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After a long week of hard work I couldn't help but relax at the sight in front of me. I close my eyes and feel the cool breeze kiss my cheek as it plays with my hair. I feel the last rays of the setting sun say goodbye. Then one by one drops from the sky begin to fall down my face and slowly I too began to cry along with the sky. I see the clear water crash along the shore where I feel the cold railing against my palms. Holding it tight I wonder what would happen if I was on the other side and let go. Being a strong swimmer I would most likely fight against the current and survive, all my life I've been told I'm a fighter. What if I didn't want to fight anymore. I was tired of the long weeks that had passed and the long week that waited for me. I couldn't face myself in the mirror anymore.

Why was I doing this? Was it because of him? The one I let go. The man that occupied my thoughts day and night. The man that crashed into my dreams hoping they were real. The man who wouldn't answer my messages. The man who couldn't love me back. No it wasn't because of him I had too much self worth to let everything go for him.

Deep down I knew why my heart ached so earnestly. I couldn't face her. The girl in the mirror because somehow I felt as if I had failed her. Despite loving another I wasn't able to love myself. He just made me forget how much I hated my own guts. I wondered if anyone felt the same way about me as I do me. I was in pain. Slowly I found myself on the other side of the rails. I knew at that moment I was done fighting with me, the world, these demons in my head. I let go.

The water was cold to touch. I felt it pull me in much like the darkness in my heart. I could hear the water swirl around me as it carried me back and forth. It was as if I was being cradled to sleep a slumber that would last forever. I felt the air leave my lungs and slowly began to fill with water. It was pain and I was finally drowning. Was I ready to say goodbye to the world I had planned to leave, to the people who were able to love me, to the things I had in deed accomplished. To me every day was the same because I had failed to recognize the good things that happened in my life every day that the sun rose. I was a coward drowning in my own demise. The waves had carried me deep in the ocean there was no escaping my fate.

Was I really giving up this easy. Pathetic I thought. Even if everything they said about me wasn't true one thing was for sure, I was a fighter. I began to kick and scream through the water slowly I began to rise. Even if he didn't want me I still had me, even if I wasn't enough I would become enough. I was a woman after all.

It was too late the ocean had already carried me in deep and I was close to the end. Was this it? The water carried my warm tears away because to me I wasn't done but I would at least go out fighting. My senses heightened. I could feel the pain become stronger, I was done.

Suddenly I felt something take a hold of me, but it was too late I had already taken my last breath. Someone was pulling me up until at last we reached the surface. Carrying me to the shore I felt my mouth being pried open and air began to force its way down my lungs. A pressure began to fall on my chest and suddenly I was reborn into the world I once left. Water began to leave my lungs as I opened my eyes. There he was the beautiful man who couldn't love me, saving my life. Before I could ask what he was doing there he held me in his arms and pressed his lips on mine. Four simple words trailed out of his mouth "I do love you." he was my angel who had come to save me. Life as I knew it changed.