
Odd adventures

It is literarily just Odd crap I come up with Odd story’s

Kingbbob · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Dark Lord And The Man In Yellow

As I got up from bed, I smelt a weird smell. As I walked to my door I heard a creek, Then a slam! I heard foot steps slowly coming closer. Appearing from the darkness was a large yellow suited man, it pulled out a gun. Bam, pew, pew! I stood up and grabbed my red and white balls but suddenly I dropped them. I Grew to 6 foot and was black with a beard the size of a George Washington (Because I dropped my balls I went through puberty again). "Get over here little man I grabbed him with one arm and threw him through my wall and into the street to Gorden Ramzei. Ramzie was half goat half man he had the bottom of a human but the torso and head of a goat. Ramzie pulled out a Glock 9-7 and shot the man in yellow. Ramzie unloaded multiple magazines on the man in yellow "it is nothing personal really". The man in yellow said. I grabbed the man in yellow by the shirt and yelled "Who sent you!" "The Dark Lord he took George from me I had to do what he said!" Yellow man whimpered. I had let go of his shirt and stretched my 7 foot arm out. "lets go kill this dark lord together!" I shouted.