
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Komik
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62 Chs

Ch 2 : Devil's Gathering

When the pain finally passed he could feel a refreshing feeling washing over him, the power he could feel in his hands even surprised himself.

He was so excited over breaking through to the next stage that he ran to the closest mirror to see the changes in his form, but the sudden increase in speed made him lose control, making him crash straight through the wall, breaking the mirror along with it.

"I'm gonna have to get used to that", sighed Duke.

Duke then walked to the mirror in the bathroom, the new horns on the top of his head reminded him of a purple coloured glass shard he'd seen at an abandoned church, from the stain glass windows depicting story's of the devil.


"What do you think about this, headless reaper?"

"He's no threat, he's only killed a small amount of people, he won't be anywhere strong enough to cause harm to us."

"You're to weak willed, your a great devil for gods sake! Arrr! I always forget about that, fuck you god! ARRRRR!"

"Idiot, you should already know the power 'his' name and words have against people like us."


Duke could feel the new, strange energy flowing through his horns, when he tried to go more deeply into this feeling, purple lightning crackled across his horns, spreading down his back and then along his arms, gathering in his palms.

He could feel his control over the lightning, being able to freely shape it into different objects.

"This is good, very good, just as good as the ability I got when I turned into a lesser devil!" the ability Duke is talking about is the 'shadow zone' stealth ability which lets him completely blend in with the shadows, turning his body into a dark smoke, but the only downfall of this ability is that if he gets hit in this form he suffers twice as much damage as he would in his devil form.

This ability lets him move about undetected, it is also how he is able to put the heads in public places without being seen.

The demonic bloodline Duke possesses gives him great benefits but also some side effects, like losing control of his emotions at times and an instinctive need for people to fear his power, so he can feel above them, like he rules the world, but this might just be Duke and not the bloodline.

"From the look of my new form it seems that I'm going down a path similar to that of the {Sky Emperor Great Devil} bloodline path, the {Bone cage sky demon} pill will be very useful to me then, especially in the future when I obtain my wings."

The {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts} isn't just a manual on how to change your bloodline to that of a demon, it also mentions possible bloodline paths you can take based on your affinity with the elements, Wind, Fire, Earth and Water are the most commonly seen but there are also demons with affinitys with different elements.

For example Dark and Light, there are even demons with affinitys like Poison and Metal.

So far Duke has seen that he has affinitys with Shadow and Lightning from the abilities he has gained.

Without a type of treasure that can see a persons affinity Duke has to go off what his form looks like.


"But how does he drop the heads in a public place without being seen."

"He must have a treasure that can conceal him from the human eye."

"Even if he isn't a threat, that treasure will be vital to achieving our plans, we must get our hands on it."


The {Bone cage sky demon} pill is a heaven defying pill that gives miracle like effects, the only problem is the production of the pill and the side effects of consuming it.

After Duke takes one of the pills he feels a sharp burning from deep within his body, his bones were being reformed under the pills influence.


The pain was to intense, he couldn't hold back from shouting out.

Duke has been through many painful hardship in the past, but nun could be compared to the pain he was feeling now.

The time he changed from a human to that of a demon, the time he directly fell from a 18 storey building and broke almost all his bones, the pain from crawling back to his house after falling and the pain from forcefully healing his body, the pain from losing 15 baby hearts after he ate them to heal his body, waste is the biggest sin after all.

He could feel each one of his bones changing, they were getting bigger and more durable.

If you watched Duke going through this reformation, you would be able to see all his bones moving around under his skin, as if they had a mind of there own, it was as if they wanted get out of Duke's body and they were fighting each other to be the first one to get out.

The pills reformation of Duke's bones was coming to an end, he was now a full 2 meters tall, he had grown an another 20 cm.

His back had become much wider and his jawline was now sharper and more streamline.

Now that his body has reformed to match the pills effects the other pills won't have as drastic affects compared to the first pill, it will just make his bones more durable and make them slitly bigger.

"Hah, hah ... I don't think I would have been able to survive that if I was still a lesser devil."

With the reformation of his bones Duke now looks more handsome, he could easily pass for a model.

"The pill really has wondrous effects.", he then ate 1 more of the {Bone cage sky demon} pills, there was no more pain but he did grow 5 cm.


"I brought the newest head from evidence, Wolfenstein do you think you can get the headless reapers scent from this?"

"Let me see, sniff, sniff ... it's faint but I can smell a demon. I should be able to track him down if I go to where he dropped off the head, only if I can pick up the scent from there though."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, dibs of his skin! I love to make demon scratchings, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I'll give you a quarter of my share of his body if you make me some as well, you have to tell me how you do it, the demon scratching just taste to good!"

"Ha ha ha ha, trade secret! Ha ha ha ha ha!"


"These pills are too addictive!", at the same time Duke swallowed the rest of the {Bone cage sky demon} pills without any hesitation, all 8 of the pills fell into his stomach, landing on some still digesting human fingers Duke eats as snacks, when the pills landed on the fingers they melted onto them and then the fingers also melted.

The mixture of the {Bone cage sky demon} pills and the fingers in his stomach fulfilled the conditions for an entirely new pill.

As the new pill was taking affect Duke could feel his hands burning and he could see his fingers getting longer and his nails were getting sharper.

He had no idea what was happening.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


DrakeGrimmhoundcreators' thoughts