
Beach (Lucifer x reader)


I was alone, waiting in town by the external magic seal. It's been about 15 minutes.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting Y/N." Lucifer had an annoyed look on his face.

"Mammon?" I asked.

"Yes. He begged me to let him come with us. Of course I told him no, since this is a date." He smiled.

"I'm glad you're here now. Let's get going. There shouldn't be too many people today since it's a weekday." I said.

You see, Diavolo decided that Lucifer has been working too hard, and gave him a few days off.

I was requested to make sure that he didn't do any work during these few days as one of my "tasks".

But Diavolo told me in secret that we should go on a date. We don't get too much time to ourselves as a couple.

Especially when you live in the House of Lamentation. So I decided that we should go to the beach.

"Let's go then Y/N." He placed his hand in mine, and he opened the gateway to the human world.

A bright light blinded me as we walked forward.

The blinding light was replaced by a lesser blinding light, the sun of the human world.

"Gah!" I covered my eyes. I haven't seen the human world for a while, so I wasn't used to the sunlight.

"Are you alright? Here." Lucifer stood in front of me to block the sun.

"Thanks Lucy. Let's go find a place to set up." We walked towards the beach.

People turned to look at us, and I got a little self-conscious about it. Why were they looking at us.

"Woah. He's hot. Is that his little sister? Wait, they don't look anything like each other." A woman whispered.

"Maybe they're dating. That girl is so lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend like him." A second woman next to the first one said.

"L-Lucy....can we sit away from other people?" I whispered.

"I agree. Humans are such odd creatures." I deadpanned.

"Says the demon who can change forms." I grumbled.

"Touche." He smirked, which made me smile.

We set our things down a little ways away from the gawking people. I feel like we should've had a nice picnic or something.

I started taking off my clothes, and Lucifer blushed like crazy.

"What are you doing?!" He asked in a harsh tone.

"I wore my bathing suit underneath my clothes. I'm not the biggest person of changing in front of others. Even if they are female." That's just how I am. It makes me uncomfortable.

My bathing suit kinda looked like a dress, but it is a bathing suit. Lucifer didn't look away, and I blushed.

"W-Why are you staring?" He smiled.

"You look beautiful Y/N." I glanced at him.

"G-Go change. And don't kill anyone." He chuckled.

"No promises." He joked as he walked away.

A few minutes later I saw Lucifer walking back, and my eyes widened.

His red eyes looked amazing in the sunlight, as well as his black hair. His skin was almost as pale as the sand.

He also had a well-defined body. He sat down next to me, and looked at me.

"You look....handsome Lucy." My face was red, just like his eyes.

"Thank you Y/N. What do you want to do first?" I smiled.

"Let's go swim!" He chuckled.

"Alright." I took out my goggles since I can't open my eyes underwater.

We walked hand-in-hand to the edge of the water.

"That's cold!" I placed my foot in the water, but then pulled it back out.

"No it's not." Lucifer walked in the water like it was no problem.

"That's because you're a demon." I walked in as well. I went underwater and came back up.

"Ah! Still cold!" I rubbed my arms.

"Here." Lucifer brought me into his arms, and I leaned against him.

"Thanks Lucy. You're the best." I nuzzled his chest.

We swam for a little while longer, but I started getting tired. So we decided to go sit on our large beach towel.

"I'll go get us something to eat. I'll be right back." He took some of the human money we had brought with us, and walked away.

I tries my best to fix my wet hair, but it didn't work too well. So I tied it up to deal with later.

Suddenly, a guy started walking over to me, and I got a bad feeling. He looked down at me.

"Hey there, what's a cute girl like you doing all by yourself?" The guy says. I sighed.

"Really? Flirting with the girl who's seemingly here by herself? I have a boyfriend getting me food.

So I recommend leaving before he gets back." I stood up and glared at him.

"Ooh a feisty one. I like that in a girl. You should ditch this boyfriend of yours. I could treat you a lot better." It's like this dude is out of a shitty anime or something.

I glanced behind him, and smirked. I walked towards him.

"Fine. You had your chance. Random guy, meet Lucifer." I walked over to Lucfier, who handed me a couple sandwiches and pops.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N's boyfriend. Now I suggest going away before I pummel you into the ground." Lucifer glared at the guy.

"Y-Yes sir!" The guy immediately ran off, and I started laughing.

"His face was priceless when he saw you!" Lucifer didn't look too happy.

"Y/N." I stopped laughing.

"I know. I should've summoned you or ran to you. But, there's a reason I didn't. Well two reasons." I smiled.

"And what are those reasons?" I hand him his sandwich and pop.

"First off, I can defend myself from normal humans. Even if he tried something I could've just thrown sand in his face." I mean, what else would you do?

"And the second reason?" I walked closer to him.

"The second reason is because I knew you would save me anyways. I love and trust you Lucifer." I kissed him on the lips.

"Now, let's eat! I'm hungry." We sat down and began eating.

"Y/N, say aah." He held his sandwich up to my mouth.

"Ahh." I took a bite of his sandwich. After I swallowed, I held my own sandwich up.

"Say ahh Lucy." He didn't make the noise, but he opened his mouth.

3rd POV

"Hohoho! Seeing Lucifer like this is entertaining, right Barbatos?" Diavolo turned to his butler.

"Yes my lord. It's interesting that he only acts like that with Y/N." Barbatos looked back at them.