
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Komik
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62 Chs

Ch 4 : New Home

Naga woke up the next day to dead skin around him just like before, but he was now much bigger and his chakra pond had become a small lake.

Again he went to wash off the dead skin in the river, along the way Medusa woke up because of Naga's movements.

She was surprised at first when she saw how large he had grown over night, but calmed down when she accounted it to her master being so strong.

After washing the dead skin off Naga had the chance to look at how large he had grown over night, he was over 40 ft long with the same white skull patterns along his body but now the white skulls had grown four small horns in the same place Manda had his.

'Did I gain some of Manda's features when I absorbed his chakra.'Naga thought as he inspected the white skulls.

"Come on Medusa ss." Naga then let her back onto his head and slithered back to their little home.

When Naga reached their little grass spot and saw how small it was now, he decided then that he needed to find somewhere else to live, and so he turned around and went to the closest snake he could sense that he felt was strong enough to be able to talk.

When the snake saw Naga coming towards him he instantly felt fear when he saw how big he was and so he lowered his head as far as he could and tryed to blend in with the grass as best as he could, staying completely still.

"I know you're there sss don't try to hide from me ss." Naga said to the snake that was trying to hide in the long grass.

The snake gave up and showed himself.

"Do you know where Manda livesss."

"Yess I do, pleasse follow me." Seeing that he didn't want to fight or eat him the snake quickly said to Naga.

The snake came out of the long grass and quickly slithered in a certain direction, stopping at times to look back and make sure Naga was following him.


"Here it iss." The snake said as he looked up to Naga, in front of a large fallen tree that was hollow inside.

Naga then passed the snake and went up to the hollow tree.

"Wait, Manda doessn't like anyone entering hiss home." The snake said to Naga, panic in his voice.

Naga looked back at the snake.

"I ate him already sss." Naga said to the snake, he then turned his head back and entered his new home with Medusa, leaving the snake stunned at what he just heard.

As Naga looked around his new home, Medusa was adventuring deeper in.

"Naga-ssama what iss thisss." Medusa asked Naga as she was sat on top of a large orange and black scroll.

Naga then looked over and saw the large scroll, he quickly slithered to the scroll.

"Thiss iss a contract sscroll, why would Manda have thisss?" He said to Medusa as she climbed off the scroll and back onto his head.

'I wonder what it's a contract for.' Naga thought as he turned the scroll over with his tail, revealing it's label.

"The Tiger contract sscroll!" Naga shouted out loud, he was shocked to his core, a little while later he came back to his senses and he started thinking about if he could make a contract with the tigers.

He then opened the scroll, it had little pictures of tiger cubs around the edges and only one signature with blood finger prints, but the blood had faded meaning that the summoner had died.

'Should I make a contract with the Tigers or leave to it for later.' Naga thought as he looked at the empty spaces on the scroll.

At the end he decided to roll the scroll back up and leave it where it was, he doesn't know if the Tigers would like to work with a snake, or if as soon as they saw him they would cancel the contract.

"Medusa, thiss sscroll iss very important, kill anyone who tryss to take it." Naga said with a deadly serious tone in his voice.

When Medusa heard Naga say this she decided then and there that she wouldn't let anyone touch this scroll, even if she died in the process. If the scroll means that much to her master she would stop at nothing to keep it safe.

"Yess Naga-ssama!"

Naga nodded his head at Medusa and then looked around his new home a little more, but there was nothing else to be found even after double checking two more times.

"Alright let'sss sstart training." Naga then laid down and started his senjutsu training.

Now that his chakra pond had become a lake he would be able to gather senjutsu chakra equal to that, if the two different chakra's aren't balanced Naga could get seriously hurt and it would most likely end in his death.

He trained for around six hours without rest, in that time he had already turned enough Nature chakra into his own senjutsu chakra, enough senjutsu chakra to equal his own chakra lake, balancing anything again.

But he didn't stop there, he continued to gather senjutsu chakra, using it to make another seal, but this time in the eye socket of one of his white skull patterns on his body.

The senjutsu chakra seal in the skulls eye socket started to appear, it was a purple circle that filled the eye socket completely, making it look like a one purple eyed, bone monster, with horns.

