
When you buy couple matching face masks

He refused to step outside wearing such a mask, claiming it's cringey and dumb. When you pout and said it's cute, he sighed and said he will only wear it if he has no other masks. So obviously you hid all his other masks so he had no other choice but to wear it. When one of the brothers wanted to make a comment, he threatened to punish them.

He immediately blushed when you held it to him, stuttering out he isn't wearing that and it's not cool and all his brothers will laugh. When you gave him upset eyes and said in a sad tone you were really hoping he would, he frowned, trying to say no but then he sighed and said fine before he snatched it and put it on, mumbling nobody better laughs or he's throwing it in the trash.

He will blush, whispering this is like an anime he seen where the couple wears matching shirts, but instead with face masks. He wore it with pride, proud to show off he has a lover. He will make fun of the normies for not wearing matching face masks.

He will stare before pointing at the mask, saying he isn't wearing that. When you said you can put a cat on it if he wants, he bite his lip, thinking before he said put a cat on it and he will wear it. So you put a cat on it and now it's his favorite face mask. He tends to forget it matches with yours, he mostly wears it for the cat. He still gets embarrassed and would ask in a mumble why you would buy a matching pair of face masks and how nobody does that because it's weird and embarrassing.

He was the one who came up with the idea. He spend hours picking which ones, saying this is important and they need to be perfect. When you both wear them, he will take a selfie with you before posting it with a caption for people to be careful and stay inside while also bragging about his and your face mask.

He doesn't like wearing a face mask because then he can't eat. You can put a face mask on him that matches his, he won't care, he's too busy complaining about being able to eat. You once had your back to him and when you turned, he was chewing the face mask, his stomach growling while he complained about being hungry but this mask not allowing him to eat.

He doesn't need to wear a mask because he doesn't go outside. Simple as that. When you suggest a matching face mask, he will chuckle at the fact you think he would need one but take it and wear it to make you happy. When he's bored, he will eye the design on it but then throw it to the side, already bored of it before lying down somewhere comfortably to take a nap.