

Nymeria is a world filled with magic. Five elemental kingdoms are living in peace with each other after the great human war, until Rowena, bringer of eternal disaster and champion of the rebels. the five leaders of the kingdoms fearfully decide to create their champion and to find their champion they create a survival of the fittest tournament for talented warriors across the five kingdoms. After surviving among allies and enemies there is one champion, Thea. She doesn't want to be a champion until the only person who’s been with her through her highs and lows is taken from her to be used against her as a vessel for Rowena. A kingdom piques her interest more than others as she trains for the coming war, the place where the king of darkness resides, the kingdom of Erebus. The dark in Erebus was not terrifying to her like it was to others, instead it was calming darkness, but more than that she was interested in the beautiful man that wore black and gold, his flawless face, sharp jawline, and anthracite grey eyes that looked at her soul like it was the most interesting thing he had set eyes on. After pain, hard work, and pure determination to get back the one person who she didn’t cherish as she should have, the final battle came. An army of rebels who were either fighting for their own belief or at the misguided command of Rowena marched against the royalty, who too, drove to war for their beloved Nymeria. Neighbors became comrades and the warriors came united with anger, love, and passion burning in their eyes just like their bodies burned in the fire. With deaths uncountable, land burned, stormy waters and the sky filled with a terrorizing darkness, the two champions fought, one fought for herself and the other fought for the fallen. In the end, both of their strength which shone even among the stars outshone them both and the Great War of Rowena ended with a grieving lover, friend, and brother. "She's a goddess, stronger than most, weaker than none"

Ineffable_hearts · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Royalty arrives.

"The royal family of the kingdom of Zale, the kingdom of the water, oceans, and seas. His majesty the king of Zale, her majesty the queen of Zale, her royal highness, princess Thetis of Zale, and his royal highness, prince Kaius of Zale" the announcer announces as the royal family of the kingdom of Zale enter the royal palace of Aethra

"The royal family of the kingdom of Ignis, the kingdom of fire, heat, and hell. His Majesty the ki-" the announcer gets cut off as the king of Ignis interrupts saying "shut up" the queen's eyes widen at her husband's rudeness, "your majesty!" She scolds as they enter the palace.

The announcer clears his throat embarrassed. "Let me welcome you to the kingdom of Aethra!" His majesty the king of Aethra interrupts."Yes yes, I know Caspian. You can do the formalities later, tell us why you have asked for a meeting. It's not like you to make such a big deal out of things" The king of Ignis asked his old friend.

" It's a rather serious matter that should be discussed when all royal families of all the kingdoms are present. You must be exhausted after the journey, let us rest for today and we shall talk tomorrow. Till then please enjoy our hospitality, Aramis will take you to your respective roo-" king Caspian was interrupted by the announcer.

"The royal family of the kingdom of Gaia, the kingdom of the earth, land, and mountains. The royal family of Gaia enters! Her royal highness, the heir to the throne princess Sylvia of Gaia"

everyone's eyes turn to her, "princess Sylvia, your here, welcome to Aethra" King Caspian asked smiling at the young princess. "I see everyone is already here, my apologies for being late" the princess apologized and curtsied to the king of Aethra.

"No need for the formalities child, not when there is no one other than us," king Adonis said smiling at the princess.

"thank you, your majesty, my father sends his apologies, he has not gotten better and I am here on his behalf" the princess apologizes to the royal families.

" There is no need for apologies, come with me, you must be exhausted. I will especially show you where you are staying" king Caspian says to the princess.

" I would be honored your majesty" princess Sylvia smiles. "Aramis" the king orders. "Yes, your majesty" Aramis heeds and guides the royal families.

The princess walks through the corridors that we're magnificently lit and decorated with flowers. "How is my dear friend Bastian?" King Caspian asks worriedly for his friend and his majesty the king of Gaia.

"father is not doing well, everyone suggests I should ascend the throne before he passes away," princess Sylvia says, her eyes cold and green just like the king of Gaia's.

"Princess Sylvia, you must know if you ever feel pressured or if you need help, now and in the future you will always have the kingdom of Aethra's support" king Caspian smiles at the princess as she nods.

" This is where you will be staying, if you need anything at all please do not hesitate to ask a worker."

"Thank you, your majesty, but may I ask what the meeting is about?" Princess Sylvia asks. King Caspian smiles "you will find out soon, for now, please take this chance to rest"

"your majesty, is it something good?" Princess Sylvia asks one last time

"it's the furthest from good, child"

As the moon resides and the sun shone bright, arrived the kingdom of darkness.

