
Novel Del

Warning: Slow burn book. Enclosed in his arms, she asked him, " Why do you want to take me somewhere dangerous? " Leaving a stream of kisses on her shoulder, he replied, " That's because I'm with you. With me beside, nothing can ever touch you darling, " his lips sealed her's, sealing a promise. .......... She came, despite knowing the dangers of associating with him, So he decided to protect her with all his might. His love being her guide and hope and promise of forever, she decided to walk along with him till the end. ......... It all started with a kiss, creating an unforgettable, yet a passionate memory for both, she hooked his interest towards her, spared no means to not fall for her, and he did, he fell pretty hard at that. Now, he'd pursue that love towards her, despite all the odds. This isn't the cold CEO and naive girl love story, but two powerful people trying to navigate an unknown territory of emotion. With love being an emotion that is only small a part of life, will she hurt herself in the end by giving into jumbled priorities or they'd walk towards sunset with their happy ending? Read "It all started with a KISS" to know the story of Kim Sooha and Wang Hyuk. Disclaimer: This is purely work of art and creativity. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidence and is used to elevate this fiction. Please encourage, support and cooperate with 'It all Started with a KISS' and share your views via review. The cover page credits all goes to it's rightful owner.

trumpet_creeper01 · Fantasi
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It all Started with a KISS-(3)

The Haven, Gangnam, March 26, 8:08PM


Ha min immediately shielded from back as everyone present there turned their heads back.

The guards were surrounding a tall man and were tugging at his suit, pretty harshly, while the man was trying to put up a fight without shouting or throwing fists. Soon, one of the guards pulled a small device which seemed to be a recording camera.

All the other guards almost in an instant pinned the man and the same cold voice from earlier spoke, "Sir, you will be facing the consequences of your actions" saying that he crushed the small camera in his fists.

"Miss Kim, please move forward" Ha min urged her and she turned around. That man will be payed with more than he bargained.

When they reached the entrance of the hall, it was blocked by a chain of guards. The ones directly infront of the guests are arranged to check the special assigned invitations. Ha min stepped forward and handed their special invitation that was sent by the Wangs.

The three guards who were accompanying them from their car to the hall entrance stopped behind them. The security really was tight and insane. But, it should be expected, as many big people in Korea, foreign businessmen and woman, are going to show up and there should be no room for any suspicious activities. 

When they were clear, the guard chain parted apart and Ha min again stepped aside for Sooha to walk forward. As soon as the guards separated, the ones that were lined up on either side of the grand pathway arched with flowers, turned sideways as a welcome to the arriving guests.

As she walked past, every pair of opposite guards bowed to her. When she was finally inside, the guards resumed their protective stance.

She didn't know if this was really serious issue to give this much attention or its just for sake of fishing compliments and showing off their power.

'Wangs are definitely over the top' Sooha thought to herself and looked around the huge and beautiful ballroom.

Anyone would be marveled with the exotic beauty that was radiating from the ballroom. This hotel, The Haven, is one of the oldest franchise dating back to 1970s and very first hotel that offered western style accommodations and services in South Korea.

So, the ballroom naturally depicted the old Korean art technique. The design was a mixture of Asian and western culture, painting a pleasant and jaw dropping picture to the eyes.

The huge, fancy chandelier that looked like it reflected bright sun rays, the big sorted orchestra at the right end of the ballroom on an elevated stage, the neatly placed round tables that occupied the left end, the exotic flower arrangement that littered every corner the eyes could reach and an exquisite dance floor that was so shiny, it felt like a glass floor made the party hall look like an unreal place.

"Woah, this is amazing." Ha min silently exclaimed while looking at everything with wide eyes. Sooha agreed, she had never been to any one of the Wangs parties or gatherings. This was her first time attending such big event alone. She always accompanied her grandfather or uncle to things like these.

This is her official solo debut, sort of. The last party she attended was when she was 20, before she stepped into the official business world. After her 20th birthday, she officially took the reigns of INu, technology based company under Kim's and had been focusing on taking it to new heights.

She is now attending a party after 3 years, alone. At least she has Ha min with her. Of course, he won't be doing any talking, he would be there in case she needs anything. But, she won't be entirely alone, she would have someone to talk to without looking terrible.

The guests littered around the big room in their fanciest clothes. Talking and (fake) laughing with their peers, while some were gossiping and others were occupied with nursing their drinks comfortably.

Sooha deemed she'd be opting for the last option. She moved herself towards the left side of the ballroom, grabbing a champagne flute from a passing by waiter. Her eyes latched onto a pretty table which had blooming flowers in a vase placed in the middle.

With her target locked, she walked slowly, but elegantly towards the table, when a stubby man just adjacent to the table caught her eye. A heavy sigh left past her lips.

Unsaid rules are definite to follow.

"Good evening, Mr. Choi" she bowed slightly when she came into the vision range of the man. Mr. Choi, a small stubby man, with a double chin and a fondness for alcohol and lame jokes. The man slightly bounced in his place, when he recognised the person greeting him.

"Oh, young lady Kim, I didn't expect to see you tonight." He showed a toothy grin to her, to which Sooha replied with a small smile. "Are you surprised then, Mr. Choi?" She asked easily, while raising her eyebrow slightly, without making it look like a mock.

Mr. Choi barked out a big laugh "You are indeed full of surprises, young lad. I'm glad you are here, you can look around and make lot of friends," Pausing, he gave a quick skimming over her party gown, giving her an approval look, " You sure have grown to a fine lady now. Look at you all gorgeous and brimming with youth. Make good connections to rise up the ladder faster," He winked as his words came to an end.

"You too Mr. Choi. No one can compete against your charisma, " She threw back the compliment and raised her glass to which the old man replied with same gesture and added enthusiasm, however, that doesn't mean she is a dimwit to not understand what his intentions are.

Did he just meant her to flirt around? Of course, he meant that. Sooha ain't a kid to not understand his hidden meaning behind those harmless words. A tiny, but silent scoff left her pink lips, which could only be seen if one observed her keenly.

Whole business industry know the young miss of Kim's is out of dating ring, tied to a snob, yet this mister in front of her advised her to be a fizgig. 

Maybe, he wished good for her and meant for her to increase her business reasons, or he just plainly implied she should find a good catch for herself. She didn't knew his exact reasons and she knew she won't be taking any advices from him, unless its about investments in the company.

No matter what, one could never know one's true nature if one is desperate to hide it. And it's not something uncommon in high society to doublespeak and change lanes. So she decided to turn an oblivious eye to this, knowing it won't take her anywhere good if she frets more.

She saw someone approaching Mr. Choi and decided to continue on her trek towards the table she wanted.

"See you around, Mr. Choi." She bowed curtly, to which the man just raised his glass with a wide smile. 

Well, atleast someone is enjoying the party.