

"It's delicious!" Leon exclaimed, "This is a nice cake shop!"

"I know, right?" Erika said. "The cheesecake here is especially good."

"Nah, I think the apple cake is better."

"Leon-kun! there is something wrong with your tastebud!" Erika opened her eyes in disbelief. "Nothing beats the cheesecake in this world! It's very sweet and soft, and it has a perfect balance between sweetness and the tanginess from the cream cheese."

Before Erika could continue her passionate speech, Mizuki voiced her concern towards the man sitting on her side, "Leon-kun, are you going to visit the student council tomorrow?"

"Yeah, the president herself invited me after all, I will at least listen to what she had to say." Leon didn't seem to be concerned, and it made Mizuki relaxed her mind from worry.

After addressing Mizuki's concern, Leon returned his attention to his beloved apple pie.

He can't seem to get enough of the apple pie, he already had three serving of them but Leon showed no sign of stopping.

"What do you think they want?" Erika asked, faint curiosity on her face.

"I'm not sure," Leon said in between bites, "Maybe they are just interested in my magic."

"Ah, your magic!" Erika exclaimed. "I never heard any magic like that, you literally pass through the president!"

"Is that ancient magic?"

"Hoh, as expected of Miyuki."

"It's nothing. You didn't use any form of CAD, so it's pretty obvious." Miyuki lips held a faint smile, her tone is humble, yet it's filled with elegance.

Looking at Miyuki, Leon choked on a mouthful of apple pie.

"Leon-kun! Are you okay?" Mizuki tone sounded concerned as she handed him a glass of orange juice.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

He gulped some orange juice and turned his attention towards Erika's confused face.

As if on an agreement, Erika opened her mouth, "Isn't that weird? I thought the ancient magic's casting speed is very slow, so why are you so fast?"

"Well, mine is somewhat different from the others. I have special eyes that able to aid me in performing magic."

"Special eyes?" Mizuki asked, rather surprised.

"Yeah, just like Mizuki, my eyes are very special, it's called Sharingan." Leon then activated his Sharingan, and three tomoe formed in his eyes.

"Ohhh, that's so cool!" Erika exclaimed, for some reason, there is excitement in her voice.

"The pattern was different from the one in school," Tatsuya decided to join their conversation.

"... Ah, that was Mangekyou Sharingan, my eyes final form." Leon said, "It grants me the ability to pass through objects and people."

"It can also put the enemy under an illusion." He then added after a second of hesitation, Tatsuya had already seen it after all.

"Oh, that's very useful." Erika sounds amazed.

"Then, if you use this magic, you are basically invincible, right?" Mizuki's voice comes from his side, it tickled his ears.

Leon gulped the last of his juice, it refreshed his mind, then said, "Nope, there is nothing invincible in this world, every magic is bound by limit and restriction, my eyes are also the same."

They spent the time chatting in the cake shop until the sky was getting dark and then bid each other goodbye.

In the darkened street, Leon finds himself walking alone towards his house, there are no pedestrians as if the night had swallowed them all.

He doesn't know why but unsettling feelings started to surface in his heart after he parted with his new friends.

The sounds of Leon's footsteps reverberate through the shadow in the night, it creates a nice rhythm in his ears.

But it was suddenly broken by a new pair of footsteps.

At first, there is only one person footstep but suddenly there is an additional sound of footsteps. It gets weird fast when Leon heard more of them echoed in the night.

It's as if they appeared from thin air.

His heart was racing and his breath stopped.

"One..., two, three, no! Six people?" Bright eyes with pinwheel patterns can be seen in the dark, it moved left and right quickly, scanning the surrounding.

Leon able to spot six people around him, and he had a feeling they are not here to chat about cakes. It's become more obvious when they get closer to him.

This is clearly an ambush formation!

There is one on the roof, while the rest are spreading in his front and back, blocking his path.

Leon is confused about this turn of events.

He doesn't remember anything like this in the show, but it was because the show always follows the perspective of Tatsuya and his sister.

And in this world, Leon is the master of his own life.

Its also impossible for him to triggers something, this is his first day in this world after all.

Then he started to recall the accident in school, and it made his eyes lit up in realization,

That accident in school exposed his eye's rare ability or magic as the way they call it, so it's not impossible if they are interested in him.

But the light of insight on his eyes started to fade when Leon heard the words leave from the ambusher's mouth. It was a woman with a sexy voice.

"Oh my, oh my." The woman smiled, satisfaction lit her face, "To think I would find a user on my first day. The tricks to follow the protagonist is never disappoint."