"has the child come finally?" King Adonis asks scoffing. "He is no longer a child Adoni, he is a king" king Caspian replied.

"the royal family of the kingdom of Erebus, the kingdom of darkness, night, and shadows. His royal highness, prince Dante of Erebus"

a man of light skin, sharply shaped hazel eyes that shone brighter in the sun and his light beard complemented his rosy lips. His jaw was sharp and his hair as black as the night.

"Your majesty, my deepest apologies for being late. My brother could not make it, so I am here on his behalf." prince Dante apologized.

"See I said he was a child, he can't even come to face us" king Adonis scoffed. "My apologies your majesty but my brother, the king is not a child, he is fighting monsters while you all sit and watch, drinking a glass of wine" prince Dante replied, protecting his brother's name.

" Nobody has asked your brother to fight them, he can just send a warrior but I'm sure his child-like mind could not think of that" kind Adonis replied smirking.

"and nobody has asked you to sit and watch" prince Dante snapped. King Adonis's eyes flared as his wife held his hands, silently asking him not to make a scene.

"That's enough, everyone is here. We shall start the meeting" king Caspian declared. All of the royal families took their respective places in the meeting room.

"The reason I have asked for a meeting is that there is a threat. Not just to me and my kingdom but the whole of Nymeria" king Caspian explained.

Everyone tenses over the fact that there is such power that threatens the whole of Nymeria itself.

"What kind of threat?" Asks prince Kaius of Zale. "As you know there are rebels out there, all our kingdoms have their fair share, but it seems that it has been increasing rapidly. We found that such an amount of people could not be alone without a leader. So we questioned endless of rebels for a leader, anyone who they were following, we were not able to get anything out of them" king Caspian explained.

" What is the point here?" Asked Princess Sylvia.

King Caspian sighs and continues to explain, "we found out that there was a hierarchy among the rebels, and relying on that information we found a higher leader, he was not the highest leader but a leader among the rebels nonetheless. We questioned but he said nothing. Six months ago we resorted to mind reading. We got information from this, that he was not the only leader among the rebels, there were more but the biggest information was that there was a person with enormous energy power, enough to wipe out any of our kingdoms in a second."

King Adonis immediately stood up, slamming his hands on the table as he said, "WHAT?! It's completely impossible to have that much power! And if this information is correct, why are you telling us this now?! You kept it a secret for 6 whole months, 6 months that we could have used to find out anything about this person. WHAT IN THE NAME OF HEAVENS WERE YOU THINKING, CASPIAN?!"

King Caspian sighed "it was not as big at that time. The person just had a power that royals like us would have, but we found yet another leader among the rebels yesterday, and in these six months the person grew stronger. Now, at this time the person has enough power to control all of those millions of rebels"

" How are they growing their power? The highest level of power belongs to us royals, how is that person having greater power than us and within six months?" Princess Thetis asked.

"it seems the person had hypnotized rebels to kidnap innocents and take out their cores so the person could eat them."

all royals had horrified looks on their faces, their eyes widened with fear. "Take out the cores?! I've never heard of such cruelty even among rebels!?" King Lucian exclaimed.

"hypnosis?! That has been a power only very few have, I, myself have not seen it from another person than my mother who passed years ago, giving birth to my brother"

" I understand, that is why I called this meeting. We are to work together to take down this person or whatever hatred the person has will consume all of Nymeria"

"what are we to do?" Asked Princess Sylvia. Her green eyes were tainted with worry.

"We have been keeping all rebels in check. The question is why has the person decided to do all this here, in the kingdom of Aethra? What is it that the person has an advantage that they can't get from the other kingdoms?" Asks queen Aurora

"if I were them I would be closer to the kingdom of Erebus but Aethra is farthest from Erebus" princess Thetis analyses.

"that's it!" Prince Dante exclaims. Everyone's heads turn to him. "What is it?" Asked king Adonis. "The person doesn't want to go there because he is there fighting the rebels. My brother is fighting the rebels personally in Erebus. Meaning if the person carried out their plan in Erebus they would've been found out by my brother. This person considers my brother to be a threat to themselves and their rebels" prince Dante explains.

"YOUR MAJESTY! YOUR MAJESTY!" A worker bursts inside.

"What is the meaning of this?!" King Caspian shouts. "Your majesty forgive me for intruding but we have received information on that person!" The worker exclaims.

All royals stand up on the mention of the person. "WELL? WHAT IS IT?" King Adonis shouts.

"She c-calls herself.." the worker stutters in fear. "Stop stuttering and say it!" Queen Charis shouts, the worker flinching at her voice

"Rowena, bringer of eternal disaster."