
Odisea Del Submundo

In the gritty streets of Nova Urbis, loyalty is scarce, secrets are rampant, and survival means everything. Join James Forelie and Albert Dubois as they navigate a treacherous criminal underworld, where alliances shift like shadows and trust is a precious commodity. Their journey unfolds in a city torn between rival factions, where danger lurks around every corner. Will they untangle the mysteries of Nova Urbis, or become casualties of its unforgiving streets? Dive into 'Odyssey of the Underworld' for a pulse-pounding tale of crime, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power. Are you ready to explore the darkness?

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Atraco Misterioso

On September 8th, 2005,

James stepped into Albert's place and was immediately struck by the vibrant balloons and festive decorations that adorned the interior. It was a sudden realization - today marked Albert's birthday.

The absence of visible security inside the place caught James off guard. It strongly hinted at Albert's influential standing within the Triads. Nevertheless, the majority of the triads were of Korean or Chinese descent, which puzzled James? How Albert is so influential in the triads. James's thoughts were heavily influenced by his earlier observations during the cab ride. As they passed houses guarded or seemingly watched over by the Triads, he couldn't help but wonder. When he had inquired about this phenomenon, the cab driver had explained that the Triads maintained control over nearly every house in the neighborhood, except for those owned by influential figures. This revelation left James contemplating his own connection to Albert and the enigmatic world he was now a part of.

  With a sense of intrigue and a touch of apprehension, James proceeded to enter the place.

James: "Souviens-toi de moi." (Remember me.) 

Upon seeing James, the Triads swiftly pointed their guns at him, viewing him as a potential threat. 

Triad 1: "Speak English! And what did Tony say to you?"

James felt a sense of intimidation and couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious Tony.

  Albert: "Free him; he's James Forelie." 

As the realization dawned that the visitor was indeed James Forelie, the Triads promptly lowered their weapons. 

Albert: "You didn't tell me you were coming."

  James chose not to respond and instead extended his birthday wishes to Albert.

James: "Happy birthday." 

Albert: "Merci beaucoup."(Thanks)

James: "Pourquoi devrais-je te le dire ?" (Why should I tell you?) 

Albert: "Assieds-toi et parlons, James." (Sit down, and let's talk, James.)

The Triads were startled by the sudden shift to French. 

Triad 1: "As I said earlier, can you guys speak in English, please?" 

James and Albert shared a chuckle at the Triads' discomfort. 

As they continued their conversation, it primarily revolved around reminiscing about their childhoods and sharing lighthearted moments. Then, out of the blue, James decided to inquire about what the Triads knew about him. Albert signaled something to the Triads, but James missed the exchange. 

James: "So, what do you guys know about me?" 

Triads: "Yī piàn shé." (Piece of snake) 

James: "How dare you?" 

The Triads were taken aback, and Albert appeared disappointed. 

Triads: "You know Chinese; that's impressive." 

James had honed his skills in melee weapons like katanas during his time in Ombreville , and learned many Asian languages as well as European. 

However, as James and Albert delved deeper into their conversation, a sudden roar of engines shattered the tranquility within Albert's place. 

A convoy of cars descended upon Chinatown, initiating a frenzied drive-by shooting that filled the room with the deafening clamor of gunshots. Amidst the chaos, both Albert and James found themselves overpowered. A noxious odor permeated the room as an unknown assailant released chloroform, causing them to lose consciousness. As the chaos continued to unfold, these assailants were revealed to be members of the Leone mafia, and they executed a swift operation to seize Albert and James. As the dust settled, it became clear that the Leones had executed a well-calculated attack, eliminating the Triad members in the room. The once-vibrant room now lay in eerie silence, and Chinatown plunged into darkness as the Leones made their escape with their captives, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a palpable sense of fear.

  **End of chapter 2: Atarco Misterioso**