
Odin the Boundless

To the newest incarnation of Odin Borison, the All-Father and ruler of Asgard, a unique change occurs. Not only does this reincarnation merge Odin with the knowledge of his past incarnations, but it also introduces a fascinating twist: the infusion of meta-knowledge from another existence. In this new life, Odin becomes a fusion of his former selves and the accumulated wisdom and abilities of a separate existence (another reincarnator). This unexpected fusion bestows upon Odin everything that was which the other life wished for ... Essence of the King and Essence of the Blank ... what is that?

Vincent_0580 · Komik
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34 Chs

War V

(Odin POV)

Our forces stood in front of Utgard, the capital of Jotunheim and the place where Lorey and the last of his forces were hiding at the moment. We got ready and I prepared my power. A lot of Jotuns were on the walls and shooting at us with their frozen arrows. Our weapons were still better, so defending against these arrows wouldn't have been hard, if not for the cold and harsh weather. 

We used archers of our own but with such bad vision, it was no use. So I decided to do something about it. I focused the Odin Force in my hand and then pointed it towards the sky. And then in one blow, all the clouds above Utgard disappeared and were pushed back. 


The snowing stopped and the increased light, allowed our archers to attack better. The tides had now turned and the Asgardian army was marching forward while easily defending against the enemy archers. It was getting better and better, as we got closer to the gates. Finally, we arrived and it was up to me to break these powerful walls. 

I used my increased strength. I pulled back my arm and then used the Odin Force on top of that. My power skyrocketed and I punched. 


The wall broke and allowed our army to enter. I breathed heavily for a moment. That was taxing but still an amazing feeling. I can tell that this is by no means the limit of what I can do. Thanks to my endless stamina, I was running right next to Bor and into Utgard. 

We were expected, however. Lorey and many of his fellow Frost Giants were there armed and dangerous. They were prepared to die today. 

"Bor Burison and his brat, the demon who doesn't sleep, Odin Borson. You have finally arrived here.", Lorey addressed us. 

"Lorey, it ends today. This war will be over. Let us swear that the last man standing after today will be declared the victor.", Bor said.

"As you wish. Frost Giants ... ATTACK!"

"For Asgard!!"

Everyone screamed something and then rushed towards the other side. Another clash happened between the forces of Asgard and Jotunheim. The last one ... in this war at least. Bor attacked Lorey. The Jotun was a strong man and due to Bor's injuries, he wasn't at his full capacity. 

While their leaders clashed, the other forces were at their necks killing each other. The war had lasted for a long time and that brought with it fatigue as well as experience. Both sides were formidable, but Asgardian soldiers were far better skilled and trained. The Frost Giants compensated with their tall and even giant statures. 

These giants were using big clubs to simply swat our soldiers away and I wouldn't have that. So I focused on the Odin Force. I thought about what I wanted to do and then felt the change. My body grew taller until it reached the same height as the Frost Giants. And this was their doom. 

Everyone was looking at me with wide eyes. I used this chance and struck the closest Frost Giant. My fist impacted his face and caused a loud sound to be heard.


His head cracked and shot to the side. I didn't stop there, I walked towards him and punched again into his stomach. He tumbled forward and I upper-cut him, shooting his head back. I grabbed his arm and then lifted him up. 

That was a spectacle, one giant lifting another up and then ... I threw him towards another one. This was the moment that the others came out of their stupor and began to attack me. The smaller Frost Giants distanced themselves from our fight and continued their fight with the Asgardians. 

I dodged a spear strike. I grabbed the spear and broke the tip off. Dodging another attack, I grabbed that one's arm and pulled him close. As soon as he was close, my hand flashed at him and cut his neck with the spear tip I took from the other Frost Giant. 


The Frost Giant held his neck and gurgled, while blood ran down his fingers. I was not stopping. I turned around and punched using the Odin Force. 


An explosion was heard and from the back of the Frost Giant that I hit, a fountain of gore and blood shot outwards and drenched the snow red. I was getting more and more fierce. I didn't stop. From one Frost Giant to the next, I left nothing but death in my wake. After a few hours of fighting, I had killed most of the giants when the yell from Lorey was heard.

"ENOUGH!! STOP!! We surrender. Please don't kill anyone anymore.", he said and I stopped. I looked at Bor who was holding his side and was leaving on his axe. He nodded to me and I nodded back. I stopped using the Odin Force and reverted back to my original form. 

When everything was normal again, I felt a monstrous tiredness befalling me. I had the Odin Force for two days now and was already using it like this. I had used a massive amount when I wasn't that proficient in controlling it. I could feel tired for the first time in my life. I didn't allow myself to show weakness though. 

Thankfully my endless stamina and endurance came in to save me and I didn't fall unconscious right away. 


The war with Jotunhiem was won. That left only the battlefield of Svartalfheim and Nidavellir. I was inside the war tent of my father a few hours later when the fights had stopped and Lorey had surrendered. Father wasn't looking good right now. He had been hurt during his fight with Lorey and his old wounds hadn't healed properly. 

"Father, what is the plan with Svartalfheim and Nidavellir?", I ask him. I know that no matter his condition, he won't talk with me about it. He was just too proud of that. I didn't care either way. We had time to lick our wounds after everything was over. 

