
The Question

Directly after supper we walk to uor cabin and Carla follows us we ask her why she is. She answers,"My cabin is thos way to." We then realize that our cabins is write next to eachother.


The next mornig I wake up to birds singing in my ears. I say goodmorning to Evert but he does not answer. I look up and he's not there. I decided to go look for him... He's nowhere to be found. I then go to Carla's cabin to ask her. There he was sittin on a bed talking to her. I was quite surprised. They stare at me with a look sayin get out. So knowing that he's safe I go to the shower and whash up.

Evert's perspective:

It's mornig and I wake up to the cabin door opening. Standing in the door frame is Carla the girl I met yesterday. She asks me if I could go with her. I agree. I ask,"Where are we going?" She answered," My cabin."

Inside of her cabin is just her stuf and she demands me to sit on the bed across from her. I sit down as she starts talking."So, what is your sexuality?" I tried not to tel her, but I knew that she would not stop asking if I don't tel her so I shyly said:"I'm gay..."

She answered with a,"I'm glad to hear that." I ask politely,"How come?" She softly said," I know he won't tel you but.." Riht then the door opens and Janko enters the frame. Silence fills the room. We stare at him a few secconds went by then he awkwardly left.

She continues,"I know he won't tell you himself so here it is, Janko is bi and I realized he realy likes you. So my question to you is do you like,like him or not?" I was stunned with this straightforward question. Such a beautiful boy likes me?" I don't know if you would say that, but I do like him." She asks me,"So why don't you tell him then?" I reply," We just met and frankly I'm to shy to tell him, so please don't tel him." Se asked why, but said she won't tell him. I exit her cabin and went to the shower to wash up. When I came back to our cabin Janko was sitting there wating for me.