
The Dashavatara (Kalki, Parashurama) -Part 24

When Kalki and Parashurama saw the scenery, he scoffed at them as if it was an insult to their abilities but it was not the same for Kalki. She felt as if Jin had customised a dungeon instance just for her.

Not because of the beautiful huge lake under a waxing moon that reminded her of her origins, where she was born but more due to the fact that those water clones do not have a mind of their own. They were born from the chi related powers of Kraft thus rendering her future sight on the water clones to be useless. 

The only thing that she could predict right now was that the sly looking gentleman in a trench coat standing in the middle of the lake would be producing more of these water clones. But even Parashurama who had no such ability to look into the future would also deduce that the person they had to defeat would be the summoner in his trench coat to stop this from happening.