"Forget about Nidavellir for now, we must focus on Svartalfheim. Odin, I want you to take the army, or what is left of it for now and go deal with the Dark Elves.", Bor said.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Father. Remember that the dwarves' mines and forges are of vital importance to all the ten realms. If they fall into Ulik's hands, then we will have a problem getting more weapons and tools of any kind.", I said.

"I must agree with the prince, your Majesty. We should focus a small amount of our forces to deal with Ulik and the rock trolls."

"I believe that I alone am enough to deal with them. If you send me, you can send the rest of the army to Svartalfheim and have the war ended for good.", I say.

"Hmm ... very well, if you think you can handle it on your own, I will allow it. Make sure to end those rock trolls and Ulik especially. He has been a bother for a long time.", Bor says and I nod.

"It will be done, Father.", I say and then leave the tent. If the dwarfs of Nidavellir get defeated, there will be a massive struggle in the ten realms. I have to make sure that nothing does happen. Although I can tell that I am in need of some sleep. I guess this is the after-effect of using the Odin Force. Although the amount of fatigue isn't much, I can still feel it. I will persevere and sleep once the war is over. 


The Bifrost transported me to Nidavellir. I arrived in the Skornhiem Mountains where I felt the battle taking place. I rode to the battlefield and saw the dwarfs having a hard time dealing with Ulik and his forces. So I got to work and began killing one rock troll after the other. Rock Trolls were physically powerful but not of any concern to me. I sliced them from my horse and killed them with ease. 

I was approached by the dwarf king Eitri. 

"Prince Odin, we are glad that you could make it here to support us. When will the rest of Asgard's army arrive?", Eitri asked as we were fighting. 

"No one else will come, we have too much on our hands with the Dark Elves and Svartalfheim in general. The army will support my brother Cull and our forces there, while I deal with the rock troll problem here."

"But that ... that is impossible at the moment!"

"You don't know what's possible, dwarf king.", I say and blast a couple of trolls with an energy blast. 


The dwarf king was surprised at the power I wielded. They hadn't heard of my exploits in Jotunheim. But when the rest of the ten realms did, it would become obvious that you don't mess with Odin Borson. 

The fight continued and one fighter on the rock trolls side was doing major damage to the dwarf army. I knew who it was, even though I had never seen him in person. Ulik, the strongest of the rock trolls. 


No one knows where he got his strength from, but it was known that he was the strongest one there was. I smiled at the challenge and approached him while killing anyone who came in my way. 

"Ulik, strongest of the rock trolls."

"Odin, the future All-Father, what brings you to Nidavellir?"

"You do of cores. Let us end this pointless fighting. Blood to blood."

"Aye, may the strongest win and the weaker die."

We clashed. Ulik used powerful punches to do damage. But that wasn't working against me. I also decided to use my fists and see where I stood at the moment. We exchanged punches and after a while, I had enough and used some technique to quickly destroy him. My strength and durability were far beyond the rock troll. 

My punches grew stronger and faster as he couldn't keep up with me.




One after the other, I was beating him and not long after that he was at death's door. I stopped and pulled him up, showing the rest of the rock trolls that their leader had been defeated and further fighting would be pointless. 

That concluded the war on this side of the board. The only thing left now was to see how Cull and our forces were doing in Svartalfheim. 

"Are you leaving, prince Odin?", Eitri asked me. 

"Aye, I need to see how things are going in Svartalfheim. Everything else concerning the outcome of this war, you will have to discuss with the All-Father."

"Of course. We will do that. I would like to express my gratitude, my prince. Please expect our visit in the coming weeks, when things have calmed down.", Eitri told me. 

"I will await your arrival. If you would excuse me."



I used the Bifrost again and arrived in Asgard. I made my way towards the palace where I could feel my father. He was lying in the royal chambers, probably healing from his wounds. But if he was here, and Mother managed to get him to lie down, then that could only mean one thing.

"My prince, the All-Father has asked to see you as soon as you return.", a maid told me when I was walking through the halls of the palace. 

"Lead the way then."

She bowed her head and led me to my parent's chambers. She knocked and then entered. 

"Your Majesties, his Highness Prince Odin has arrived as you asked, I have brought him here.", she said.

"Good. You may leave.", Bor said. 

"Come in Odin. How are things in Nidavellir?", he asked me.

"Ulik has been defeated and the rock trolls have surrendered to the dwarfs. King Eitri has expressed his gratitude and has informed me that he wishes to gift something to me in the coming weeks after the war has ended. How are things in Svaratlfheim?"

"They are looking good. Cull managed to push the Dark Elves to their limit and they surrendered as well. Cull has gone a bit overboard and has killed their leader anyway as punishment. But other than that, the war is over."

"Aye, that is good news.", I say.

"Go clean yourself, Odin. There will be a feast held in two days time after everything has been taken care of."

"Very well then. If you excuse me."

Finally, the war was over. It took long enough. Over 7 years of fighting. That was impressive. I wonder what Bor has planned for me and Cull after this war. I am interested in travelling a bit. Exploring the realms I haven't seen yet.