

Armed with a super system and the knowledge of his previous life our hero will reign suprem over the univers and the other dimensions

Ramling · Fantasi
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35 Chs

The Evans

A family was having lunch in a large dining room, a long table divided the room in two at one end of the table was a man, a woman and a child, surrounded by servants on each side, they were discussing their adventures, The young child was of course Alexander

Alexander: there was really a tiger in front of us, Soren and the others started chasing him so he ran away, we tracked him for 1 full day, luckily there was someone to carry me because I couldn't walk for one whole day

Jhon: Alexander, all of this seems dangerous to me, even surrounded by level 0-intermediate bodyguards ( Alexander didn't tel his parents that he bought level 1 mages ) a hunt remains risky, after all that you have told me, I think i will forbid you from hunting

Ophelia: yes it's too dangerous in your last hunt  you relied entirely on soren to protect you but even he seems to find it troublesome , I thought you were hunting little rabbits or even foxes not tigers

Alexander: You are right, my life is important and I shouldn't risk it like this, I apologize for my previous actions but if soren increases to level 1, Can i hunt again ?

Jon: haha! Let him first increase to level 1 and then we'll see (it was difficult to level up, it took 15 years for the Most talented mages to improve by one level, even jhon and Ophelia took 20 years to reach level 1 )

Alexander: Soren is already 0-advanced, maybe in 5 to 6 years I could go back hunting (I would just have to tell them that I would visit Emeralde when I feel like adventuring he thought  )

Jhon: you found yourself a good subordinate, don't forget, treat others as you want to be treated, don't be a bad master

Alexander: yes, I know dad don't worry

Jhon: it's almost time for Isabella to arrive, when her carriage is close to the villas a servant will tell us and we will go to the entrance to welcome her

Alexander, Ophelia: okey

a few minutes later

Jhon: Isabella my child, you are finally back

Ophelia: come into my arms (hug)

Isabella: mum, dad it's nice to finally see you again and who is this little child, is this Alexander?

Jhon: yes it's Alexander your little brother

Alexander: hello  sister, it's a pleasure to meet you

Isabella: he speaks well, he is handsome and fancy

Alexander: ... Thank you, it took a lot of work (laugh )

Isabella: haha ​​and he has a sense of humor, what a talented 6 years old

Alexander: 5 and a half years :)

Ophelia: you are already going to bicker when you have just met, Isabella comes in do not stay in front of the door you will catch a cold ( mages at level 0 or 1 can't catch a cold )

Isabella: yes mom And this is how Alexander first met his sister Isabella

After that Isabella spoke about her school and her classmates, about her adventures, the Emerald Magic School was located in the middle of the forbidden forest, the forbidden forest contained exclusively magical creatures, monsters of all levels up to at level 5 It was first built as a military base but with the expansion of the human race it became a school.

The Emerald Magic School worked like a normal school, it welcomed young people from 12 to 40 years old, you graduated when we reached level 1, Isabella had come on vacation because once you reach level 0-advanced the rules are less strict

After listening to the various stories Alexander returned to his room to meditate. Isabella came to talk to her little brother and tease him

Isabella: so my dear little brother what do you do with your days, do you play with the servants? Are you learning your lessons well? it must not be easy to stay all alone in this big house

Alexander: yes it's not easy you get bored easily between these walls, that's why I created my own business selling animal meat, I also have several restaurants in my name too and I often hunt  even if I am forbidden to do so now, I have already mastered the art of the sword so when the instructor comes it is only for us to duel

Isabella: what? Duels with the instructor? Hunting at your age? Restaurants ? Mom !

Ophelia: yes?

Isabella: Is it true that Alexander hunts? That he's the owner of multiple restaurants?

Ophelia: it's true, he Did hunt a few times but it's too dangerous, as for restaurants, he is the owner of 5 different restaurants, he was given some money to start and then built all by himself 

Isabella: wow I'm the sister of a genius, a little genius was born in the family, Alexander you have to take care of me when you grow up

Alexander: it depends how you behave ;)

After that the brother and sister discussed school, economy, the kingdom etc... Alexander was very mature for his age which facilitated their conversation, Isabella was going to join a group of adventurers and do some dungeons

from the horse's mouth , she  already did several dungeons in the forbidden forest but  jhon  still decided that a level 1 - intermediate was going to accompany her all the time.

Once the discussion with Isabella was over, Alexander started to ponder on how  to find a way to go adventuring for 1 month without worrying his parents, which was a complex task

During this time, he decided to make multiples trips to Emerald, with a suitable mount, the journey only took half an hour

He decided to buy a griffins to

with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion , the griffins were docile and fast creatures, endowed with the ability to fly, he could even reach emerald in 15 minutes.

He decided with the money he had to buy 10 griffins and three different residences, each griffin costing 200,000 gold coins, plus it was easy to get them, as for the houses, two were close to the Davis residence. (one to leave and return on the back of griffins and the other to shelter a family of slaves there) and the other was in  the city of emerald, he was still not going to go directly to the base of the black wolves on the back of a griffin.

He would also hire different slaves to pretend to be an aristocratic family and move in a house close to the davis villas

they would also have a son after their meeting,  he and the little boy would become best  friends, he could then go visit the "new neighbor " and occasionally spend the night there

The head of the new family would be a level 2 that Alexander would poison in advance to keep everyone under control ( he will weaken the level 2 mage with poison and blackmail him with the antidote )

It is true that all these behaviors are not  healthy but this world is a world of magic at any time a more powerful individual could come and eliminate the whole Davis family.

After setting up his plan he ordered Soren to fetch the others and go perform the various tasks, 1 day later a new family settled 10 miles west from the davis villa

  The new family was the Evans, the grandfather Philippe Evans was level 2, poisoned during a battle he had taken refuge near the cursed forest  ( there are two  forests close to emerald  : the cursed and the forbidden ) to heal himself and could not bear to be away from his family for such a long time so  he decided to take them with him

Then came Carter Evans son of Philippe Evans, Emma Evans wife of Carter Evans and little Roger Evans, son of Carter Evans A beautiful little family

The Evans family introduced themselves to all of their neighbors, so they passed by Davis family, Alexander and little Roger immediately became friends, inseparable, they spent all their time playing soldier and robber and all sorts of things, Roger even stayed overnight at Alexander's house.

Alexander's parents were happy because their son finally had a friend of his age. After a week with the Davis, Carter Evans came to get Roger, Alexander promised him that he too would go visit him and that's how Alexander was able to visit different dungeons even if he could no longer use hunting  as an excuse.

Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 6.000 Mp 6.000

Strength 600 Agility 650

vitality 700 intelligence 600

EXP: 5,000/100,000