
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

Not so Strong


The sound of Midnight wolf's claws slashing through the air echoed through the dense forest.

I, who was standing before this creature, was forced to dodge to the side, avoiding its deadly strike.

'Now to the left...'

As soon as I regained my balance, I rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding Midnight wolf's powerful jaws snapping shut inches away from my leg.


A cry of satisfaction escaped my lips as I watched the Midnight wolf stumble forward, momentarily off balance due to its failed attack.

Never in my life have I ever held a sword or even fought, however, slowly, I'm beginning to get a grasp of it. Although my movements seem awkward and unrefined, they now carry a flicker of thought and intention.

My first few strikes of the sword were random and uncoordinated but as this battle with Midnight wolf stretched on, I began to find a rhythm. I found the swing of the sword to be very similar to the swing of a baseball bat.

You have to put your whole body into it, shifting your weight and using the momentum to direct the force of your swing.

Memories from the Demon also helped as he was no stranger to combat and from the fragments I remembered, I could piece together his knowledge and experience of sword fighting. It was not a lot but at least something to work with.


As the monstrous wolf dashed toward me again, I took in a deep breath and guided the force of my swing with precision. I also didn't forget to enhance my strike with Mana, following the precise technique that would activate the first form of my Sword Art.

Unfortunately, the Wolf was already aware of my attack prowess and upon sight of a chilly aura surrounding my blade, it swiftly changed its course, evading my strike.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but click my tongue. It seems that I wasn't the only one who had been improving in this battle or rather, the wolf was simply adapting to my fighting style.

From the scars that adorned its body, it was obvious that it was a seasoned fighter that lived through many battles so it was to be expected that it would learn and adjust quickly.

'This bod-... I am struggling against a G Rank monster...'

I frowned, feeling a trail of blood dripping down my arm from a deep gash on my shoulder.

In the novel or rather in this world, every being is defined by their ranks, a measure of their strength and power. G Rank is considered to be one of the weakest ranks while the strongest ranks are S and SS. Of course, there is always the possibility of an even higher rank, but those are extremely rare and typically legendary beings possess them.

In the story, there were only a few cases where someone had the talent and potential to reach and surpass the SS Rank. Not even all of the protagonists in the novel had such astounding talent.


I also forgot to mention, but from the memories of the Demon, I knew my talent assessment was a measly E+ Rank, which meant that the highest I could hope to achieve in terms of rank was around E Rank.

There were ways to improve one's talent, however, I had no means of doing so at the moment, at least with my current strength. I will have to wait until the autumn break when I will have a few weeks off from Sword Academy.

'Okay, I need to focus...'

Shaking my head to snap out of my thoughts, I refocused my attention on the Midnight wolf that was circling me. Its dark fur shimmered under the moonlight, blending with the shadows of the night. Now that I can get a better look at the monster, if not for the ominous scars and wounds, it would have been a magnificent creature to behold.

'Unfortunately, you have to die...'

Raising my sword, I channeled my Mana into its blade, feeling the cold energy surge through my body.


I didn't even hesitate as I lunged forward, swinging my weapon with all my might toward the wolf's front legs.

The wolf instinctively leaped back, narrowly avoiding my attack, however, I was quick to follow up with a swift sidestep and a powerful slash aimed at its flank.

This was the first time I managed to make a combo of attacks on the Midnight wolf, and it seemed to catch it off guard.


Using my Sword Art's first form I managed to land a precise strike on the wolf's side, piercing through its thick fur and drawing a spray of blood that painted the ground.

The Midnight wolf howled in pain, but it didn't back down. Being a creature that has faced countless battles, it possessed a resilience and tenacity that was hard to match.

Before I could deliver another strike, the wolf retaliated with a vicious swipe of its razor-sharp claws that grazed my already damaged arm.


As soon as the wolf's claws made contact with my arm, a searing pain shot through my body. A wave of dizziness washed over me, threatening to knock me off my feet.

I was no fighter and being injured was taking its toll on me. Although my body could still move, my mental fortitude was waning.

'Should I run?'

Fear induced thoughts slowly began to creep into my mind, clouding my judgment and making me doubt whether I should continue the fight or retreat. Luckily, I still had enough clarity to deduce that retreating was not an option I could afford.

The wolf was faster than me and retreating would only give it an advantage to chase me down and finish me off.

I had no other choice but to fight the Midnight Wolf.


Raising my sword once again, I took in another deep breath. The wolf also tensed its muscles.

For a moment, our eyes locked, each of us assessing the other's resolve. This took barely a moment, but it was enough for me to gather my courage and push aside my fear.

As I was about to dash forward, however, the Midnight Wolf let out a low, guttural growl and took a step back, eyeing me warily.

It was retreating. The monster probably deemed me a formidable opponent and decided that engaging further would not be in its best interest.

I warily observed as it slowly disappeared into the lush forest, its menacing presence fading with each step.

As soon as I lost sight of the monster, I collapsed to my knees, the adrenaline that had been fueling me finally giving way to exhaustion.

"Shit, I'm weak..."