
Obsidian's Moon

Gold Tier Winner of WPC #139 *** Two souls were prophesied to meet and fall in love. They were made for each other, chosen by the moon goddess to complete each other. But what would happen when something threatens to break them apart? Do you think a love predestined by a deity will prevail? *** Lara looked up and she froze when her eyes came in contact with the bluest eyes she had ever seen. "You are...?" He asked. Lara caught her breath and froze up. She can't answer him! She already knew the CEO was ridiculously handsome. But she didn't think he was this handsome! He already asked her a question but all she could think of was... Noah James Smith looked intimidatingly beautiful in his company photo but in person, he's more than that. His photo didn't do him any justice! He was devilishly handsome, and very intense too. His electric blue eyes looked like they could see into her soul if he wanted to. And she was melting like ice-cream in front of him. Noah looked at the woman who just entered his office and his eye zeroed in on her. She looks like a dear in headlights. Her lips were gaping and she looked stunned after seeing his face. Did she hear what I said? He thought inwardly as he stood up and walked around his desk. "Who are you?" he asked again, and that got Lara out of her trance. "Oh! Uhm. I-uhh. I-I'm nobody..." She replied after struggling for words. Then she remembered what she came there to do and approached his desk. "Actually, I came here to deliver this…" Noah casually sat on his desk and crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes watching her as she squirmed under his gaze, holding the envelop close to her chest as she awkwardly approached him and his desk. "I'm... I'm going to put this here for you, sir..." she said and placed the brown envelope just beside where he sat and then backed away like she'd been burned by his presence. She couldn't even look him in the eye. Noah glanced at the envelope then backed at Lara who was now awkwardly playing with her fingers. "I'll be going now, sir. I'm sorry for disturbing you-" "You haven't answered my question yet." he stopped her and she froze again. "P-pardon?" "What's your name?" "I-uhh..." Lara started to panic. Is he going to fire me? Noah looked at her ID. "Looking at your ID from this distance, it seems that you're one of my employees." "Ah yes, I'm-" She bit her lip and deflated like a balloon. Will I get reprimanded if he discovers I'm just a newbie? "Why did you stop? Is it really hard for you to tell me your name?" Lara immediately shook her head. "N-no. No, sir. I just- uhh. I find you intimidating…" she unconsciously said and gasped. What did I just say? Noah didn't respond but the corner of his lips turned up for a second there before it vanished as soon as it appeared. "I see..." [Time Skip] Noah looked outside, staring aimlessly at the bright city lights outside his window while twirling his drink in his hands. His mind was deep in thought. And it was mostly about the fact that he had found his mate. He's been waiting for her to appear in his life ever since he reached adulthood. And now that she's here, he couldn't stop his urge to possess her. Claim her as his. When their eyes met for the first time, he immediately felt the pull between them. He wanted her the instant he laid his eyes on her and she was a new employee in his company. "Lara Louis…" Noah murmured her name and he couldn't help but think about her eyes. Her expressive auburn eyes that was hidden underneath her glasses. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/VmAWdAr Disclaimer on the cover photo! It is not mine, guys. All appreciation and recognition for the cover photo goes to the original creator. Peace!

AtlasWorld · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs


41: Investigation

Lara let out a frustrated groan. She understands everything they're saying. But this... this wasn't the case for her. She knows Cedric and her father both desired the same thing, and that's her security, her safety. However, her desires were not the same as theirs. Lara wanted her freedom back, as well as her right to choose for herself. She understands there's danger lurking in the shadows, but she wasn't a weak, defenseless girl anymore.

"Fine. I'll handle it myself." Lara rose and turned to walk away, but Cedric stopped her. Getting in her way. Since her new goal was to go back as early as possible, as she had to speed up the investigation.

"What are you suddenly up to now?" With a concerned expression on his face, Cedric asked.

"Move. I'm going to work."

"No." Cedric stood his ground and blocked her path. "I told you I won't let you do that. You're not going back, pumpkin. I won't let you."

Lara sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What are you doing? I'm not going back."

Cedric froze. "Then what are you doing?" 

"I'm starting the investigation; I have 14 days to finish this so, move."

Lara walked past him, his sight following her back.

Lara stopped and turned to him. Her face looked bored but with a frown. "Are you coming, or are you not?"

