
Subject B-24

John sat at his desk, his fingers drumming on the hard surface. He had to decide on a rescue mission for June and Laura and he knew he couldn't mess around. It had been three days since Amber had woken up and given them a piece of the puzzle. John had spent the last two days trying to track their movements and their last known whereabouts.

John sighed and leaned back on his chair. He had chosen a team of five for the rescue mission.

The team was well-rounded and many came personally recommended by Zara and Lydia, who was standing right in front of him.

"You're leaving now?" Lydia asked, her long brown hair pulled up in a tight ponytail. She was wearing a grey tank top and black leggings, her toned muscles gleaming in the sunlight that streamed through the window.

John smiled, "Yeah, I am. You and Stephanie can handle things here."

"You don't have to worry about that," Lydia smirked.