two adversaries. After giving himself space from being cornered, I watched as Aegon made quick work of both the knights set to face against him.

Turning to my son who sat next to me, I praised, "He is growing wonderfully, it is truly a blessing to have two sons who are both gifted in the martial arts."

Baelon, still seriously watching as another group were brought to face him, having to face three this time, he spoke, "Yes, but one is better than the other by a vast majority."

Maegelle curiously questioned, "does it matter? Both of them are good, one being better should be expected. Daemon has also been knighted already and given darksister, why would he not feel happy?"

Baelon grunts in agreement not intending to explain.

Which is a wise choice, it is not certain who could be listening right now and we do not want any more rumors to float around. There is enough as it is, Maegelle does not fully understand the relationship between the two only that it is antagonistic, she as a septa cannot fully grasp the political consequences - it's not good for members of the royal family to be openly hostile against each other. Especially when dragons are involved, 'things can spiral out of control in the blink of an eye' I thought darkly.

Having my attention drawn back to Aegon as he took down the last knight he was facing, the boy has grown so much. It is a bit astounding to think about, but it's also a relief - that the last thing my darling Alyssa has left us shines as brightly as he does.

Turning to my youngest daughters,

'My daughters, my sweet daughters.'

I thought fondly before heavily adding to my thoughts, 'how has it come to this?' I sighed.

Looking at them observing their Nephew, to most their faces would be ranging from boredom to various displays of innocent interest. But after being with them for so long I have come to observe through the veil…..

Observing the love they each had for the boy, and the boy cares for them in return.

At first I was in denial, not wishing for this to happen again. But I could not ignore it for long, I had to make a decision.

Between duty and my children's happiness.

And seeing their faces, I knew the choice I should make.

I will let them figure it out, as long as they're alive I shall support them in figuring out an acceptable solution, 'as you should've done with before' a voice painfully rang through my head. Reminding me of my mistakes.

'but this time' I thought with hope, 'this time I will not have regrets.'

It is certain my love will find out at some point. If I know him as well as I think I do, he most likely had suspicions a long time ago. But I have done my best to keep him from jumping to such a conclusion and the kids have done well enough to hide it themselves. At some point they will have to come out of hiding, as they will have to be married and I could only get Jaehaerys to push the girls being married off until their 1 and 20 name days.

That should give them the time needed to come to a solution, whatever it may be - if it comes to leaving the kingdom, and while the thought is painful, so be it.

I will do everything in my power to let them live happily.


My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them; And health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. ~ Elohim (Written by King Solomon)



Red keep

Aegon Targaryen

Walking towards the center of the stage Within This Renaissance inspired Opera house built atop Visenya's hill, the final preparations were being made for this first opening.

Ignoring the slowly quieting crowd before me, I turned to the small cute brunette girl next to me.

"Are you ready Virginia?"

Turning her attention from the Orchestra setting up before us, She smiled brightly before nodding her head and responding, "Mn."

"Good, now please go fetch my guitar."

Bobbing her head cutely, she scuttered off to find the guitar.

Chuckling quietly at her adorableness, I observed the smartly dressed crowd as they marveled at the beauty of the building that I have built. In the audience were diverse groups ranging from nobles and merchants who paid for entry and were given special seats in exclusive areas on the upper stands made for Nobles and those who could afford it - to the less wealthy nobles who sat with their families on the ground floor where they were sat sectioned away from the commoners who we had given some free entry after cleaning and dressing them up so they could witness history being made While I used it as propaganda to showcase a more altruistic side of myself.

While the outside of the theater has a similar architectural structure to the style of buildings throughout the city, artistic liberties have been taken making it the most beautiful building within Kingslanding. The inside seating arrangement has been modeled after the Ford's theater, with the interior design being modeled after renaissance opera houses. We increased the seating capacity from the original 700 seats of the fords theater to 5000 seats currently with another level being added for seats making it 3 levels including the ground floor, designing the acoustics in such a way that anyone standing on the stage with their voice at 90-75 decibels will easily be heard within the auditorium. Giving the audience satisfactory performances while not taxing any trained vocalists voice too far.

With the completion of the theatre, my indirect goal was to use as much land as possible; Leaving no room for a future Sept of Bealor.

It was a great undertaking and was something I financed completely by myself, Although very costly I have come to view it as a pet project of mine. Something I can do that will leave a vestige of myself within this city, 'as long as it's not destroyed in the future.'

