
Odisea Del Submundo

In the gritty streets of Nova Urbis, loyalty is scarce, secrets are rampant, and survival means everything. Join James Forelie and Albert Dubois as they navigate a treacherous criminal underworld, where alliances shift like shadows and trust is a precious commodity. Their journey unfolds in a city torn between rival factions, where danger lurks around every corner. Will they untangle the mysteries of Nova Urbis, or become casualties of its unforgiving streets? Dive into 'Odyssey of the Underworld' for a pulse-pounding tale of crime, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power. Are you ready to explore the darkness?

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7 Chs

Alianza en las Sombras

As James and Albert approached the entrance of Tony's mansion in Portofino Bay, the guards on duty reacted swiftly, their Glocks aimed firmly at the newcomers.

Guard 1: "Halt!"

Albert, sensing the urgency of the situation, wasted no time in trying to deescalate the tension.

Albert: "Hold on, we're not a threat. I'm Albert, and this is James. You need to get in touch with Tony immediately; the police are on their way."

Guard 2, his face filled with apprehension, reached for his radio to relay the message to Tony.

Guard 2: "Tony, we've got a situation here. Two individuals, James and Albert, just arrived, and they claim the police are en route."

Tony issued a rapid command to Guard 2, who then nodded and gestured for Albert and James to proceed to Tony. As they made their way to him, Tony's orders were clear, and they watched as their car was swiftly dealt with, ensuring there were no traces left behind.

Albert and James entered Tony's room.

Tony: "So?"

James: "So what? You set us up!"

Albert: "James, shut up! We would have been dead bodies if I hadn't told you to come to Portofino first. You spoiled my birthday, and now don't you dare spoil this!"

Giovanni: "Well done, you two!"

Tony: "I'm amazed at how you figured out that I set you up."

Tony looked at James and Albert with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Tony: "You're sharper than I thought. Yes, it was a test, and you passed it."

Albert, still seething with frustration, demanded an explanation.

Albert: "A test? You endangered our lives!"

Tony: "I needed to see how you'd handle a high-stress situation. Nova Urbis is a city where danger lurks around every corner. I couldn't afford to have anyone in our ranks who would crack under pressure."

James: "And what if we had cracked? What if we'd been killed?"

Tony: "Then you wouldn't have been fit for the role I have in mind."

Giovanni, who had been silent until now, chimed in.

Giovanni: "Tony's right. This city doesn't forgive weakness. We need people who can keep their cool under fire."

Albert, though still angry, realized the harsh truth in their words. Nova Urbis was a city where survival required nerves of steel.

Albert: "Fine, we passed your test. What now?"

Tony: "Now, we move forward with the plan. James, you'll lead the Forelie Family in Nova Urbis. Albert, you'll continue your role in the Triads and act as our liaison. Together, we'll solidify our position in this city."

Giovanni: "And we'll have to deal with the aftermath of tonight's little drama. The police will be investigating."

Tony: "Leave that to me. I have my ways of handling the authorities."

As the tension in the room began to ease, James and Albert understood that they had embarked on a dangerous journey in Nova Urbis. Their roles were defined, and they had proven themselves capable of handling the challenges that lay ahead.

The night had been a baptism by fire, a harsh initiation into the unforgiving world of Nova Urbis. But James and Albert were now ready to face whatever the city had in store for them, as they moved forward with their ambitious plan to establish the Forelie Family's presence in this treacherous realm.

The stage was set, alliances were forged, and the game had only just begun in the city known as the "Land of Dreams."

  ***End of Chapter 6: Alianza en las Sombras***