Naga filled the seal with senjutsu chakra until he felt that it had fully formed and he then stopped, finishing his training for the day.

He looked back at the new seal he made and he could feel the senjutsu chakra seal and the chakra seal on his head balancing each other out.

'If I want to form more senjutsu chakra seals in the future I will need to increase the amount of chakra the seal on my head has, to keep anything balanced.' Naga thought as he looked at his new seal.

His new seal would let him instantly enter sage mode when he released it, he planned to cover his entire body with them, so that all the white skulls would have eyes and so he could enter at any moment.

As Naga was thinking about what else he could do with senjutsu chakra he felt that Medusa had grown stronger when he had let her take some of the Nature chakra as he trained, it seems that her increased chakra control had let her make better use of the Nature chakra she could gather.

When Naga started to lose the feeling Medusa was giving him, he knew that she had finished her training with the Nature chakra he leaked to her.

"What did you do with the Nature chakra to make yourssself sstronger." Naga asked Medusa as she started moving around, excited to test her new strength.

"I ussed Nature chakra to sstrengthen my whole body, but I focussed on certain parts that can increase my attack power, like my fangss and poisson glandss." Medusa explained as best as she could so that Naga could understand the training she did.

"I sssee. Are you closse to reaching ssage mode?"

"No, I'm not even close to being assss sstrong asss you are Naga-ssama." She said with her head lowered because she couldn't meet her masters expectations.

"It'sss alright you will get there ssoon, for now jusst keep doing your training and trying to ssensse and gather Nature chakra on your own." Naga said to Medusa, trying to cheer her up so that she wouldn't get discouraged from training.


"Fire Release : Fireball Jutsu!"

Anko yelled as she performed a fireball jutsu, trees and part of the ground got destroyed along with it.

"I'm getting better at the fireball jutsu, it is now much stronger then before and I can perform the signs much quicker." Anko said to herself with a proud smile on her face as she looked at the destruction of her fireball.

She then became downcast, her eyes had tears in them. She was thinking about how orochimaru had left her and ran away on his own.

"Is it my fault that you left, because I couldn't use the seal you placed on me." One tear then fell down her cheek.

"I promise I will get stronger orochimaru-sama." As she said to herself she could feel her chakra moving as if it was excited, she then knew that she had to use the summon jutsu now if she wanted to succeed.

She then bit the end of her finger and performed the signs for the summon jutsu, slamming her hand on the ground at the end.

"Summon Jutsu!" She said out loud as a giant puff of white smoke appeared from the ground, form where she performed the jutsu.


Naga was resting in his new home with Medusa when he could feel a strong full from somewhere deep inside him, he realised then that he was being summoned by someone.

Naga was able to resist the pull easily, but he then went up to the tiger summons scroll and swallowed it whole, it was then resting in his stomach covered by chakra so it didn't dissolve, he was only able to do this with his perfect chakra control.

After swallowing the scroll he then let himself be pulled and be summoned.

He disappeared in a puff of white smoke, Medusa on top of his head was also pulled along as she shared a similar chakra signal to Naga as she trained using his Nature chakra, the summon counted them as the same snake.


As the white smoke cleared Anko was finally able to see the snake she had summoned, it was a large red snake with white skull patterns all over its body, it had a blue diamond on its forehead and it had a small green snake right next to the blue diamond.

"Are you the one who ssummoned me?" Naga asked Anko as he look her over, she was a little lifeless and she had black bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

'It seems that the heaven seal is stopping her from getting any real sleep from the pain it gives her.' Naga thought as Anko stood there in a dais.

"Well are you the one or isss it ssomeone elsse." Naga asked her when he noticed the blank look on her face.

"Y-yes it was me who summoned you!" Anko said to Naga in a panicked voice, the snake before her gave her a violent and deadly feeling when she met its eye and she could feel the snake looking her up and down.

"You're Orochimaru'sss sstudent aren't you, only that creep would put a weak sseal like that on you. Alright I'll get rid of it for you sss."

"Huh? You can remove this seal?" Anko asked Naga with her eyes wide and hopeful, when she heard about the chance to get rid of the thing that was causing her so much pain.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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