Hearing the pitter patter of small feet, I smiled before turning around to receive the guitar from her, admiration clearly on her face as she looked at me,

"Thank you very much."

Beeming with even more adorableness then I thought possible, I motion for her to sit with me, strumming the strings of the guitar. The crowd hearing the gentle notes quickly hushed.

As the sound of a guitar is heard for the first time, everyone was silently enjoying the tune of the new instrument - Virginia still sitting next to the me sung with her angelic voice traveling throughout the theater,


Now I've heard there was a secret chord,

That David played and it pleased the Lord,

But you don't really care for music, do ya?

Well, it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth

The minor fall, the major lift

The baffled king composing "Hallelujah"


I started singing as the girl took a backup role,


'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah'

Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her

She tied you to a kitchen chair

She broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the "Hallelujah"

'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah'

Well, maybe there's a God above

As for me all I've ever learned from love

Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you

But it's not a crime that you're hear tonight

It's not some pilgrim who claims to have seen the Light

No, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah'

Well people I've been here before

I know this room and I've walked this floor

You see I used to live alone before I knew ya

And I've seen your flag on the marble arch

But listen love, love is not some kind of victory march,


It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah'

There was a time you let me know

What's really going on below

But now you never show it to me, do you?

And I remember when I moved in you

And the holy dove she was moving too

And every single breath we drew was Hallelujah

'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah'

I did my best, it wasn't much

I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch

I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool ya

And even though it all went wrong

I'll stand before the Lord of Song

With nothing on my tongue…. but Hallelujah

'Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah




(Ac/ search "hallelujah by Andrea Bocelli and Virginia Bocelli" if you want to get an idea of the song, he sings some of the verses are in Italian, but honestly - he sings it better then any English version I've heard. So I suggest going to his song first before checking out any of the fully English ones.

Especially the one with his Granddaughter.)





A standing ovation was heard throughout the theater and even those outside in the city could hear it as the most beautiful song the crowd has ever heard in their life graced their ears.

As Virginia and I stood up and bowed, the crowd continued to clap louder. Virginia left the stage and Vaela walked on after her, Gazing at the audience I witnessed the awe etched on their faces knowing that this moment will forever be remembered throughout their memory.

Raising my hand and the audience calmed down, I gazed at my family seated in a box made especially for royals, watching Rhaenyra seated on her mother's lap babbling happily as she watched on with childish innocence and glee,

My attention returned as Vaela started singing,


I pray you'll be our eyes

And watch us where we go

And help us to be wise

In times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer

When we lose our way

Lead us to a place

Guide us with your grace

To a place where we'll be safe.

….." (AC/ I'm not gonna write the full song here since one was enough but if you wanna go listen to it search for; The Prayer by Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli. Once again there are parts sung in Italian so search for the English lyrics online.)

Throughout the whole night performance after performance, everything was spectacular to the audience. And history will record this day as the 'Greatest performance The theater of Aegon has ever witnessed, second only to performances held at the תיאטרון ירושלים'


History in the making has been witnessed.


"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." ~ John Wooden




Vaela Targaryen

Three months after the successful opening of Aegon's theater.

I sat on a balcony - looking over the town from Dragonstone, observing the development of the steadily growing port town from this distance.

Since Aegon's ownership of BlackRock became public knowledge, Aegon managed to convince father and Baelon to let him steward and develop Dragonstone. After giving them a detailed plan on what he plans to do, they have put their full support behind him.

And that was the start of what I see before me, a bustling town filled with about 150,000 people. Using the cover of new immigration Aegon has used his summoning ability while buying and freeing slaves to settle in the lands flattened by Neltharion and Aegon.

30,000 people are summoned, while 50,000 have come from all over Westeros and 70,000 have been slaves who were bought and freed. All this was made possible by the rapid development of our fleets from our mercantil company. The numbers of settlers are most definitely a subject of interest to those who would find suspect for how 30,000 people have appeared out of basically nowhere but with some careful, curated explanations along with their lack of any solid evidence - giving most people with any suspicions no ground to voice them. And with no other viable theory most have been stuck at a deadend in trying to figure it out, Magic or anything of the like would be completely ruled out since they either do not believe in its existence or do not believe Aegon would have the capability to create life without any significant price being paid and getting any information that has not been allowed to reach them by us is something they could never achieve.

