
Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.

Jokergamer_2005 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
201 Chs

Fushu Mount [1]

2 Weeks later

[15D 8M 2155J]


Kim Yong reached most of his goals in the 2 weeks, as he got the agreement of all people in the House to go to Fushu Mountain alone and to get some money to buy himself a space ring and all necessities like food, clothes etc.

"My stats increased a lot too from the beatings of that old man, and my Control stat did increase the most."



Name: Kim Yong

Race: Human

Rank: F9

Strength: F9

Agility: F8

Stamina: F9

Control: F8

Mana: F9

Charm: G9


His normal Stats increased more than he expected, and is three weeks or one Month away from breaking through to the E-Rank.

All ranks ranged from H0 to L10, but L10 is impossible to reach, which is why the Human domain ranking system ranged from G0 to SSS10.

Every time you break through the 10 in a rank, you would achieve a rank up to the higher letter, which is a considerable boost.

"Time to look at my Profession and Arts progress"


Status Window

Kim Yong

not interchangeable

intelligence: E9

Luck: H5

Talent: D6 (Limit broke through ????)

Affinity: air, fire, lightning, darkness/Chaos

Profession: Scythe Art (Rank 2)

(increase the understanding and learning of weapons in the scythe class, Art, or control)

Stigma: sealed (Awakening process 25%)


"nothing really changed except for my Profession that is now Rank 2"

With a slight frown, Kim Yong looks on his watch that let him see more progress than his normal restricted extra Status Window.




Dagger Arts

(increasing of the understanding of the daggers by 5)


Scythe of the air (Rin Style)[*}

(the User of this art can fight in both offence and defence as his strikes are smooth as the air)

(Park style)[*}

(the User of this art is like a raging volcano that slices through all his enemies with the most satisfying smile)



(Enhance the User ability to concentrate, speed up the thought process by 10 and immunity against mind attacks)

Body reinforcement

(Makes the body much more durable, stronger, faster, better reaction times and can go above the Users Limits if asked for it)


Kim Yong reached the first star in both Arts, that gives him quite the boost in his confidence on getting the rank 6 manual


As he heard the bell in the hovering train, an incredible youth with an incredible appearance and a walk that looks relaxed but at the same time intimidating, stands in his line of sight.

"Why does it have to be someone extremely handsome?"

His frown grew deeper as the youth walks in his direction

"they're all important side character or one from the Main characters in this novel"

"Status Identification"

Kim Yong thought these two words and a whole description came from the Person in front him…. Which made him frown even more


Status Window

Ben Asylk Astrol

Race: Astral Hero (a being that even the Gods love)

Rank: D-1

Strength: E+10

Agility: D-1

Stamina: D-1

Control: E-9

Mana: D1

Charm: B10 (potential L1 Charm)

not interchangeable

intelligence: E5

Luck: S+9

Talent: SSS+10

Affinity: air, fire, earth, water, lightning, wood, steel, ice (can use all affinities if he awakens)

Profession: Swordsmanship (Rank 4)

(increase the understanding and learning of weapons in the sword class, Art, and control)

Stigma: Star enhancement(Increase all stats by one rank and the user's Mana will turn into cosmic Power)

Mastery: beginner

Extreme manifestation (can manifest all things known to the User) [warning side effects are huge, as example Life force draining]

Mastery: intermediate

sealed (Awakening process 50%)


"How can I be so unlucky"

Kim Yong doesn't want to see his skills or Arts because most of his skills are sealed, and he practises only one Art

[The Almighty Creation Art] (Rank 10)

This overpowered Art gave him an immense boost in all matters and tampered his body to the most optimal state known to exist in all galaxies.

The question 'if he isn't too overpowered for his own good?'

Is the perfect answer yes because right now he can only use the strength of an E-rank in the lower numbers from 1 to 3. He can't even use his Art as it is too strong for his body to handle.