When she said 'user', Leon didn't link it with the system.

But the moment she spoke about the protagonist, the suspicion in Leon's mind started to fade.

According to the system, he is a User. No. 9.754.294.320

He has been wondering about this thing, and now he finally convinced that there are other users in this world.

"But I would never have thought you would get such a good identity, the classmate of the protagonist, while I had to start as a member of Blanche, ah, the irony..."


"Oh? Looks like you didn't know about it or maybe you forgot, it's a common thing for us user. Either way, you had no choice but to die here."

"Why...?" Leon asked in a low voice.

The woman tilted her head, confused before coming to a realization.

"...Ah, you must be a newbie then. Seeing as you are going to die, I will tell you something interesting."


"You are asking why I kill fellow user right? It's simple, not only you get points from killing the named characters, but you also able to obtain it from a fellow user. Isn't that interesting?"

"...What...did you say?" Leon pupils dilated at her remarks. He was shocked by this revelation and the implication behind it.

There are other users in this world, so the chance for Leon's sister to be in this world is also high.

But when he heard that users can obtain points by killing another user, his mind was thrown into disarray.

Leon clenched his fist, hard enough to draw blood.

He is not thinking about the safety of another user, but the fate of his sister.

His sister is in danger!

"Are you that shocked? Well, It's okay, you are just a newbie, so it's normal." The woman seems to come into her own conclusion without knowing what's in Leon's mind.

All sign of expression on Leon's face started to fade, and his straight dark hair covered his crimson eyes.

"Are you trying to kill me for points?" Leon asked, his voice is calm but strangely eerie.

"Isn't that obvi—damn!" The woman cursed when she felt space distort around her, locking her in place.

She can't move her body!

The atmosphere is heavy and the woman finds herself suffocating.

She can't breathe!

But that is not the worst part of her circumstances.

The woman felt as though the world is spinning as it pulled her towards its center, trying to suck her into the bottomless abyss.

Amidst the distorted space, the woman tried her hardest to focus her blurry vision to the young man who is likely to be the culprit of her predicament.

The moment she saw red eyes with pinwheel patterns, she can't help but get shocked.

She recognized that eyes!

This is considered to be a powerful ability, and the young man in front of her is very lucky to be able to obtain a Legendary Item from the system.

Mangekyou Sharingan is a Legendary Tier item that can be purchased from the system for a huge amount of points, so it's her bad luck to encounter someone with Legendary Tier as his starting gift.

Most of the users are only able to get common or uncommon as their starter gift, while the lucky one may be able to get a rare gift, just like her earth puppets.

The woman never would have thought that the young man in front of her obtained a Legendary Tier gift. Now her life is in great danger.

After a moment of panic from losing control of her body, she found out that she can move her earth puppets with great effort.

It's an ability that can be used without requiring body movement. As long as she is not unconscious, she is able to order her five earth puppets to attack the young man.

The five earth puppets wobbled towards Leon with the mental order from the woman.

The puppets are similar to a human in form and they are wearing black raincoats and mask.

Their raincoats started to flutter as the pace of their wobbling turned into a sprint and started to close their distance to Leon.

With the incredible perception of Mangekyou, Leon is able to see clearly the approaching puppets from the corners of his eyes, but he paid them no mind and focused his attention on the woman.

This is the first time Leon used this ability, so he was trying to get used to the feeling of using his long-range Kamui.

This ability allowed him to create a space barrier around his target. Anything within the barrier is pulled towards its center, the spiraling void, transferring them to Kamui's dimension.

It only took five seconds for Leon to get used to controlling his Kamui. This gives the woman a chance to order her puppets to kill him.


The wind is blowing as the first puppets used its momentum from the sprint to jump high into the air and swing the massive hammer towards Leon. The second puppet also the same, it jumped from the roof with greatsword made from earth in its hands.

Leon was planning to suck the woman to the Kamui dimension, that's why he created the space barrier around her whole body.

But looking at the action of the puppet that trying to squash him to death, Leon changed his mind.

"You are so dead," Leon said icily.

Leon focused his eyes and the patterns of his Mangekyou started to spin. The spiraling void started to accelerate and doubled in speed.

The space barrier was formed around her whole body, but now it's shrunk and sucked only her head into the Kamui dimension, leaving her body behind in the real world.

After losing its head, the headless body of the woman stumbled down from the roof accompanied by the earth puppets.

Looking at the mess on the street, a sigh escaped from Leon's lips.

Don't forget to leave some reviews, comments, and votes! It will give me motivation in writing this fanfic.

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