With the induction of more work power from the settlers and loyal summons in strategic positions; Aegon, Eleana and I have been developing new industries under BlackRock, we have developed several, among them being: silk from pen shells, different textiles with modern techniques, metal work with the newly created blast furnace allowing mass production of better quality swords and smithing as a whole, to creating a publishing house which the citadel has become our biggest customer, the improvement of established beverage like wine and ale through better techniques, development of new drinks; brandy, Vodka that have gained popularity throughout Westeros and Essos and developing farms to slowly make the island more self sufficient.

The market of the town has become a veritable melting pot of different wares from different cultures. The strategic placing of Dragonstone and the popular products has made it a hotspot for merchants to stop and trade. Allowing for the importation of the wares from merchants from as far as yi ti.

"Haaaaa." I sighed fondly.

With the development of the city, Aegon requested father for my sisters and myself to assist with developing the town. At first Father was not keen on the idea but after a discussion with Aegon, support from the grand maester of our intellect and the backing of mother.

After a bit of back and forth, he allowed it - albeit reluctantly we were given titles; Governess of Dragonstone.

Working for the development of the island, dealing with merchants and cutting deals for the benefit of Aegon and Dragonstone, brings up memories of the city of contracts; dealing with merchants of different kinds seeking to gain as much wealth as possible.

With the development of Dragonstone, News has spread of the prospering City under the dragon's control. Leading to about 50,000 settlers coming from all over Westeros these last few years - which would've been a lot less if Aegon was not offering to assist the settlers in coming, sparing ships towards endeavor. Every month the number of new settlers increases as news of the opportunities in Dragonstone further spreads, news of job opportunities and the high pay have caused a buzz with the small folk, of course the distribution of the news was done in large by our information network cause by in large all nobles would not want such news to spread to the common folk. The Lords have not been too happy with the loss in manpower, but currently it has not hit their bottom line and even if it did they would most likely suck it up. Since the increase of trade over Westeros as a whole has benefited them.

Our knowledge has given us a marked advantage over everyone and I foresee it only growing with time. As our fleets increased with better building techniques Aegon recreated the compass and introduced it to all trusted captains, with marginal improvements to all ships making them faster, traveling for trade has made us the most efficient. Merchants without ships look to us more often since we can ship their goods faster with guaranteed safety, while those with ships hire our growing naval and military force for safety from pirates. Giving us more soft power since we have steadily taken more and more of the market share. With this progress, having a monopoly in the future is a certainty.

Of course with an induction of new settlers and summons, building a standing army and navy for protection to wave of opportunistic people with a good head on their shoulders; has been successful with every member being full equipped and showcasing a level of discipline and synergy rivaled only by the Unsullied, has given BlackRock a set of teeth that not many are willing to try and see out first if they are as sharp as they look.

Of course there are a lot of people who are not too happy with the change in the global market. And have made or are making plans to try and curb our influence or stomp out it entirely, despite the foolishness of it all plans and contingencies have been made for such people.

Currently we have been held back by the fact we don't want to worry people too much that they decide to react in fear. While there will be overconfident fools that decide to intervene, currently it is our goal to expedite our journey to find new land as quickly as possible. Those in power are already paranoid as it is about the influence Aegon has amassed in such a short time, only after the founding of our own nation will we be truly free to make a place that would be of our own making - 'a safe haven for our future family'. At the thought My mind brought up the Image of multiple white haired and purple eyed kids, running about in a beautiful garden while Aegon and I; with his arms wrapped around me, as we watched them play about smiling happily, coming out of such happy day dreams.

"Oh my, It seems my thoughts have wandered." I said softly.

Feeling a bit of butterflies, I folded my arms under my breast and brought my left hand upwards composing my thoughts despite none of my inner thoughts being displayed on my face.

A black dot appeared in the corner of my eye, turning to face it. I placed an intricately designed binocular on the tip of my nose, placing my eyes to see through the binoculars. I saw a menacing mass of black scales approaching.


As if recognizing it was being observed, the nearing dragon roared in the distance. knowing who it is, I smiled before getting up and dusted all the nonexistent dirt off my dress before heading to meet Aegon, butterflies once more rising within myself.


"A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity." ~ Jimmy Carter


AC/ anybody have some organizations fictional or real that the MC should summon? If so I would like to hear your input, I do have ideas but I'm kinda at a crossroads of who I should introduce since each group, organization, military or character introduced will have a huge impact on certain aspects of the story.

Anyway, comment any ideas and I will take them into due consideration.

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