"Hey, I saw you looking at me with a face full of displeasure, mind explain why you looked at me like that?"

Ben snapped Kim out of his thoughts and instantly felt a pressure from an S-Rank hero in the vicinity


Kim broke to the ground and his body was crushed by the pressure.

"What is going o-"

"Mister, should I wipe him out of existence or tor-"


Flabbergasted by the reaction of Ben, the guard made his pressure disappear, moreover is looking for the other Youth that has average looks to avoid Ben his anger.

"How did he escape?"

Ben was confused but soon found the possible answer

"He was crawling to the stairs and went to another seat"

Bens curiosity in that boy his age reached its peak

"I saw that he goes to the Fushu Mountain, mister"

Ben nodded and sit on the window where Kim Yong sat before, as a smirk appears on his face.

"Let's meet him out of coincidence"

Kim Yong used the moment where they didn't pay attention to him and crawled out of the area, where the pressure was released, then he ran to another seat with the greatest distance between them.

"I hate it."

His expression was a normal smile on the outside because he met another Main character.

"You are a weirdo if you think that you can sit there any longer"

Soon the surrounding air intensified and took the form of a weapon out of a compressed hurricane

"Status Identification"


Status Window

Rica Blossamfield

Race: Half Human Half Elf (Spirits love her)

Rank: E2

Strength: E1

Agility: E1


Control: E4

Mana: E2

Charm: C10 (potential A Charm)

not interchangeable

intelligence: F7

Luck: B6

Talent: SS-

Affinity: air, earth, water, wood

Profession: Arch mage (Rank 2)

(increase the understanding of magic spells, nature spirits and your control over Mana is supreme)

Stigma: Bow Creation

(Creates a bow out of the mana in the Atmosphere and can only shoot mana constructed arrows)

Mastery: intermediate

Wood temple

(creates a temple where the User has all his abilities enhanced by 1 and puts restrictions on the Invader)

Mastery: Intermediate


"Why do I have to run in his first wife that has bad temper"

the arrows out of hurricanes which were about to hit him stop at the Sound of the bell

"Ding we will arrive at the Fushu Mount Station in 36 seconds"

She stood up and went to the door behind him

"she has her eyes on me and that means nothing good"

So he stands up and was going to the door a bit more to the front of the train, since he doesn't want to meet Ben, the protagonist, again.

"Guess that was their fruitful encounter, from what the Author wrote"

he step out of the train and couldn't help but forget all his worries

The fragrance of the blossom trees entered his nostrils furthermore the scenery in front of him, huge blossom trees together with a beautiful landscape and to add to the charm the houses from old Japan, makes him relax a bit.

"Feels like I lived here before, but I must focus on my mission"

The thought shook him out of his daydream and he took a step forward, as an arrow and a sword strike hit the ground in front of him.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Rica, the girl that didn't even show anything off her, demanded an answer from Kim Yong.

"Oh, what a coincidence that we meet again"

added Ben that has Kim Yong as his target

"What the hell, why did they have both two s rank heroes?"

Kim Yong look at both of them and said with a smile

"Hello you both are beauties that even the nature loves and don't let me start by your strength"

Ben and Rica were surprised by his behaviour, but on the other side the S rank heroes acknowledged him and nodded their heads proudly

"You both should work together and not give me, a weakling, a chance to talk to you"

the S rank heroes nodded again

"Miss, he is right, don't waste your precious time on a weakling like him"

Rica wanted to refute, but another S rank hero from the incredible good-looking youth spoke

"Mister, he is right to work together with the girl-"

the Bodyguard said now in a lower voice to his Master

"and I guarantee that she would love to be your wife"

as they tried to weight the pros and cons

Kim Yong disappeared a long time ago and is now on his way to run in the Fushu Mountain cave, or the "Cave of no Return" since it isn't that far away from the station but nobody dares to go in it, even S rank heroes.

"Guess my adventure in the Fushu Mount would be more interesting than I thought"