
Null And Void

In a world where everyone was superhuman except one man.That man called Null woke up in a void and heard a voice.He had just been murdered a while ago.The voice told him he could bring him back to life but what did it want in return. It said ,"Nothing!,Literally nothing....... ". Null was soon in the world of the living seemly brought back to life.He found out everyone he knew moved on without him,his killers were free,his case was never investigated and he called his brother who refused to acknowledge he was alive.So now what?.Was Null suppose to cry,get angry or just kill himself.In the sadness and pain he heard the voice,"Lets bring this world to nothing". Strangely, Null loved the sound of that.He felt power unlock within him.The world was wrong! and his brother was mistaken!.They just lost their most powerful superhuman and created their worst nightmare.He would make their world,their planet,their lives,hope and happiness null and void.

MBU_Overlord_6594 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


In the den of night,a teenager was bleeding profusely on the dirty ground barely screaming for help.Who was he,what had happened to him and why was he left to slowly die a surely painful but gruesome death.They called him Null Spark and he lived in a world where everyone had superpowers.Well,all but him.He had none, instead he seemed to be the kryptonite of others.People with powers sometimes lost their abilities temporarily when they were around him.For this reason he was hated, unwanted and definitely bullied.

It was some of those bullies that left him in this state.He shivered as he felt a cold chill in his body,he was going to die soon,he could feel it.He was tired of his life anyway.His own brother,Gail Spark disowned him claiming he was sick of being his little brother's protector.Now his brother needed to worry no more, Null was dying and leaving his world behind.He just wished that,he could have been more in this life .He wanted to be the powerful one for once.

As he took his last breath,he prayed to any god out there to have mercy on his soul.Then finally he fell into the sweet slumber of death.