Cedric gulped. Looking at Lara, he's suddenly having this weird feeling inside his chest. 

Whenever he looks at her, he feels like he's talking to a different person. She sounds the same, looked the same. But there are subtle ways in her mannerism that suddenly made her feel… different. Like she's not the friend he used to play with as a child. 

"Who are you?" he asked. At first, it started when he saw her standing outside the office doors. But now, staring at her, the feeling just got stronger.

Lara reacted to his question with a snort. "Fine. I'm leaving you behind then." She said, turning her back to leave. 

But seeing her leaving woke Cedric up from his thoughts. "Wait!" Cedric ran to her, catching up to her steps. 

"Why are you suddenly determined to do this?" He asked, his eyes following her face. "The crime and justice department will handle this themselves. I'm sure they'll find something in their investigation tomorrow."

His words didn't stop Lara from resuming her steps… 

"I trust the department and their methods. But I will not stay here for two weeks doing nothing. If I want to get back to my job without getting fired, I have to speed up the investigative process. To do that, the department will need the extra help they can get."


"You sure this will work?" Noah asked Stefani as he stared at the vial in his hands. He had a complicated look on his face. Stefani stifled a laugh. The liquid was black, and when he opened the lid and smelled the liquid inside, he got nauseous.

Stefani gave his reaction with an amused smirk. "Of course, it will work. My friend is very capable after all, and I trust her work."

Noah grumbled. Those words didn't make him feel better though. He still has his doubts in his mind. And staring at the black potion in his hands made those doubts grow stronger. 

"What is the name of this friend of yours again?" he asked, and Stefani replied with a smile on her face.

"Sylvie. Sylvie is her name."

"And she's a witch."

"Yep!" Stefani gave him a playful wink and a thumbs up. "… A very talented witch, in fact." Stefani corrected him with a smirk. "It was hard for me to find her new lair. She's great at hiding, you see."

Noah stared at the potion again, his Adam's apple rising and down from his throat. Will he be able to drink this thing?

Stefani laughed, seeing the complicated expression on his face. "You know. The more you stare at it, the more you'll get scared to drink it." She teased, crossing her arms while looking at this scene of him struggling so much. 

Noah gave Stefani a glare, knowing that she's enjoying herself too much. "I'm not scared."

Stefani teased him more with a grin. "Yeah, you are. Good for you, I knew this was going to happen." She took the vial in his hands and smelled contents inside. "It doesn't smell edible, but I asked Sylvie to make it taste like strawberries at least."

"Strawberries?" Is that supposed to make him feel better?

Stefani handed the vial back to him with a grin. "Yes, strawberries. You like strawberries, right? You're welcome, by the way." She said, like she did him a big favor there.

"Have you tested this potion with a live subject before?" Noah asked, still sounding skeptical about the effects of the potion. It might not work properly when he drinks it and leave some… unwanted side effects.

"No, I haven't tested it yet. But Sylvie assured me that it'll definitely hide your scent and bury your abilities for a week."

Noah stared at the potion again, considering the advantages if he takes it. 

"A week, huh? How about my route to Velhellah, is it already secured?"

Stefani nodded. "Of course! Everything is set and ready. You should really commend me for my performance today. I really pulled out all those favors I've gathered all those years just for you."

Noah gave Stefani a grateful nod. "Thank you."

Stefani grinned and waved her hands back and forth. "Don't mention it. Anyway, an acquaintance of mine has agreed to smuggle you there. Of course, you'll be acting as an unconscious body bag for the plan to work." Stefani laughed. Like the thought of Noah acting as vampire food just to enter Velhellah is funny to her. 

Noah gave her a look, and Stefani met his eyes and shut her mouth.

"What?" She acted like its nothing and shrugged. "Anyway, when you get there, my acquaintance will wake you up and set you free. His warehouse is far from the capital, so you will have to go there on foot since my favor can only get you through the gates, not the royal castle."

Noah raised his brow. "That's it?"

"Yes, that's pretty much it." Stefani said with an open gesture of her hands. She frowned, that's actually how far she could go. "Why? Are you not satisfied?"

Another update for you guys! Hope you enjoy reading it!

*This chapter is dedicated to iluvec91*

Thank you so much for the votes and the support! <3

Also, for my dear readers, please put your thoughts about this chapter on the comments below. I really want to know what you think. :D

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Have a great day! Enjoy!


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