
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Komik
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62 Chs

Ch 1 : The Headless Reaper

In a brightly lit room, stands a man with broad shoulders looking over a silver metal table, on this table lays Nick, an averaged sized man with dark short hair, clear panic is seen in his wet eyes.

"Please don't do it, I'll give you what ever you want!" screamed Nick,

"What ever I want?" replies the mysterious man in a deep rough voice.

Realising that this is his only hope, Nick continues to beg "Yes, yes anything you want, money, lots of money, I can get it for you, but you have to let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about this!"

Seeing the mysterious man hesitate, Nick knowing that he will be free soon, a wide grin spreads across his face.

"Well, what I want isn't money... its your life!" as the air is torn through, light is reflected off the polished surface of a butchers knife onto the mysterious man's face, the man's eyes were ablaze, giving one an impression of a sinister wolf baring its fangs, this man is Duke Blackhound and he is The Headless Reaper.

No one knows who Duke truly is but if you asked them who the famous killer, The Headless Reaper was, a look of terror would spread across their face like a hood, blocking out all the sunlight.

The Headless Reaper is well known for the heads he leaves behind after he has killed someone, the head is always left in a public place without any clues of how it got there, the heads found number in the hundred's, the current count is 387, well 388 if we add Nick's head to the count.

The world is terrified by the headless reaper, simply because of the amount of bodies he has left behind, or lack there of.

As there is now peace and quiet, Duke can begin his job, he grabs Nick's now severed head by his hair and uses his free hand to open his mouth to put in a note he had prepared before hand, he always puts a note in the head so that the police knows its him and not someone else, the note always says the same thing.

I'm not going to stop, The Headless Reaper.

The next morning a man's severed head was found at the feet of the bronze lion statue in Trafalgar square, London.

The police of course do everything they can think of to find out who put the head there but there's nothing they can find, not even on the security camera's that are around the square and the buildings surrounding it, the police, out of habit, check the heads mouth for the note that they know the headless reaper leaves behind, the note is found but the notes existence was never released to the public, in fear that if a copycat pops up they know whether its the reaper or someone else who is trying to copy him.

The world believes that the headless reaper has killed over 380 people, but the real number is closer to 1,560 and Duke has killed every single one by beheading them with a butchers knife.

When a weapon that has been used to kill someone takes a certain number of peoples lives it starts to collects some of the blood and soul fragments from the person it just killed, that's used as a energy to evolve the weapon from a simple kitchen knife to a monster killing weapon that can be freely controlled by the person its bound to, the rest of the resentful soul fragments become attached to the one that killed them, like a ghost haunting an old building.

But even these resentful soul fragments can be useful to Duke, all because of the demonic cultivation manual he found when he was looking at second-hand books at a car boot sale, {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts} uses the resentful soul fragments around the users body to strengthen the users body, their bones, muscles, organs, even their hair and finger nails.

But the real purpose of the {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts} is to change the users bloodline to that of a demons and change their body to that of a devil.

Because of the amount that Duke has killed and the amount of resentful souls he has used to nourish his body over the years, Duke can now change into a lesser devil, when he does change, his skin goes a dark red and his hair becomes even darker, like a bottomless abyss.

He can lift a small car easily and the sharpest knives can't cause any damage to his skin when he has changed into a lesser devil.

Now you are probably wondering what happens with the rest of the body, the meat from the body is cut up into lots of little pieces, at the start when Duke was in the initial stages of the {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts} it was very difficult to do, but with his increasing strength he can now cut it up into 100 pieces under 30 seconds, leaving the bones looking licked clean, as if the human meat never existed in the first place.

The bones get ground into a fine powder, the bone powder, the eyes, the brain, and the heart are all important ingredient's for the {Bone cage sky demon} pill, they all need to be taken from a fresh dead body and then immediately turned into a pill to get the greatest effect.

The {Bone cage sky demon} pill that was mentioned in the {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts} states that the pill makes the bones harder and more durable, but doesn't add much weight and so it is the perfect pill for demons with wings, not letting their speed reduce.

To make this particular pill you need a 'human furnace', and so Duke looks towards the young girl chained up in the corner of the room, the young girl is still asleep which is her good luck because she doesn't want to feel what's going to happen next.

To make sure she is asleep for the next part Duke grabs her hair and smashes her head in the ground, not enough to kill her but she won't be waking up for a long time.

Next he takes the clear tube beside him and puts it down her throat, just enough to get to her stomach, he then pours the bone powder down the tube, the rest of the ingredient's are turned into a paste like substance and then also poured down the tube one by one.

After taking the tube out and waking up the young girl, Duke beheads her with one clean swing with his butchers knife, blood is sprayed against Dukes calm face.

The young girls body starts to bubble from the inside of her stomach, the ingredient are starting to fuse.

" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha", letting out a joyful laugh Duke then cuts open the headless girls stomach to reveal 10 white pills, sitting in the remains of the headless girls stomach, even in a pool of blood the pills whiteness still showed through.

After throwing the headless girls body into the meat grinder and turning it into mince, he put all the pieces of the human meat from Nick into the meat grinder and also turned that into mince or sausages, the remaining blood is put into a bath tub, when Duke bathes in it, in his lesser devil form he can absorb the blood and that will further strengthen the devil form, as well as the abilities that come along with it, the rapid healing, the heightened senses, and the increased speed and strength.

The human meat can be eaten and it will further strengthen him when he eats it, even if he isn't in his devil form, which is Dukes favourite part about the {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts}, he can eat a human sandwich in public and get away with it, he especially likes it when he is asked by someone nearby what he is eating, he can barely help himself from saying 'you'.

Duke has been adding to the blood bath with every single one of his victim's, when he is not using it to make him stronger, he might was well make his weapon stronger, so the butchers knife stays at the bottom of the blood bath most of the day where it can continue to absorb the blood , it's only taken out to kill someone.

"Hah ... fresh blood does feel good on the skin"

As the fresh blood soaked into his crimson skin, the white of Dukes eyes started to turn black and his body started to shake, Duke was breaking through to the next stage of the {Great Eternal Demonic Devil Body Arts}.

His skin was turning in to a darker red, almost completely black.

Two small, smooth horns grew out from the top corners of his forehead, the horns continued to grow, almost reaching to the back of his head, the horns were black at the base and the black colour spread from there to the middle of the horn where is faded into a crystal like substance, see-through like glass, a violet-purple lightning could occasionally be seen flickering inside the ends of the horns.

When Duke felt the shaking, he know what was happening and he couldn't hold back his excitement and the shaking turned from a ripple in a pond to a tidal wave, but every second of the transformation was full of excruciating pain.

The pain didn't stop, it only got more agonizing, Duke lost all sense of time, it felt like an eternity but Duke stayed conscious, he know that if he passed out from the pain, the transformation wouldn't be as strong if he passed out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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