

the apprentice system in the eastern part of Nigeria

vincent_babangida · perkotaan
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15 Chs


Chief's wife went to their bedroom and sat on the bedroom side chair. She was looking distressed.

It was dawning on her that it could be what she was thinking, the mentioned hotel is where Madam Gold usually hooks up with young boys.

"But how did they even meet," she thought.

"Ooh, that gold chain I saw him wearing, it must be a gift from Madam Gold.

This must have been going on for a long time without my knowledge. How was he even able to hide this all this while? He's playing with fire. I'll deal with him this time."

She sought a way to deal with Michael without openly involving herself.

"If I should go to that hotel, I may end up embarrassing and exposing myself. I know what to do."

As all these were going on, Chief was seated in the living room watching television.

Chief's wife later joined him.

She waited for a short time and then spoke in a low tone.

"Honey, something is going on here."

"What is it?"

"Michael is having an affair with a married woman."

"You have come again," he said and laughed in disbelieve

"I'm serious, I heard it from a reliable source."

"What! This is unbelievable. Call him now," he said getting infuriated.

"No oo, not now, he would deny it. Besides it's a secret. I want you to catch him red-handed."

"How do I go about it?"

"My source said they have a regular meeting place which is at a Hotel and they would be seeing tomorrow by 11:30 a.m. To confirm what I just told you, watch whether he will be in the shop by that time."

"This is serious and I told them that I won't be in the shop because I will be having a meeting with those land agents concerning those plots."

"You see! He knows you will be going out by then. You can shift the meeting to some other time. You know I always exonerate him but not this time around. Again please, I wouldn't want him to know I told you this."


"Lest I forget, the woman is called Madam Gold."

"The one I know?"

"I wouldn't know."


When they were done talking, she went back to the bedroom. Chief was just pondering over what his wife had told him.

"But if this is true, where did he learn it from? How did he even meet the woman when he was always at the shop? I still can't believe it. Let me wait till tomorrow. "

The following day, the boys finished their morning activities and left for the shop.

Chief stayed back. He had already planned out how he would handle the case.

Michael and Uche were at the shop attending to customers.

Around 11:00 a.m., he told Uche that he would be leaving the shop soon.

"Oga sent me on an errand."

"Which errand?"

"He said I should deposit some money in the bank for him."


"I'll be back as soon as possible."

He then left the shop.

By 11:35 a.m., Chief called Uche and enquired about Michael's whereabouts.

"Oga he said you sent him to the bank."


"Yes sir."


Chief ended the call and later left for the hotel.

When he got there, he met with the receptionist on duty.

"Good day, I am Okoro. please I came to see Madam Gold."

"Okay, wait a minute."

She placed a call at Madam Gold's room

"Hello ma'am, someone is here to see you."

"What's his name," she asked looking perplexed.

"Okoro ma'am."

"I don't think I have another appointment with anybody today. But the person must be someone that knows my dealings here or someone that I've been with. Let me see the person first," she thought.

"Okay, let him in."

"Ok, ma'am.'"

The receptionist dropped the telephone.

"Sir, you can go, room no. 303.

"Ok, thank you."

He left for the room.