
Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.

Jokergamer_2005 · Fantasi
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201 Chs

The Useless Meeting

Kim Yong Pov

We arrive at the door that look like an old wooden gate out of the medieval times colored in white and gold.

"Are you okay?"

ask me Rica as her eyes scan my whole body and concentrate her gaze at the hand on my head

I smile and dont explain it really as it wasnt important right now and the throbbing disappeared because I took a nap at the medical center and relax my mind as long as i could

but i knew that it was only a matter of time to come back in addition tells my Intuition that I need to act alone for the next plan.

"Haaaa I hate Meetings"

says Ben that look to Benjamin and mocks him with a face of superiority

"did our little Benjamin didnt get to any Meetings or why do you shake so much?"

Benjamin walk a little faster and locked eyes with me and cling his arm with Ricas but I didnt care as the one question didnt let me go

'why does the person that controls this fragment shows me that he can change the time?'

The door opens and in the room stands a round table that is white and gold moreover all things were like that color scheme the pillar that stand a little away from the wall, the chairs all are of the same height except of one that stood higher where the dragon sit on.

in front of door stand a chair for Masukino that broke through to S-rank in front of him at the other side sit the dragons on his right side sit the elf chiefs and on the left side sit the Ork chiefs.

"look where the dwarves and the Astral people sit."

says Ben to me as I see them sit at the mid right and left but we are the only one that sit alone in opposite side of the dragons.

"Kim Yong you son of a bitch"

is a rough voice saying next to me but his fist smash in hairs breath next to me in the ground.

"Do you remember me the little dog that you trained back in primary school?"

I look at him in disbelief as the Beast people arrive together with the Golems, that have their seats next to the dwarves.

"If you fight somebody in the Meeting hall you will be thrown out and killed so refrain yourselves"

is a high pitch voice saying but that existence has a mana capacity that rivals the dragons and that were the fairies and a Dark aura grew and surpress all other auras to calm everyone down.


I know them of the mysterious realm in my dream and their names are


a monster that walks on his foot and can consume dead bodys to strengthen their bones and building organs as they fuse more with the darkness.

the fairies and the Dantcrawler sat next to the Astral people that are the only cosmic race that helped the Earth through the first cataclysm.

"How do you know the name of our race?"

says the black hood that has the appearance of a Demon which shows how many he killed in the past but he tries to squeeze the answer out of me as I use him to breakthrough the E-Rank.


I stumble a little as he increase the intensity and looks with bloodshot eyes in my eyes and smoke escapes his robe that covers me and let me seep in the darkness

"How do you know our name!!!?"

this time his voice rose significant but wasnt a scream, as my breakthrough is push near and my Mana amount double since the Darkness attribute absorbs it

"time to breakthrough"

as I said that my mana has gone up 4 times more tham my normal one.


my body broke through but the Darkness/Chaos energy too which is why a painful scream escaped my lips that broke the barrier and fling the Dantcrawler with the appearance of a demon against the wall or against the dragon that flick him against the wall.

I try to stand up but all power that I had was sucked out of my Body and Rica hold me up.

"Interesting to throw a creatures that lives in the darkness out of his domain with enough Force to sent him fly in the real world too"

says the Dragon with a relatively deep voice as I inspect him and see his platinum eyes and his grey scales with white claws and a beatiful face but it was a woman since I saw her boobs as I traced her scales down her arms and her body structure doesnt look one percent like a male.

"A woman?"

says Ben as his Charm stat did all work to give them a friendly feeling with us moreover the woman dragon is the only one that dont got hit by it.

"Yes I am a woman so what?"

says she with a confident and dominating voice but her face is as red as a tomato.

"I dont care which Gender you are but we need to work out the plan"

I am saying that with zero hope that my plan would be taken.

the dragon girl looks at me and open her lips that put Ben in a trance as she was beatiful enough to rival Ben.

"what is your plan for our situation?"

she ask that with hope in her eyes which I couldnt guarantee that plan has but I need to let them know of the plan

so I bend my back and explain my plan to attack them from behind as a diversion to concentrate all our strength in the attack to destroy their base and not the Demons since there would be too much risks if an unexpected event occured.

but as expected I was shut down by everyone and they choose a plan where they would to the basic attack, with all the power they have to do a frontal assault and kill them.

'so primitive and simple'

I thought as I tried to give them different directions

"you could attack them from all sides"

but again they shut me down as my plans are stupid and would only bring them down which wasnt the real reason behind it

because the real reason is Ben everytime I give an Idea he says

"we have enough attack power to do a frontal assault"

and his Charm makes all of them in his brainless fools that want his favor and agree with every stupid answer he gives.

"Ugh Fine do what you want but I will do my own thing"

saying that I leave the room and go back to the base to prepare for the unexpected also to prepare for a possible reward.

"Kim Yong wait!!"

says a female voice that I know to good to not recognise who it is and i am genuinely surprised that she does want to do my plan.

I look at her skeptical and see in the distance a dragon appear that lands next to Rica.

"I want to help with your plan if you dont have anything against an old dragon"

transmit the dragon to our brain as he even transmit a map of the enemy base and where they spawn

"it is so obvious that a frontal assault would work so why do you want to do it in such a round about manner"

I stare the old man in the eyes and a grin appears on my face that turn into a mocking smile

"that is so obvious that it can only be a trap to unleash something on us as Demons calculate a lot of things and do it more brutal and shrewd than Humans"

The Dragon realize his mistake and knows now that he would fall for their obvious double trap if you want to do only a frontal assault on their base you would die by something unfathomable but if you did his route then they expect this and place their best troops there but that strategy has one flaw.

"It needs a spy in our alliance that would tell them which plan we would take"

utter Rica as the Dragon came to this realization too.

"Do you think my acting was enough to let them believe me?"

I ask not sure if my acting did meet the requirement.

"I thought really that you would do that plan"

say both the old dragon and Rica together but the old dragon knew it all along he only plays along

'his acting is bad for an old dragon'

I thought as the meeting seem to end only 3 minutes later and the decision was that they do a frontal assault tomorrow morning.